Tuesday, May 28, 2019

ORGANIC INDIA Natural Turmeric Curcumin Supplement, USDA Certified Organic, High Bioavailability Formula, 180 Veg Capsules

ORGANIC INDIA Natural Turmeric Curcumin Supplement, USDA Certified Organic, High Bioavailability Formula, 180 Veg Capsules
ORGANIC INDIA Natural Turmeric Curcumin Supplement, USDA Certified Organic, High Bioavailability Formula, 180 Veg Capsules

Turmeric and curcumin for health and slimming

A pinch of turmeric added to the tortillas of yeast dough, rice or broth will beautifully color the dish in gold color. According to scientists, her extract can withstand Alzheimer's disease.

1. Turmeric. Properties, application, use or harm

Hindus have been using turmeric for thousands of years, and scientists have become interested in it very recently, noticing the link between the low incidence of Alzheimer's disease in India and their diet. It was suspected that the solution lies in the spices used by Hindus. Indeed, an active component of turmeric-curcumin was soon discovered. It is this natural substance, located in the roots of the plant, stimulates the immune system for the destruction of protein, the deposition of which makes it difficult to hold signals of nerve cells responsible for memory, attention, behavior or mood.

Turmeric is a plant from the family of ginger, has up to 70 species. Originates from India and Asia, this "spice of life" is used by the healers of Ayurvedic medicine, the oldest medical system in the world. According to Ayurveda, all diseases are taken from toxins-undigested food products remaining in the system. And turmeric has a good effect on digestion, provides the body with vital components. It contains curcumin and its derivatives have strong antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect-can they ever become an alternative to antibiotics?

Turmeric Properties

Turmeric reduces cholesterol and glucose, prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors, eliminates indigestion. Because of the anti-inflammatory properties used in the treatment of acne and other skin diseases. The indication for its use are also constipation and bloating, and extract from the rhizomes of the plant on the basis of alcohol is used in the inflammation of the gall bladder and bile ducts, gallstones and digestive disorders. Science strives to enable the properties of turmeric to be used for the prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.

Hindus believe that food is God's gift-dishes should be prepared and consumed with respect and gratitude for this gift. Cooking and food is a kind of prayer, conscious activity. No home in India without turmeric in the kitchen, it is also used in cosmetics and as a precious medicine, in particular, accelerating the healing of wounds. In Russia is still little known and used mainly as a dye for oils, salads or rice. In America is more common-it is added to omelets, mayonnaise and cheeses, because it paints dishes, as well as saffron, in gold color.

The use and harm of turmeric

Turmeric is famous for its cytotoxic properties, it has a toxic effect on cancer cells. Recent studies show that curcumin (a component of turmeric) is not enough to destroy cancer cells, but it sends a signal that triggers the process of self-destruction of cancer (cancer fights itself!). Other research findings suggest that turmeric can protect against melanoma (skin cancer).

In addition, turmeric purifies the blood and has anti-inflammatory effect. It is an excellent addition to meat products, as it promotes digestion of proteins and prevents the formation of toxins in the human body. It works well at bloating, stimulates liver work. Beneficial effect on the emergence of digestive juices and bile.

It is worth adding that most of the spices used in Indian cuisine help with stomach pains and regulate the metabolism in the body. The list of these spices includes: coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, fennel, or asafafida (all can be obtained in stores with products from around the world). Both cinnamon and ginger have a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Turmeric though does not actually cause any side effects, yet should be cautious, because large doses taken over time can cause liver damage. It is not recommended to take turmeric in case of gall bladder allergies.

Slimming and turmeric

Turmeric promotes weight loss because it accelerates digestion. Improves metabolism. It is because of these properties that it is worth adding it to food. Of course, turmeric is not worth eating to lose weight. You can only add it to food.

Curcumin has a rolestable properties. The leptin resistance is directly related to adipose tissue in the body. In addition, curcumin increases the level of adiponektin. Which in turn regulates the insulin content in cells. And that, in turn, burns fat cells. Turmeric for weight loss works just like green tea. A person who eats fatty foods should drink green tea. In this case, a person using turmeric for weight loss has less chance of fat deposition.

Curcumin restricts the development of adocytes. That is fat cells. And on the other hand promotes their apoptosis. Or destruction.
Turmeric can be added to many dishes. And, of course, it will enrich the taste of this dish.
Kurkumu is most often found in curry.

In addition, turmeric for weight loss, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol. The dishes of this seasoning should be added by persons with diabetes mellitus. Because it hinders the development of diabetes mellitus II degree.

In Russia, weight loss turmeric is not so popular. Because it's a typical oriental spice. In our region is more popular, pepper, marjoram, etc. that is, traditional spices. It should be noted that the turmeric for slimming strengthens the immune system of the body.

