Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 16.2oz

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 16.2oz

The 6 benefits of collagen for the elderly

The lack of collagen in our body has many consequences for the elderly : the appearance of diseases of bone fragility such as osteoporosis, joint pain, the appearance of wrinkles, hair loss ... Taking hydrolyzed natural collagen can help prevent or reduce those consequences . In this article we analyze its benefits.

Over the years, our body generates less amount of collagen. Collagen is an essential protein. It is the most abundant in our body. It gives elasticity, resistance and flexibility to the body's tissues. It is key in the strength of bones, in the health of tendons, ligaments and joints or in the vitality of our skin.

Taking natural collagen has 6 benefits for the elderly . They are the following:

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 16.2oz
Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 16.2oz

1. Helps prevent the onset of osteoporosis and bone fragility

Calcium is responsible for keeping our bones strong. But if we lack collagen, the body does not have the capacity to take advantage of it. The bones are formed from a collagen mesh. The collagen protein is responsible for fixing calcium in the bone. To have hard and strong bones, we need to have adequate levels of collagen in that mesh.

Taking collagen helps prevent the onset of diseases related to bone fragility such as osteoporosis . Also, if you already have that disease, it can help reduce your symptoms.
2. Reduces joint pain

The daily intake of collagen can reduce pain, inflammation, edema and stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, juvenile arthritis and gout . Taking collagen helps repair all the cartilaginous tissues of our body. Among them, those of the joints: knees, joints of the fingers, elbow, neck, etc.

The wear of the articular cartilage causes chronic pain and the loss of the mechanical capacity of the tendons and ligaments, contributing to the inactivity of the joint and aggravating the problem. Scientific studies show that ingesting a quality supplement such as Colvitae strengthens the joints and prevents or reduces pain.
3. It improves the health of the skin and reduces wrinkles

The collagen protein also acts on the tissues of the skin , favoring the reduction of wrinkles. Collagen helps to improve the general appearance of the skin, helps regenerate the connective tissues of the skin and stimulates the formation of natural collagen to preserve a soft, supple, young and more resistant skin.

With the passage of time the dermal collagen is reduced. The union between the skin cells decreases. The consequence is the loss of firmness and elasticity. The skin ages and wrinkles appear.

Taking natural collagen helps maintain the flexibility, strength and firmness of the skin. When wrinkles already exist, it helps to reduce them.
4. Help strengthen hair

Collagen also has a key role in the strength and vitality of hair. Taking natural collagen helps maintain a strong and healthy hair; avoiding its loss.
5. Helps strengthen the nails

Another part of our body in which collagen is essential are nails. Like the bones, the nails are formed by a collagenous mesh that holds the cells. Strength depends on the health of that mesh.
6. Vitality!

Reduce the symptoms of bone fragility or osteoporosis, reduce joint pain, decrease wrinkles and improve the health of our skin, strengthen hair and nails ... all this leads to feel better and, consequently, feel more vital. Collagen can help you recover that vitality you had lost to continue enjoying life and yours.

Taking hydrolyzed nautral collagen is recommended in older people to enjoy better health and quality of life.