Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Best Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine Black Pepper and Ginger. 15X High Potency with 95% Curcuminoids. Anti-inflammatory, Joint Support, Anti Aging, Antioxidant Powder

Best Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine Black Pepper and Ginger. 15X High Potency with 95% Curcuminoids. Anti-inflammatory, Joint Support, Anti Aging, Antioxidant Powder
Best Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine Black Pepper and Ginger. 15X High Potency with 95% Curcuminoids. Anti-inflammatory, Joint Support, Anti Aging, Antioxidant Powder

Golden milk from turmeric

The beneficial properties of the healing drink “golden milk” with turmeric were discovered for themselves by the followers of the yoga teaching for a long time. In Ayurveda it is regarded as an effective tool that can help a person with various diseases.

golden turmeric milk - recipe

Why is this drink called "golden"? Perhaps his name has a double meaning.

First, turmeric is known for its coloring properties; therefore, when combined with milk, the drink takes on a beautiful golden hue .

Secondly, this remedy is a unique and extremely valuable medicine for its many ailments . Well, how else to call this delicious, fragrant and healthy drink, if not in honor of the noble metal?

Next, we will reveal the secrets of "golden milk", as well as find out what the benefits and harms of the drink are. Be sure to share the classic Indian cooking recipe, which is easy to implement in any kitchen.

The benefits of "golden milk"

People have called turmeric as a natural antibiotic for a reason. The root of this plant due to its chemical composition has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfectant, anti-edema, analgesic and tonic effect . In tandem with milk, the benefits of turmeric increase significantly. We recommend to read the article on what is turmeric .

We list some medicinal properties of "golden milk":

strengthening bones, cartilage tissue, elimination of pain syndromes;
prevention of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism;
cleansing the liver, blood, intestines;
detoxification effect, removal of toxins;
the suppression of the reproduction of pathogenic organisms in the intestine and the normalization of normal microflora;
increase the level of body resistance to various infections;
stabilization of blood pressure;
improvement of the condition and color of the skin - elimination of rashes, inflammations, redness, normalization of sebum production, increase in elasticity;
relief of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, a significant slowdown in the progression of the disease;
effective elimination of symptoms of colds, ARVI, ORZ;
cough treatment;
eliminating diarrhea, improving the process of digestion, treatment of various disorders in the work of the digestive system;
help in getting rid of extra pounds;
ridding the body of carcinogenic substances;
prevention of the development of benign and malignant tumors;
elimination of insomnia, nervous tension, stabilization of the emotional state.

The list of beneficial properties of "golden milk" is not limited to the above items.

Often you can find feedback from those who have experienced the effect of "golden milk" on themselves. For example, women claim that this drink helps to smooth out the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and significantly reduce menstrual cramps . Also, both men and women note that with all the recommendations of receiving “golden milk” and passing the whole course , an improvement in general condition is noted, ease in the body and tranquility in the soul appear .
How to prepare and take the "golden milk"

Turmeric with milk is a potent natural remedy, so it should be applied according to the recommendations. There are several recipes for making "golden milk". We will consider the traditional Indian version.

How to cook milk with turmeric

If anyone thinks that it is enough to pour some turmeric powder into the milk and drink such a drink, then this is not entirely true. To make the drug the way it should be, it should be prepared as follows.

To begin, prepare the pasta. This will require:

take approximately 50 g of turmeric powder;
mix it with half a teaspoon of ground pepper (sharpness should be adjusted depending on your own taste preferences and capabilities);
Pour half a cup of chilled boiled water;
put on the fire and cook until you get a thick pasty mass;
put in a glass dish, cover and refrigerate.

Remember that the paste from turmeric is stored no more than 30 days. milk with turmeric at night

Every time before drinking "golden milk" you need to prepare a fresh portion of the drink. To do this, follow these steps:

you must take a glass of milk (both cow and goat, coconut, almond or soy can be used with no contraindications) - if the drink is prepared to treat diarrhea, then the milk should be skimmed;
add 1 tsp to milk vegetable oil - sunflower, sesame, olive or coconut;
add 1 tsp to milk turmeric paste;
put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Healthy drink is ready!

If desired, you can add honey (thanks to him, the effect of turmeric is enhanced).

You should drink “golden milk” every day. Some sources indicate that it should be consumed in the morning. But most people believe that turmeric with milk at night will be more useful . Especially, if it is used for insomnia, intestinal disorders or catarrhal diseases. The recommended course of treatment is exactly 40 days.

If the body normally perceives milk and spices, and there are no contraindications to its use, then this drink is a useful and tasty remedy for various ailments.

The benefits and harm of milk from turmeric at night
In what cases is “golden milk” contraindicated?

You can not discount the fact that in addition to the benefits of the drink, there are some contraindications to the use of milk with turmeric:

Since turmeric promotes blood thinning, its use should be limited if any drugs with a similar property are taken. Otherwise, bleeding may occur. You should also consult with your doctor if you are taking medications that affect blood sugar or blood pressure.
Gastritis and peptic ulcer.
Chronic disease.
Pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and breastfeeding.
Individual intolerance to the components of the drink.

Possible side effects:

dyspeptic disorders - heartburn, bloating, constipation, diarrhea;
lower blood pressure;
increased cholesterol and lower blood sugar;
hair loss.

Spice must be of high quality. Do not purchase it on the shelves, where the rules for storing spices are not followed (for example, if it is in an unclosed container) . It is advisable to purchase turmeric in a hermetically sealed container or pack.

If you follow all the recommendations for preparing and receiving milk with turmeric, you can not only significantly improve the condition of the diseased organ, but also improve the health of the whole body. It is proved that this spice even helps to get rid of excess weight .

Prepare the "golden milk", enjoy its unusual taste and feel its beneficial effects!
