Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Nature Made Turmeric Curcumin 500 mg. Capsules (Antioxidant) Value Size 120 Ct

Nature Made Turmeric Curcumin 500 mg. Capsules (Antioxidant) Value Size 120 Ct
Nature Made Turmeric Curcumin 500 mg. Capsules (Antioxidant) Value Size 120 Ct

Medicinal properties of turmeric

15 super turmeric properties:
If your home does not have such a spice as turmeric, then hurry to buy it.
It is widely used in cooking and traditionally used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. After reading about its properties, I am sure you will love this spice and will use it!
And so, 15 super turmeric properties:
1. The strongest analgesic effect.
2. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and reduce pain associated with inflammation in the same way as ibuprofen, but without toxic side effects. This is because Circumin is an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), an enzyme associated with inflammation. A pinch a day helps with connective tissue diseases.
3. Accelerates wound healing.
4. Researchers at the University of California found that curcumin blocks an enzyme that promotes the growth of cancer cells. It is used not only for prevention, but also helps in the treatment of diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, cancer of the prostate, breast, skin, intestines, and stomach, according to studies conducted at the University of Maryland.
5. Improves digestion by stimulating the production of bile in the gallbladder.
6. Chinese medicine has used this spice to treat depression, fears, bad mood.
6. An excellent means of preventing Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia).
7. Turmeric paste helps remove puffiness on bumps, bruises and bumps, just like ice.
8. Regular peeling with turmeric helps to slow the growth of hair on the face and body.
9. It has good tonic properties.
10. Spice can be used to combat psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.
11. When mixed with warm milk, turmeric is an effective remedy against quinsy.
12. Turmeric helps reduce blood triglycerides and, therefore, you get a healthy heart.
13. Helps maintain blood glucose levels.
14. Natural antibiotic. Washing wounds and cuts with a warm solution of turmeric powder 2-3 times a day will help prevent infection. You can gargle and throat with diseases of the pharynx.
15. Antioxidant-Circumin, the active ingredient in turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidant protects cells from free radicals, which are formed as a result of oxidative stress. These free radicals can damage cells over time, as a result of aging. Thus, turmeric can slow premature aging.
"Magic Tree" - always good taste!

Standard dosages: approximately 1 tsp is added to food. for 5-6 servings. Not recommended for children under 2 years. In addition, with ..
1. Gastrointestinal diseases.
As a strong antiseptic, turmeric is extremely effective in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Especially with chronic diarrhea and flatulence. Dose - 1 tsp. turmeric powder in a glass of water.
2. Diseases of the throat.
Rinse is prepared from ½ teaspoon of turmeric and ½ teaspoon of salt per cup of warm water.
3. Burns.
Turmeric paste and aloe juice.
4. Diabetes.
Standard copybook: 500 mg of turmeric with 1 tablet of mumie taken twice a day.
5. Urticaria.
Turmeric is regularly added to food.
6. Inflammatory diseases of the gums.
Rinse: 1 tsp. turmeric in a glass of warm water.
7. Anemia.
Spice is rich in iron. From 0.25 to 0.5 tsp. spices, mix with honey. In this combination, iron is well absorbed.
8. In case of poisoning with chemicals.
Turmeric is recommended to be added to food in case of poisoning with chemicals and insecticides. It effectively removes toxins.
9. Cold, cough, flu.
0.5 teaspoons of spice powder mixed with 30 ml of warm milk. Take 3-4 times a day.
10. Pharyngitis.
1 tsp honey mix with ½ teaspoon of turmeric. Keep in mouth 3-4 times a day for several minutes.
After trying turmeric once, you make sure that this bag of spice must be in your home. Going on a trip take turmeric with you. She will provide you with many services. You will not regret.
