Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Turmeric Curcumin with Ginger 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg with Bioperine Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Anti-Inflammatory Joint Relief, Turmeric Pills by Natures Nutrition - 180 Capsules

Turmeric Curcumin with Ginger 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg with Bioperine Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Anti-Inflammatory Joint Relief, Turmeric Pills by Natures Nutrition - 180 Capsules
Turmeric Curcumin with Ginger 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg with Bioperine Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Anti-Inflammatory Joint Relief, Turmeric Pills by Natures Nutrition - 180 Capsules

Curcumin treats inflammation, cleanses and repairs cells

Curcumin treats inflammation, cleanses and repairs cells

Turmeric (Curcuma longa), in medieval Europe, Indian saffron is a yellowish powder, which is obtained from the tuberous rhizome (rhizome) of plants. They belong to the turmeric family, which is common in many Asian countries. The spice with a very strong aroma and bitter taste is similar to ginger root. By the way, turmeric is rarely sold raw. Therefore, it is usually pre-boiled, dried and powdered.

First of all, the spice is used as a seasoning. However, it is also one of the most useful and well-known medicinal plants. For millennia, turmeric has been used in Indian Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine. But, in the West, this plant was long ignored until the 1970s. Then research confirmed a strong anti-inflammatory, antiviral, analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-cancer effect. Today, turmeric is one of the most studied antioxidant medicinal plants in the world.
What are turmeric, curcuminoid and curcumin?

In the world there are more than 100 types of turmeric, they are united by a common characteristic feature - a yellowish-orange hue. This shade of turmeric gives curcuminoids. Turmeric contains three main curcuminoids, which make up 2-6% of rhizome. Most of them in curcumin, up to 80%. For example, turmeric powder seasoning per 100 g of product contains on average 1-3%, or 1-3 g of curcumin. It is an active substance in turmeric that treats a person at the cellular level. If you use turmeric as a seasoning for medicinal purposes, it must be eaten in very large quantities. Then the body receives the amount that can have an effect, but it is dangerous to health. As a result, this leads to problems with bile. Therefore, the most valuable component began to be extracted from turmeric - curcumin, which has an inflammatory, reducing and protecting effect. It can be taken in small quantities. Turmeric concentrate contains 18 times more curcuminoids (curcumin) than ordinary powdered seasoning of dried turmeric.

Recent studies have shown how curcumin penetrates cell membranes, changing the damaged physical characteristics of the membrane. Also, it restores, fills and organizes cells so that it can control the information passing through them.

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that fights cell-damaging free radicals in the body. Strengthens the immune system 5-8 times better than vitamin C, precisely because of its high content of antioxidants. Curcumin has such a strong effect that it replaces hydroxyl radicals, which are considered the most reactive of all antioxidants. It improves cell resistance to infections and malignant tumors.
Turmeric contains superantioxidant vitamins.

Turmeric contains abundant healing antioxidants and vitamins. It has a huge amount of vitamin C, E and K. As you know, vitamin K has a pronounced hemostatic effect, being an important vitamin for the cardiovascular system. Also, vitamin K is a stimulator of formation of the most important antioxidant in the body - glutathione.
What is glutathione?

Glutathione effectively removes toxins from the body, strengthens the immune system and is essential for maintaining health. The body itself produces glutathione in moderation, but poor nutrition, environmental pollution, stress, infections, and constant exposure to the radiation field reduce the level of glutathione in the body.

Glutathione is a simple molecule that consists of three amino acids - cysteine, glycine and glutamine. Glutathione contains a sulfuric group that helps to bind and remove all harmful toxins from the body. And also free radicals and even heavy metals. The latter property is especially important because in our daily life we ​​are increasingly in contact with heavy metals. They have a very toxic effect on the entire body, especially on the central nervous system. Glutathione is used in various metabolic and biochemical processes. For example, the synthesis and restoration of DNA, the synthesis of proteins, the transport of amino acids and the activation of enzymes. Therefore, the level of glutathione, and especially the immune, nervous, digestive system and lungs, can affect any system in the body. This substance also plays an important role in iron metabolism.
Kills cancer cells

Many studies have shown that curcumin successfully inhibits the onset and growth of tumors. Curcumin causes cancer cell death . According to the University of Texas Cancer Research Center, curcumin has a unique ability to penetrate cancer cells and alter their DNA, leading to cell death, but unlike synthetic anti-cancer drugs, it does not affect healthy cells and does not cause harmful side effects.

Particularly successful is curcumin fighting the most common forms of cancer. It is known that cancer often occurs due to synthetic hormones, poisons in the environment and pesticides. But, curcumin prevents the attachment of estrogen chemicals to hormone receptors. Thus, it prevents the formation of malignant tumors. Upon contact with the curcumin cancer cells begin to literally digest themselves. Scientific research has proven the anticancer effect of curcumin against prostate and colon cancer, childhood leukemia. And also, thyroid cancer, skin cancer (melanoma). A typical anticancer dosage of curcumin is up to 3 g of a biological extract of curcumin 3-4 times a day.

