Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Gaia Herbs Golden Milk Powder - Organic Turmeric and Ashwagandha Blend, A Daily Wellness and Mindfulness Ritual, 30 Servings

Gaia Herbs Golden Milk Powder - Organic Turmeric and Ashwagandha Blend, A Daily Wellness and Mindfulness Ritual, 30 Servings
Gaia Herbs Golden Milk Powder - Organic Turmeric and Ashwagandha Blend, A Daily Wellness and Mindfulness Ritual, 30 Servings

5 reasons why your skin will be delighted with turmeric

Every woman, who at least once in her life stood at the stove, is familiar with a seasoning called turmeric. However, few people know that turmeric is useful not only for “ingestion”, but also for external use. Experts are sure: it is turmeric - an accomplice of your beauty and, of course, health.

Pet supporters of healthy food, an adherent of the Himalayas, a specialist in herbs and one of the founders of the company for the production of Ayurvedic tea Pukka Herbs Sebastian Poul considers turmeric as a beauty-spice number 1.

“No other seasoning has so many effective effects on the skin. Many people believe that curry and turmeric are one and the same. This is not true. Turmeric is an independent spice from the roots of the plant Curcuma longa or Curcuma aromatic. Dry powder has a strong smell, but quite inexpressive taste. To preserve the properties of turmeric and improve the taste, many centuries ago, India came up with a mixture of curry, where the main ingredient of turmeric is mixed with coriander, several types of pepper, cumin, cloves and many others. ”

All the beneficial properties of turmeric are associated with a whole class of aromatic substances from the group of curcuminoids - curcumin is considered to be the main component, it is with it that all benefit of the aromatic plant is associated.

“Turmeric can do much more than just add an amazing taste to Indian and Asian dishes. Already as 4000 years in Ayurvedic medicine its other side is known - the benefits for beauty and health. And more recently, modern research fully confirms this. ”
Turmeric as an antioxidant

One of the main causes of skin aging is the harmful effects of free radicals. They can be produced both inside the body (for example, the cells themselves produce them when producing energy), and they come from the outside with environmental pollution, tobacco smoke, ultraviolet and so on. Studies show that curcumin fights free radicals extremely effectively because it attacks them in two directions at once. First, it blocks directly. Secondly, it triggers a mechanism in the body to combat oxidative damage to tissues. Thanks to these processes, scientists have noted significant improvements in moisture loss and wrinkle correction.
Turmeric as an anti-inflammatory

A chronic and sluggish inflammatory process, invisible even to the armed eye, is a key factor in many health problems, from acne and psoriasis to atherosclerosis and obesity. Anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin are due to its ability to block a specific protein complex, which is present in almost all cells of the body and is responsible for switching the work of the cell to the inflammatory level.
Turmeric as detox

One of the traditional uses of turmeric in herbal medicine is its ability to “cleanse” the blood. Long-term accumulation of toxins in the body is one of the causes of skin problems - dullness, uneven relief, rash, inflammation, obvious aging. Instrumental studies have shown that turmeric actually eliminates toxins in several ways. It increases the activity of certain enzymes (phase II detoxification), which are responsible for the biochemical removal of toxins. It also stimulates the secretion of bile, which helps to digest food and improves liver function in getting rid of fat-soluble toxins in the blood.
Turmeric improves blood circulation.

Good circulation allows nutrients to reach the desired goal, as well as leaching toxins in the opposite direction from the cells. Curcumin and similar substances showed clear anti-thrombotic activity. In clinical trials, a significant increase in microcirculation was found, including the smallest blood vessels and skin capillaries. Curcumin also improved and improved the function of the endothelium of the blood vessels. When the endothelium does not work well, the body cannot properly regulate blood pressure and blood clotting. There is evidence that turmeric also improves the lipid profile, reducing the level of low-density lipoprotein ("bad" cholesterol) - it is believed that the effectiveness of this spice in preventing heart and vascular diseases is similar to the effectiveness of regular fitness.
Turmeric increases collagen synthesis

Collagen is a vital protein that keeps skin young, supple and elastic. It is also necessary in the processes of its regeneration and subsequent updating. Curcumin application has been proven to accelerate cellular activity and collagen synthesis at the site of "damage."

To get the maximum benefit, start using turmeric as a constant spice, adding it to a variety of dishes - from tea, juices and salads to soups and stews. Famous Dr. Andrew Weil, who also collaborated with the American cosmetics brand Origins, notes that people in Okinawa (the Japanese nation with the longest life expectancy) drink turmeric tea daily. It is enough to boil 4 glasses of water, add 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric there, hold on low heat for another 10 minutes, strain and add ginger with honey to taste. In order for turmeric to bring even more noticeable effect, there are a lot of homemade beauty recipes based on it on the Internet. Despite the bright yellow color, it does not color the skin at all and does not turn you into the heroes of the Simpsons cartoon. The proof is the paste that every self-respecting bride in India uses right before the ceremony, smearing it from head to toe. The result is radiant skin of your shade, only better. So if turmeric is not afraid of the bride before the wedding, do not be afraid of you too. Given that since 2016 there are more and more dietary supplements, beverages and cosmetics - a boom for turmeric, we suppose to be!
