Saturday, May 25, 2019

Collagen Peptides Powder (16oz) | Grass-Fed, Certified Paleo Friendly, Non-Gmo and Gluten Free - Unflavored

Collagen Peptides Powder (16oz) | Grass-Fed, Certified Paleo Friendly, Non-Gmo and Gluten Free - Unflavored

Are collagen supplements really effective?

Osteoarthritis, joint pain, osteoporosis prevention, sports performance improvement ... Taking collagen supplements can help us in these aspects?

I get many messages asking about collagen supplements, whether they are effective or not, what they are for, etc. Here you have the answer to all your doubts.
Why take collagen supplements?

  •     When does a doctor recommend taking this supplement? When it is necessary to guarantee that the tissues (skin, cartilage, bones, etc.) that use it are not left without it and can use it to repair themselves.
  •     Is not our usual diet enough to achieve it? Our diet does not always guarantee adequate doses of protein, and less in the amount needed for those cases in which there is a greater specific demand for collagen (wear, longevity, aging, etc.).

For pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis

Collagen Peptides Powder (16oz) | Grass-Fed, Certified Paleo Friendly, Non-Gmo and Gluten Free - Unflavored

Collagen Peptides Powder (16oz) | Grass-Fed, Certified Paleo Friendly, Non-Gmo and Gluten Free - Unflavored

  •     Can it then end joint pain? It seems that by supplementing with collagen, along with other nutrients that help its synthesis (such as omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium and B vitamins), we would improve metabolic performance and thereby reduce joint pain.
  •     Is it indicated in case of suffering arthrosis or arthritis? Several studies indicate that hydrolyzed collagen (which is usually administered as a powder) is rich in glycine and proline, two essential amino acids for the synthesis of collagen in cartilage. This seems to help reduce the pain. And it can even improve the osteoarticular quality and somewhat decrease the premature aging of the joints and the discomfort caused by the deterioration of the tissues.
  •     Does bone density improve and, therefore, prevent osteoporosis? In this case, collagen alone is not enough as a supplement. Or at least it should be accompanied by vitamin D, omega 3, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium to guarantee some result. The quality of bone density depends on hormonal, nutritional and mechanical factors. Regular physical activity, together with the adequate supply of vitamins and minerals, is what guarantees it.

    Collagen supplements are not recommended for weight loss

To optimize sports performance

    Does taking collagen improve athletic performance? Having overloaded joint, the diet of an athlete can not be the usual, but must meet specific needs both energy (calories) and structural. In this case, providing collagen or proteins of the same characteristic can maintain the quality of the tissues and thereby optimize the performance, but in no case increase it.

For skin care

    Does it improve the quality of the skin, its hydration and firmness? Consuming enough protein within the usual diet already guarantees a good quality of the skin. Only in case of unbalanced diets it would be indicated to supplement. And, for example, if there is dehydration of the skin, capsules that provide marine hydrolyzed collagen, vitamin C, L-proline and hyaluronic acid can be recommended. They should be taken for a certain time.

It should not be taken without medical supervision

    Why should not it be consumed without doctor's advice? On the one hand, because it can have adverse effects. For example, people who suffer from herpes simplex have a contraindication to take it. And on the other, because you have to study the ailment. For example, if you talk about pain, you have to see what its origin is. If the pain is due to tendinitis, collagen can not remedy it, because it is an inflammatory process that requires another treatment.

But what exactly is collagen?

  •     It is part of the body. Collagen is a group of proteins (there are more than 10 types) that are part of the human body, especially body tissues such as skin, cartilage, tendons, bones, hair, nails, teeth and even the cornea of ​​the eye.
  •     This is how you keep it. You must consume a sufficient amount of protein. Take meat, fish and eggs in adequate amounts.
  •     How much quantity to take It is calculated that it should be 0.8 g per kilo of body weight. If you weigh about 65 kilos, you should take approximately 52 g of protein daily. If you eat a beef steak of 100 g, a hake of 120 g, a glass of milk and two yogurts you already get this amount.

What are the best natural sources of collagen?

  •     The egg. It is one of the most complete sources of proteins. If you do not have any contraindications, you can take between 3 and 4 a week.
  •     Less refined cuts. We have become accustomed to more refined cuts of meat (in the case of beef, for example, loin, round, sirloin) compared to other cuts with more tendinous or gelatinous parts (ribs, shoulder, tail), which are more rich in collagen.
  •     Vitamin C. This vitamin is very important to synthesize collagen. Therefore, the diet must provide a sufficient amount of this vitamin (with citrus, kiwis, strawberries, parsley, etc.).

Ideas for more collagen in your meals

There are dishes that contribute more collagen to the diet than others, such as broths made with carcasses and bones of chicken, chicken, ham, etc., boiled slowly; or these recipes that we propose.

  •     Stews The meat cut that is usually used for these stews provides more collagen than other parts of the animal.
  •     Feet of pork. It is one of the meats richest in collagen and, despite what many believe, is not very fat.
  •     Cod and salmon. They are two of the fish richest in collagen. Whenever you can, consume them with the skin.