Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Turmeric Curcumin Complex with Black Pepper Extract - 750mg per Capsule, 180 Veg. Caps - Contains Piperine (for Superior Absorption and Tumeric Bio-Availability) and 95% Standardized Curcuminoids

Turmeric Curcumin Complex with Black Pepper Extract - 750mg per Capsule, 180 Veg. Caps - Contains Piperine (for Superior Absorption and Tumeric Bio-Availability) and 95% Standardized Curcuminoids
Turmeric Curcumin Complex with Black Pepper Extract - 750mg per Capsule, 180 Veg. Caps - Contains Piperine (for Superior Absorption and Tumeric Bio-Availability) and 95% Standardized Curcuminoids

Turmeric for ease of movement

The plant, from the root of which make a bright orange spice, belongs to the ginger family. Turmeric is the natural dye that gives curry and tahini a rich color.

Where is she from? The birthplace of spices is South Asia. Therefore, it is also called saffron of India. And sometimes "saffron for the poor": a hint of valuable properties at a low price. Today, turmeric is also grown in China and Africa. Seasoning prolongs the freshness and pleasant taste of dishes. In Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine it is used to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation, including on the skin. “During menstruation, Indian women apply ground turmeric on their entire body for a few minutes to stimulate cleansing of the body,” says Ayurvedic cosmetologist Padma Kumari. - Owners of oily skin mix turmeric with yogurt or orange juice and apply the composition on the face for 10-15 minutes. The owners of dry skin add almond oil or whole milk to the spice ”(1). It is possible to make such masks only in the evening: turmeric paints the skin with an orange color, which can hardly be washed off at once.

What does it contain? A special group of curcuminoid polyphenols, mainly curcumin. This is what gives the root a bright golden color and slightly bitter taste.

What is its benefit? First of all in powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, turmeric improves digestion, stimulates the liver and activates the bowels. In large doses, it also has an analgesic effect.

For whom? In the composition of dishes turmeric is useful to all as a prevention of inflammation. For those with arthrosis, arthritis or other diseases of the joints, it makes sense to use turmeric as part of dietary supplements. The main contraindication is hepatitis.

In any form? In our stores, turmeric is sold mostly ground, but you can try to buy turmeric roots during a trip to eastern countries. They look like ginger, only orange and, as a rule, smaller. At home, they can be ground on a grater or in a blender just before you season the dish. Such turmeric has a more pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Turmeric mix well with pepper: it improves curcumin digestibility.

How much? With no restrictions. In Indian cuisine, turmeric is the main antibacterial component, so it is added to 90% of dishes. Season it soups, salads, meats, vegetable stews. Try cooking traditional turmeric dishes such as tahini sesame paste. The traditional curry blend will help soften the bitter taste of turmeric.

1. Ayurvedic cosmetologist Padma Kumari is receiving at the Center of Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga Therapy "Atreya Ayurveda."

Precious Turmeric
A pinch of this truly golden spice transforms any dish, giving it a flavor and flavors that we couldn’t even suspect before!

“Bright, joyful, amazing turmeric acts secretly, manifesting the delicate taste of the dish,” says Alain Passar, who is passionate about experimenting with this spice. - You need to be able to choose the right dosage to avoid the curry effect. A small amount of turmeric on the tip of a knife adds refinement to vegetables, emphasizes the taste of seafood, gives a new sound to desserts. ”

Turmeric (haridra in Sanskrit) is one of the main ingredients of curry, a mixture of spices that is widespread in Indian cuisine. From time immemorial, the inhabitants of Asia know that the ground dried root of Curcuma longa allows to preserve the freshness, taste and nutritional qualities of the products. Curcumin, the main component of this spice, is one of the most powerful antioxidants. That is why turmeric is actively used as an anti-inflammatory drug in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. In recent years, European medicine has also become closely interested in this plant, which helps in the treatment of digestive disorders and diseases of the joints. In addition, the effectiveness of turmeric in the fight against cancer * has been confirmed, and now its preventive properties are being studied in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Combining with some products, turmeric brings into the dish that mysterious flavor that captivates with its elusiveness.
