Thursday, May 23, 2019

BioOptimal Collagen Peptides, Collagen Powder Grass Fed, Non-GMO Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Dissolves Easily, 16 Ounces

BioOptimal Collagen Peptides, Collagen Powder Grass Fed, Non-GMO Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Dissolves Easily, 16 Ounces

Collagen in the prevention of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis

We will know the importance of collagen in the prevention of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Collagen is vital for proper joint function.

    1 What is collagen?
    2 What does our body need collagen for?
    3 Collagen in the prevention of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
    4 Where can we get collagen?
    5 Is vitamin C important?
    6 Do we need to take a collagen supplement?
    7 Presentation, dosage and places of sale
    8 Did you know ...?

What is collagen?

Collagen is very important because it is a protein that gives elasticity to many tissues of our body.
What does our body need collagen for?

It is a protein that acts as a kind of vital raw material for the proper functioning of the joints, bones, tendons, muscles and also of the skin, gums, etc. It also helps to get the necessary water to have the proper elasticity and strength.

BioOptimal Collagen Peptides, Collagen Powder Grass Fed, Non-GMO Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Dissolves Easily, 16 Ounces
BioOptimal Collagen Peptides, Collagen Powder Grass Fed, Non-GMO Premium Quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Dissolves Easily, 16 Ounces

With age, our collagen levels decrease and wrinkles appear, the density of our bones decreases and rheumatic pains, osteoarthritis, etc. begin.
Collagen in the prevention of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis

Arthrosis is a process in which we lose the cartilage that protects the joints. This wear can occur over the years or excessive wear due to trauma, obesity, sports or extreme jobs, bad body postures, etc. This process will end up causing pain and inflammation.

In osteoporosis what we lose is calcium and the bones become lighter and brittle. Collagen will help us to take better advantage of calcium. If we had to make a simile, we would say that calcium is the bricks and that collagen is the cement.
Where can we get collagen?

  •     Among the natural sources of collagen are foods of animal origin: jellies of meat or fish, the spine and skin of fish, gelatinous parts of animals and eggs.
  •     As vegetable sources of collagen we have, in lesser quantity, in Macadamia nuts, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and Brazil nuts.
  •     Dairy protein can also help (cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese)
  •     It seems that foods rich in Omega 3 also help us to increase our levels of collagen (blue fish, flax seeds, walnuts, chia, hemp, etc.)

Is vitamin C important?

Vitamin C favors the production of collagen, so consuming fruits such as kiwis, strawberries, blueberries, lemons, oranges and all fruits rich in vitamin C will be very convenient.

Among the vegetables we will highlight the parsley, the tomato, the peppers, etc.
Do we need to take a collagen supplement?

In cases of osteoarthritis and other osteoarticular problems we may need extra doses of collagen. The important thing is that it is an easy product to take, digestive and assimilable.
Presentation, dosage and places of sale

In pharmacies and herbalists we can find it without chemical additives. Being a protein preparation does not contain fat and does not make you fat.

When it goes liquid can take sweeteners. In powder it is usually 100% collagen. It barely tastes and can be taken with water, juices, milk or infusions. A tablespoon a day is usually the usual dose. Ask the professional for advice. In two or three months we would have to see an improvement in the symptoms.
Did you know…?

Free radicals are the enemies of collagen. Thus, it is not convenient for us to smoke or drink alcohol. Let's increase fruits and vegetables in our diet.

Let's practice sports and techniques to reduce stress.

Take green tea instead of coffee. Its bioflavonoids are allies of collagen.