Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Vitafusion Turmeric Curcumin Gummy Supplement, 60 ct

Vitafusion Turmeric Curcumin Gummy Supplement, 60 ct
Vitafusion Turmeric Curcumin Gummy Supplement, 60 ct


How is turmeric useful? Medicinal properties of turmeric

Turmeric has beneficial properties, use, treatment, and that is what will be discussed today. To date, the beneficial properties of turmeric are recognized worldwide. Turmeric is a plant. And from its root make just such a spicy spice, in fact, turmeric is one of the types of ginger. The composition of turmeric includes essential oil, terpinoids, dye curcumin (soluble in fats and alcohol, insoluble in water), vitamins B, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, C, K, iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium , magnesium, sodium, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese. 100 grams of turmeric contains about 350 kcal. Turmeric is so yellow, you can say sunny seasoning, which gives not only the flavor of dishes, but also a unique color.

Use this spice in cooking, in cosmetology, in traditional medicine. Turmeric is a stimulating, aromatic plant that has so many beneficial properties. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfecting, antioxidant properties. Probably the most important thing is that turmeric is a natural antibiotic, and what other natural antibiotics are and how to use them can be found in my article “Natural antibiotics and their use”. But let's look at the beneficial properties of turmeric in more detail.

Turmeric useful properties.

Turmeric cleans the blood well.

It is a tonic.

Turmeric supports normal intestinal microflora.

Stimulates digestion.

Turmeric protects our vessels from atherosclerosis.

Removes turmeric toxins from the liver.

Turmeric reduces the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood.

Turmeric is useful for constipation.

Turmeric soothes cough.

Use turmeric in the treatment of respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, sore throat.

Turmeric normalizes the composition of blood and improves its circulation, stimulates the formation of red blood cells.

Turmeric reduces the acidity of gastric juice.

Turmeric can be added to protein-rich foods, it improves digestion, and also prevents the formation of gases.

Turmeric is used for bruises, abrasions, traumatic tumors, has antiseptic and healing properties.

Turmeric is useful for cholecystitis, it has choleretic and bile-forming properties.

Turmeric strengthens the heart muscle, is good for the heart. Turmeric reduces headaches.

Turmeric strengthens the immune system.

Turmeric helps remove toxins from our body.

Turmeric is a strong antiseptic.

Turmeric helps in the treatment of diabetes.

Turmeric stops bleeding and heals wounds.

Turmeric reduces pain and inflammation in arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis.

Turmeric helps in the fight against cancer, as it is a powerful antioxidant.

Turmeric relieves inflammation of the gums, strengthens the gums, reduces bleeding gums. Turmeric is a good way to preserve youth and beauty.

Turmeric helps with eye inflammation.

Turmeric promotes good metabolism. It is irreplaceable in case of skin diseases and burns. Turmeric is rich in iron, so it is not replaceable with anemia.

Turmeric is added to food for poisoning, as it removes chemicals from the body.

Turmeric protects the liver from the harmful effects of drugs.

Turmeric antipyretic.

Turmeric reduces blood sugar. Turmeric relieves pain associated with arthritis.

Turmeric helps the body break down fatty foods.

Turmeric increases appetite.

Turmeric as a spice is recommended to include in the family's diet, the most optimal is 1 teaspoon of turmeric per day. But remember, turmeric is not recommended for children under 6 years old.

Contraindications turmeric.

Do not use turmeric for people with allergies.

With jaundice.

With cholelithiasis and blockage of the biliary tract.

With gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Do not eat high doses of turmeric during pregnancy.

If you are using medications at the same time, advise your doctor about the consumption of turmeric.

Now let's take a look at how to use turmeric for various diseases.

The use of turmeric for medicinal purposes. When sore throat. Prepare a gargle for throat using turmeric, take half a teaspoon of turmeric, and half a teaspoon of salt, pour it all into a glass and pour a full glass of warm, boiled water and mix well. Turmeric relieves inflammation, sore throat and is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic.

When abrasions, bruises, traumatic tumors. Apply the paste, cooked from turmeric to abrasions, bruises. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric and a pinch of salt and a little boiled water. When this paste is applied to the affected areas, the swelling and pain pass quickly.

With anemia. Take a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and mix it with a teaspoon of natural honey. Take this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, turmeric will provide the body with iron.

With diabetes. You need to eat a third of a teaspoon of turmeric powder and drink it with plenty of water, eat three times a day, before eating.

When tissue swelling associated with stretching. Prepare pasta, mix lemon juice, salt, turmeric (1: 1: 1) and apply this paste to the affected area.

With asthma. Mix a half teaspoon of turmeric in half a glass of hot milk and take two, three times a day on an empty stomach.

Turmeric with urticaria. The disease goes faster if turmeric as a seasoning is added to the dishes that you eat.

With a cold, sinusitis. Prepare a solution for rinsing the nose and rinse the nose with a cold, sinus, the nasopharyngeal cavity is disinfected and mucus comes out. Four hundred grams of warm boiled water contains a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of turmeric.

Burns It is necessary to mix aloe and turmeric mix in equal proportions, to get a thick gruel and put on the place of the burn, such a mixture disinfects, relieves pain, reduces inflammation.

With boils, pustules. Mix turmeric with ghee, apply this paste on an abscess or abscess.

With eye inflammation. Take two teaspoons of turmeric, pour half a liter of water, put on the fire and boil until the water is evaporated by half. Then cool and strain, instilled a drop in each eye, the procedure is carried out three times a day.

To cleanse the body. It is very useful at night to drink a glass of warm milk with a spoon of natural honey and a pinch of turmeric.

The use of turmeric in cosmetology.

Since turmeric has a number of useful properties, it will be used in cosmetology as masks. Turmeric improves the complexion, relieves inflammation, reduces fine wrinkles, when applying masks from turmeric, blood flows to the skin.

Mask for fading skin. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of cream. All the ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water. When applying masks, use a special brush or wear gloves, make the mask better at night. Mask to do in a day, the skin will become smooth, and the complexion is radiant and healthy.

Mask for dry skin. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a teaspoon of aloe juice. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. But before applying the mask, check if you are allergic to its components. The use of turmeric in cooking.

In cooking, turmeric powder is most often used in cooking. The taste of turmeric is slightly bitter, spicy, and the flavor is spicy, close to ginger, the color of turmeric is yellow, close to lemon.

Use turmeric to give dishes an islandish taste and spicy aroma. Most often, turmeric is added to soups, sauces, main dishes, egg dishes, rice dishes, meat, beverages, confectionery.

The rate of use of 1 teaspoon of turmeric for 6 servings, if you put more turmeric in the dish, it will give the dish a rich yellow color and a bitter taste.

Turmeric is also used as a dye for chips, hard cheeses. Be careful, stains from turmeric are badly displayed.

If the kitchen board is stained with turmeric, the paint will quickly fade under the influence of the sun's rays. Store turmeric in a tightly closed container, away from sunlight. Turmeric, beneficial properties, application, application of turmeric for medicinal purposes, is now known to you. But before applying turmeric for the treatment of diseases, consult with your doctor.