Thursday, May 23, 2019

Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Chocolate Coconut,Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair, 13.9 Ounce

Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Chocolate Coconut,Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair, 13.9 Ounce

10 foods that help you protect your joints

Trauma, diseases and advanced age are the main causes of inflammation and joint pain . Did you know that proper nutrition can help relieve the symptoms of joint problems? And, most importantly, with a balanced diet rich in nutrients you can prevent discomfort while taking care of your health. We review with you the essential nutrients and food for the joints that can not be missing in your menu.

What are the fundamental nutrients for the health of your joints?

The joints of the upper and lower extremities of the body are meeting points between two or more bones that allow a wide range of movements. Ankle, patella, hip, arms , are just some of the points of the body where there are joints.

In these cases it is mobile joints , the most numerous in the skeleton and those that are most easily inflamed . In this type of joints a fibrous capsule joins the bony limbs, the surface of the joint is covered by cartilage and the synovial membrane. The latter includes veins and arteries, and nerve endings.

Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Chocolate Coconut,Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair, 13.9 Ounce
Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Mix, Chocolate Coconut,Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints, Promotes Muscle Repair, 13.9 Ounce

These are complex structures that allow us to perform many of the actions of each day and have some type of joint discomfort can compromise our quality of life . Therefore, prevention can not be neglected with a correct supply of nutrients. But what do your knees, ankles, elbows and other joints of your skeleton need to be in shape?

First, all the nutrients that help keep bones healthy: calcium , vitamin D , magnesium , vitamin C. All these nutrients play an important role in the production of collagen , the most abundant protein in the body and present in both bone and cartilage and synovial fluid.

A healthy habit that can help you take care of your joints is to choose those foods that contain these nutrients. Do you know where they are?

Top 10 food for joints

In a healthy diet there are some foods that can not be missed because of their important nutritional value. To protect your joints, your menu has to be balanced and rich with ingredients such as:

  •     Nuts and seeds. They are known for their high energy value and for containing unsaturated fatty acids, but they are also foods that contain calcium , magnesium, zinc, potassium. Mineral salts essential for the health of joints and bones.
  •     Blue Fish. It is one of the foods richest in collagen , mineral salts, vitamin D and omega-3.
  •     Whole grains In another article we talked about foods with magnesium and its importance for psychophysical balance. Magnesium is essential for proper joint function and bone health.
  •     Green leaf vegetables.
  •     Onions, garlic, leeks and other vegetables from the same family are rich in sulfur, an essential mineral that contributes to the production of collagen.
  •     Olive oil. Rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids is a powerful ally of your joints and a food with anti-inflammatory properties .
  •     Legumes They are rich in mineral salts and proteins. For its nutritional value are considered basic foods of a balanced diet.
  •     Fruits of forest . Blackberries, raspberries, cherries and other fruits with red pigments are rich in antioxidants and have an anti-inflammatory effect .
  •     Citrus They are rich in vitamin C and therefore have antioxidant properties. This same vitamin is very important in the synthesis of collagen.
  •     Turmeric It is increasingly spoken of this root for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can be useful to relieve joint inflammations.

Articular problems caused by trauma, tissue wear or age-related degeneration can be prevented by the integration of collagen-based supplements and enriched with essential vitamins and minerals .

From the age of 35, in fact, the body begins to decrease the production of collagen and the integration of collagen in the diet can help prevent joint problems or relieve the symptoms of inflammation or pain.

Finally, you can not forget the importance of water for health . During adulthood our body is composed of 65% water. Bones and joints are composed of water and proper hydration also helps maintain healthy joints.