Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Turmeric Supreme Gaia Herbs 60 VCaps

Turmeric Supreme Gaia Herbs 60 VCaps
Turmeric Supreme Gaia Herbs 60 VCaps

Turmeric and hypothyroidism

Thyroid Turmeric - Prevention and Treatment
Turmeric for thyroid gland - prevention and treatment of thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, nodes, goiter and cancer

Turmeric can be used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland. Spice has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is effective in all diseases of the thyroid gland: goiter, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, and even reduces the risk of cancer.
Thyroid Hormones

The hormones secreted by the body’s “principal conductor” regulate the metabolism and activity of other hormones. The main hormones are triiodothyronine, thyroxin and calcitonin. The first two hormones control the growth and rate at which the body burns calories. Calcitonin controls the level of calcium in the body.

The thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary gland , which is considered the "main gland" of the endocrine system. 1 out of 20 people at a certain stage of life suffer from thyroid dysfunction. Diseases of the thyroid gland:

• Thyroiditis: inflammation and swelling of the thyroid gland
• Hypothyroidism: reduced thyroid hormone production
• Hyperthyroidism: increased thyroid hormone production
• Nodes in the thyroid gland
• Thyroid cancer
• Goiter: enlargement of the thyroid gland

Treatment of the thyroid gland includes taking thyroxin in the case of hypothyroidism and drugs to reduce activity in the case of hyperthyroidism. When treatment does not help, a part or whole of the gland can be removed surgically.
Thyroid cancer and nodules are treated by surgical removal or radioactive iodine. Traditional medicine and naturopathy offer remedies for thyroid disease.
7 Benefits of Turmeric in Thyroid Disease

Spice has antioxidant properties.
1. Anti-inflammatory

Curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) exhibits natural anti-inflammatory properties. It is useful for thyroiditis, goiter and thyroid cancer.

Curcumin acts on pro-inflammatory enzymes, such as COX and LOX, to control the spread of inflammation. Unlike conventional NSAIDs, which act only on the COX enzyme, curcumin acts on both enzymes without any side effects (from the stomach and liver).

Curcumin regulates and inhibits the activity of key players in inflammation (TNF-alpha and nuclear factor-kappa B). Acting on these proteins, as well as other biochemical targets and inflammatory pathways, turmeric reduces inflammation.
2. Antioxidant

Turmeric is a strong antioxidant, its action is comparable with vitamins C and E.

In laboratory studies, scientists have demonstrated that turmeric counteracts oxidative stress caused by elevated levels of triiodothyronine.

As an antioxidant, curcumin promotes thyroid health and the balance of its hormone levels.
3. Turmeric with hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is caused by elevated levels of thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism causes oxidative stress in the brain. Scientists have proven that curcumin regulates antioxidant enzyme levels and eliminates oxidative stress in the brain due to hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism affects liver enzyme levels. It disrupts her work. The combination of curcumin and vitamin E restores liver function.
Curcumin also restores kidney function due to damage caused by hyperthyroidism.
4. Turmeric with hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones.
In an animal model of hypothyroidism, treatment with turmeric extract has been shown to reduce atrophy (decrease in size) of the thyroid and prevent its hormone levels from decreasing. Spice also reduces high cholesterol caused by hypothyroidism.

Turmeric helps stimulate thyroid hormone production in hypothyroidism.
5. The inclusion of turmeric in the diet reduces the risk of goiter

Indian scientists have studied the role of dietary turmeric in the development of goiter.
2335 people were interviewed on the history of the disease and were screened for goiter. The population had an endemic goiter and a high prevalence of hyperthyroidism was observed. But goiter was less common in those people who consumed milk, ghee, spices, chili and turmeric.

Scientists stressed that the use of turmeric was associated with a decrease in the development of goiter. They recommended to include turmeric in the diet with goiter.
6. Turmeric has an immunomodulatory effect.

Autoimmune thyroid disease is a disease of Graves and Hashimoto's disease. They are characterized by abnormal hormone levels, increase the risk of goiter.

In autoimmune diseases, antibodies produced to fight infection begin to attack body tissues, pave the way for inflammation and damage to various organs.

Spice has immunomodulatory activity. This substance regulates immune responses. It regulates the activity of immune cells, as well as cytokines (chemicals secreted by cells), which play an important role in autoimmune reactions.

Turmeric is effective in autoimmune thyroid disease.
7. Turmeric protects against thyroid cancer

Curcumin is a natural anti-cancer substance.

Curcumin inhibits the growth of tumors and thereby contributes to the treatment of cancer.

Curcumin potentiates the antitumor and anticancer effects of sorafenib and docetaxel (an anticancer drug) in the treatment of thyroid cancer.

Curcumin sensitizes thyroid cancer cells to the action of radioactive iodine, which is used in the treatment of thyroid.

Turmeric also affects a number of biochemical pathways to suppress cancer metastases.
Dose of turmeric

Turmeric reduces the risk of thyroid disease and is effective in treating them. A good way to use turmeric is the “gold paste”, which consists of butter and black pepper to enhance the absorption of turmeric.

Take 0.25-0.5 tsp. per day for a week and if there are no side effects, increase the dose. The recommended dose is 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day.

A person should choose the optimal dose for himself.

Before using turmeric, consult your doctor.

Turmeric is safe, but should not be used by the following persons:
• Women during pregnancy and lactation,
• With obstruction of the gallbladder
• When bleeding
• Do not take before surgery

If you suffer from gout or urolithiasis, limit the use of turmeric as a spice.

Avoid fasting turmeric to avoid the symptoms of acid reflux.

If you suffer from bleeding, small doses of turmeric in the diet are safe, but it is better to consult a doctor before taking turmeric.

Turmeric can interact with drugs that reduce gastric acid, antidepressants, and hypoglycemic drugs. Curcumin, found in turmeric, is known to interfere with drug metabolism. Do not take turmeric along with any other medicine.
