Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Turmeric Curcumin Max Potency 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg with Bioperine Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Anti-Inflammatory Joint Relief, Turmeric Pills by Natures Nutrition - 180 Capsules

Turmeric Curcumin Max Potency 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg with Bioperine Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Anti-Inflammatory Joint Relief, Turmeric Pills by Natures Nutrition - 180 Capsules
Turmeric Curcumin Max Potency 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg with Bioperine Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Anti-Inflammatory Joint Relief, Turmeric Pills by Natures Nutrition - 180 Capsules

Does turmeric lose weight?

Looking for ways to properly use turmeric for weight loss? This bright yellowish-orange spice has been used in India’s national cuisine for centuries and it really contributes to weight loss. If you have ever tasted curry, you have tasted curcuma, which gives a yellow color to the dish.

Turmeric - not only useful for losing weight, but also has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is associated with weight gain, so you can expect that along with inflammation and overweight will go away. Curcumin is considered the main antioxidant in turmeric. It is known that it solves problems with the stomach, with metabolic disorders and obesity.

Read more about the beneficial properties of turmeric for the body.

In this article, you will learn how to properly consume turmeric for weight loss, so that you can easily lose those extra pounds while fighting aging.

Does turmeric help in losing weight?

Turmeric and weight loss

Turmeric has been used for over 3,000 years in Ayurvedic medicine to combat many diseases. Including it in the diet will help you lose weight, but remember that this is not the main method of losing weight. Curcumin will help reduce inflammation in the body associated with weight gain. And as soon as it passes, you can lose weight with diet and exercise.

According to a 2009 study conducted by Tufts University, curcumin will help prevent the growth of adipose tissue. This means a lot, because if the body is growing adipose tissue, it is likely that the mass will become larger.

Another advantage of this fragrant spice (besides weight loss) is the reduction of LDL cholesterol.
According to the study, those people who consumed turmeric, were able to reduce the level of bad LDL cholesterol by 42% and triglycerides by 39%.
Anti-inflammatory effects supplements

Powerful anti-inflammatory

If your body is constantly fighting inflammation, it will be very difficult to lose weight. The body will not be able to focus on weight loss if you are constantly sick.
Obesity creates a low level of persistent inflammation in the body, which greatly increases the likelihood of developing chronic heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

It is proved that the use of this eastern spice reduces inflammation in the cells of the body. This also applies to fat cells. Curcumin, getting into the body, helps reduce:

insulin resistance;
high blood sugar levels;
elevated cholesterol;
and cope with other metabolic disorders.

A 2013 study found that obesity is closely related to low-grade metabolic inflammation. The potent phytochemical, curcumin, has been shown to be effective in combating this inflammation.
Researchers have discovered that he is able to fight white adipose tissue in the human body. This white adipose tissue causes chronic inflammation.

I repeat once more, the more you reduce inflammation in the body, the faster you will be able to lose weight. If inflammations constantly occur in your body, it will be very difficult to lose weight, no matter what you do. Fortunately, curcumin will help you reduce it.
The benefits of turmeric while losing weight

Benefits of curcumin

Now you know how curcumin fights inflammation. It's time to find out how it affects weight loss.
You will gain weight when new cells from white adipose tissue appear in your body.

An interesting study conducted by European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences showed that curcumin can convert white fat to brown. And brown fat, in turn, is easier to burn - this is its main advantage. All participants in the study had metabolic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and by including this spice in the diet, they all managed to lose weight impressively.
Anti-aging supplement

Turmeric helps not only reduce inflammation, lose weight, but also fight with age. The study showed that she struggles with aging:

improves tissue regeneration;
promotes the production of collagen;
remodels tissue.

One of the huge drawbacks of aging is health problems. Cancer, arthritis, joint problems and other diseases. And we all know that the older a person is, the easier it is for him to recover. The study showed that the use of curcumin is effective in combating various types of cancer. This is all because he is an indirect inhibitor of AKT / mTOR.

Tumors in the body have a high dysregulation from the AKT / mTOR signaling pathway. As soon as the gene begins to become defective in this way, it causes an overgrowth feedback loop leading to tumors.