For example, why are there so few cancer and other diseases in India based on inflammatory processes? According to WHO, Indians are found in:

50 times less prostate cancer,
10 times less kidney cancer,
9 times less colon cancer
8 times less lung cancer
5 times less breast cancer.

The reason for this is the active use of turmeric, but we must not forget that the local people use turmeric from an early age in the amount of 1-3 g per day. In this form and with daily use, after decades the background of curcumin and curcuminoids in the body becomes very high. Therefore, people stop suffering from diseases, which are based on inflammatory processes.
Curcumin digestibility

In the case of curcumin, the problem is its poor digestibility. Up to 90% of its active compounds are digested by the digestive system. To solve the problem of curcumin digestibility, it was found that piperine contained in black pepper increases the bioavailability of curcumin. Also, it guarantees maximum results from its use. Piperine in pepper also has a bactericidal effect, reduces appetite and improves mood.

A study conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan showed that prolonged use of a complex of curcumin and black pepper reduces the risk of breast cancer and other types of cancer. It is recommended to use turmeric with black pepper in the following situations: arthritis, arthrosis, trauma, gastritis, ulcerative colitis. Also, other diseases that accompany pain and inflammation. For example, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, obesity, stress, depression, memory impairment and impaired concentration. Because turmeric is fat soluble, turmeric should be eaten with foods containing fat. By the way, the best opportunity to increase the solubility of turmeric - add it to the oil (flaxseed or olive).
Cleans the liver well

Adding turmeric to the daily table is the easiest way to cleanse and detox the body. By the way, the beginning of spring is the best time to clean the liver. In spring, turmeric will become an indispensable assistant in raising the liver tone.
Turmeric treats depression

Recently, a study was published in the scientific journal Phytotherapy Research that proved that turmeric can be much more effective in treating depression than many common antidepressants.

It is known that depression today is a widespread problem. By some estimates, 15–20% of the population suffers from it. Constant haste and high expectations, narrow social support, unhealthy lifestyle. Because of this, people often resort to medication. The most common drugs today are tricyclic antidepressants. Also, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Unfortunately, these drugs have serious side effects.

Indian scientists compared the effects of curcumin in turmeric and Prozaс (fluoxetine) together and separately. There were a total of 60 patients who were diagnosed with severe depression. Patients undergoing therapy received fluoxetine (20 mg) and curcumin (1000 mg) alone or in combination for six weeks. As a result, the result of treatment was assessed on a 17-point Hamilton depression rating scale.

The findings of the study indicated that turmeric in treating depression is just as effective as Prozac. But it does not take into account the severe side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Therefore, when comparing these drugs in reality, the balance will bend strongly towards turmeric. For example, among the known side effects of Prozac, suicidal thoughts and psychotic disorders are known.

By the way, side effects have not been found in curcumin. It is estimated that up to 8 grams of curcumin per day is well tolerated by patients.
The miracle healer curcumin has the following effects:

In addition to the antibacterial properties, turmeric relieves pain.
Curcumin reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, slows the occurrence of blood clots in the blood. It blocks the production of inflammatory substances (prostaglandins II series). Turmeric also helps prevent and relieve atherosclerosis.
Turmeric has been excellent in reducing and preventing metabolic syndrome. It reduces the level of fat in the blood, helps regulate metabolism and reduce body weight.
Proved the effectiveness of turmeric in reducing the risk of diabetes.
Turmeric helps with almost all problems with the liver, incl. with liver obesity and hepatitis.
By the way, in China, turmeric has been used for centuries as an antidepressant.
Turmeric prevents the occurrence of amyloid plaques in the brain, reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Also, it facilitates the manifestation of an existing disease.
Curcumin has been successfully used in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, incl. acne and psoriasis.
Turmeric accelerates wound healing and skin repair.
Anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin have an excellent effect in the treatment of diseases occurring with systemic inflammation (for example, rheumatism and osteoarthritis).
The effect of curcumin is proven to reduce the symptoms of aneurysm (prolapse of the walls of blood vessels).
Turmeric is good at alleviating digestive problems.

Recommended doses of curcumin

The recommended and exemplary doses of turmeric and curcumin given below are taken from the Natural Medicine database report. When using turmeric and curcumin for medicinal purposes, it is worth consulting with a physician or therapist. For example, if:

increased levels of antioxidants, 500 mg of curcumin twice a day for three months.
you have Crohn's disease 360 ​​mg of curcumin two or three times a day for two months.
There is type 2 diabetes, 22.1 mg of curcumin during each meal for two months.
you have dyspepsia (persistent or episodic digestive disorders), 250 mg of turmeric four times a day for seven days.
there are problems with liver function, 3000 mg (3 g) of turmeric three times a day for 12 consecutive weeks.
vision is impaired - 375 mg of curcumin three times a day for up to 22 months.
irritable bowel syndrome, 1000 mg (1 g) curcumin twice a day for up to six months.
rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases, 400 mg of curcumin three times a day for two weeks.
cardiovascular disorders, 150 mg of curcumin per day for eight weeks.