Turmeric Mask

Making a mask from turmeric is very simple-take two tablespoons of turmeric, mix with a small amount of honey and whey (or other product containing lactic acid) in a dense paste. Depending on the needs of the skin, we can add other ingredients-for example, coconut oil, cereal porridge, a few drops of hyaluronic acid, etc. The finished mask is applied to the face and washed away after 20-40 minutes. The mask is best done every day.

There is only one problem-this mask paints. All. The mould in which it is cooked. Sink. Towel. And, unfortunately, the face too. The yellow tone on the skin lasts for several hours. If you will do the mask in the evening, even after two washing procedures your skin will be further slightly yellowish. In the morning, usually the yellow tone descends. Washing the face with a cotton swab, moistened buttermilk also helps.

Unfortunately, all these inconveniences make the application of the mask of turmeric not common-but in my opinion, should "force themselves" and spend a month of treatment. Because of problems with colouring the mask can be made only in the evening. When we apply such treatment, stains almost disappear before the eyes. If its application did not create such a problem, I would like to do it all the time.

Who do I highly recommend the course of turmeric treatment? People who have problems with:

Scars after Acne
Small wrinkles
Devoid of shine and life with skin

Turmeric for skin.

If you have swelling and dark skin under your eyes, mix a tablespoon of whole milk, 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric and a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply the paste on the skin under the eyes, wait for 10 minutes, then carefully remove the mask with fleece soaked in milk.
Dry and devoid of elasticity skin smear a mask of 2 tablespoons of honey, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric and half of the crushed banana. Mix the ingredients, apply the mask to the face and rinse in 10 minutes with warm boiled water.
Skin, devoid of shine, will acquire a healthy look after applying a mask of 1 teaspoon of flour, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon of milk and 4-5 drops of lemon juice. This mixture is put on the face and leave no more than 30 minutes.
The mask with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt will help to lighten the pigment spots and align the skin color.
The mixture of sesame oil and the curcumin on the gums (5-10 minutes) has antibacterial effect and reduces swelling.
Small wounds and scars faster and better heal after placing on a sore place of a paste from turmeric and aloe-gel.
The dried skin of the legs will bring relief mask of turmeric, honey, olive oil and lemon juice.

Medicinal properties of turmeric

Due to bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric helps protect the liver, promotes digestion and supports natural detoxification mechanisms.

Curcumin has a antitumor effect. It was found that this compound leads to apoptosis, that is the natural process of programmed death of worn or damaged cells, which could become a source of carcinogenesis.

Studies have been conducted that show that curcumin can prevent the progressive degeneration of brain cells, shown in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Extract rhizomes turmeric is able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and prevent the occurrence of pathological clusters of damaged proteins, which are one of the causes of neurodegenerative diseases.


In Indian cuisine turmeric is most often used for dishes from rice, vegetables (especially beans), and also for home baking. It can be used to dye hard-boiled eggs, omelets, sauces, salads, rice, soups, creams, crabs, oysters and shellfish. Added in a small amount, has a mild taste and smell (in large quantities gives the food an intense taste-it is better to add less than to overdo with the quantity). Just put from 1/8 to 1 teaspoon of turmeric for four servings of omelet, vegetables, soup or rice.

It is necessary to mix turmeric with pepper. In combination with pepper its absorption increases in 2000 times.

It is better to buy turmeric separately, as in a mix of a curry it is small (only 20%).


Curcumin in Bas has a convenient form of application (capsule) and has a general healing and toning effect on the body. It is a part of a known spice which can be added to various dishes. Especially active root turmeric used in eastern countries. For athletes and people who are watching the figure, curcumin is valued for the proven anti-catabolic effect. This substance reduces the synthesis of estrogen and increases the amount of testosterone, which allows you to actively gain muscle mass and recover faster after strength training.

Curcumin's difference from turmeric

Badys curcumin by their effectiveness differ from the root of turmeric, in which the active substance is contained in a small amount. Using ready-made means, it is possible to achieve certain sports purposes. When using the root turmeric is difficult to achieve anticatabolic effect. For this will have to use a large number of spices, which can negatively affect the state of the digestive tract and taste preferences.

Useful properties of curcumin

Among athletes Kurkumin applied with the main goal-to slow down the destruction of muscle tissues against the backdrop of intense power loads. Additionally, the tools are used to accelerate recovery against the backdrop of active workouts.

Additional useful properties of curcumin:

Reduction of pain in muscles and joints after intensive sports exercises;
expressed anti-inflammatory effect;
Strengthening of the beneficial properties of insulin;
Reduction of the rate of destruction of muscular protein;
Prevention of muscle atrophy on the background of active weight loss;
Antioxidant action, protection against early aging;
Increase in testosterone levels, which is responsible for protein synthesis, body weight gain rate, libido and overall male health.

The use of curcumin is proved by the results of numerous studies. This material supports a high level of testosterone, which allows to significantly improve the athletic performance and the overall standard of living of men.