Another study showed that consuming 1 g of curcumin for 3 months can reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Researchers saw a decrease in arthritis by 58%, as well as an increase in mobility by 40%.
Another study found that curcumin has a positive effect on joint problems. One of the causes of skin aging is chronic inflammation. The better you handle it, the better you will look. Curcumin is great for this purpose. If you want to cope with the aging process and stay young, then try to consume more of this fragrant spice.
Cheer up


Do you have mood problems? Are you irritable? Are you suffering from depression? If this is the case, then there is a possibility that there is a high level of inflammation in your body. Studies have shown a link between inflammation and depression. The good news is: curcumin will help reduce this inflammation, and the depression and irritability caused by it.

In addition, if you are depressed or irritable, it will be very difficult to focus on diet or exercise. Many people suffering from depression begin to overeat with the hope that it will lift their spirits.

Consumption of curcumin will help not only improve your mood, but also lose weight. Researchers have found that it increases serotonin levels, like many prescription drugs. A 2013 study found that turmeric is an effective treatment for bipolar disorder.

You will not only find that your mood has improved with the consumption of this spice, but also notice that you want to exercise more and eat better.
How to include turmeric in the diet?

How to include turmeric in the diet

Now you know all the amazing properties of this oriental spice. So how much does it need to consume?
In studies, typically from 500 to 2000 mg of turmeric was used per day, often in the form of an extract.
Spice contains only 3% of turmeric in comparison with extracts that contain up to 95%.
It is better to combine the spice with the extract, because such consumption is more effective than just adding seasoning to food and drinks.

But this does not mean that you should not add turmeric to all products, since a small amount increases and increases each time, that is, it has a cumulative effect.

Make sure that you add some black pepper to turmeric to increase the amount your body absorbs.

The study showed that the addition of black pepper has increased the uptake of curcumin up to 2000%.
It is very important! If the body is not able to absorb all the turmeric, then you will not get all the benefits.

Try to add this wonderful spice to food, such as fried vegetables, brown rice and scrambled eggs.
Weight loss recipes

Turmeric Drink

Here is my favorite recipe for weight loss turmeric, which should be consumed daily.
It is known under the name of golden milk, or latte with turmeric. The drink is quite tasty and has all the above advantages.
To make this healing drink you will need:

1 cup unsweetened coconut or almond milk;
1/2 tsp ground turmeric;
1/4 teaspoon (or a large pinch) of black pepper;
Ground cinnamon; 1/4 tsp. honey

Beat all the ingredients in a saucepan, cook over medium heat until boiling for 10-15 minutes. Allow to cool, and if you want, you can whip the resulting drink even more using a whisk or blender.

Consuming more curcumin will help reduce inflammation in the body, and also help prevent the development of fat cells.
This, in turn, will help you lose weight, but not as a main way. Turmeric with milk will help you lose a lot of weight, if you do the exercises and follow a diet.
How much should be consumed per day?

Most studies have shown that you should consume 500-1000 mg of turmeric every day for a long period of time. Also in these studies used an extract that will bring more benefits than just the consumption of spices.
Effect on appetite

It is not proven that turmeric reduces appetite, but it fights inflammation very well. This in turn will help reduce hunger and appetite, you will not feel hungry as usual. But it should not be considered as a means to suppress appetite.
Side effects

You should consult your doctor if you are taking blood thinning drugs, as turmeric can prevent blood from clotting. If you have an iron deficiency, you should know that it can interfere with the absorption of iron.

If you decide to use it, even despite the fact that you have the above problems, then you should not interfere with the spice with black pepper. Thus, the body will absorb less turmeric. But again, in this case, it will not bring any benefit.

Turmeric anti aging

Now you know all the benefits of turmeric in weight loss. Want to lose weight more effectively - add more turmeric to your diet daily.
Turmeric helps not only to lose weight, but also to combat replenishment, chronic diseases and helps to stay young.

But do not expect that only the consumption of this bright powder will miraculously allow you to lose weight. You can expect to lose a little weight by consuming these substances, but you will lose more by adhering to a diet and following the exercise program “Formula for a flat stomach”.

This spice is a very powerful tool for improving health. A good idea is to consume more curcumin daily, especially over the years.

Consumption of turmeric for weight loss will bring many benefits: reduce inflammation, reduce fat, improve joints, reduce arthritis and improve mood.
