Saturday, May 25, 2019

Collagen Peptides (16oz), Pasture - Raised, Grass - Fed, Paleo Friendly Formulized to Support the Body with Healthy Joints & Skin; Pure Hydrolyzed + Unflavored; 100% All Natural, NON-GMO & Gluten-Free

Collagen Peptides (16oz), Pasture - Raised, Grass - Fed, Paleo Friendly Formulized to Support the Body with Healthy Joints & Skin; Pure Hydrolyzed + Unflavored; 100% All Natural, NON-GMO & Gluten-Free

At what age should I start taking collagen?

Collagen is an essential protein in our body. It is the "glue" that joins the cells of joints, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair ... Over the years and because of several biological factors, the production of collagen in the body is reduced. This is when we notice the effects of collagen loss: joint pain, sagging skin, hair loss, and even the appearance of osteoporosis.

But ... At what age should I start taking hydrolyzed collagen?

Should the youngest take collagen?

During childhood and adolescence, our body produces collagen in abundance . At that age, the intake of collagen supplements is unnecessary. It is from the age of 20 that we started to lose it. According to several studies, the generation of the collagen protein is reduced to the level of 1% per year.

Collagen Peptides (16oz), Pasture - Raised, Grass - Fed, Paleo Friendly Formulized to Support the Body with Healthy Joints & Skin; Pure Hydrolyzed + Unflavored; 100% All Natural, NON-GMO & Gluten-Free
Collagen Peptides (16oz), Pasture - Raised, Grass - Fed, Paleo Friendly Formulized to Support the Body with Healthy Joints & Skin; Pure Hydrolyzed + Unflavored; 100% All Natural, NON-GMO & Gluten-Free

The indicated age: from 35

At age 40 we produce half as much collagen as when we are teenagers. The consequences of this reduction are aging and reducing the elasticity of tissues that contain collagen. This reduction is noted in symptoms such as loss of skin elasticity, reduction of bone density or the appearance of pain in the joints.

It is from the 35 that it is recommended to take a supplement of natural collagen hydrolyzed 100% assimilable as Colvitae . Although in many cases, the effects of collagen loss do not begin to be noticed until age 50, it is recommended to take collagen before to reduce the chances of its appearance.
Especially indicated in the case of women

Because of physiological factors, women suffer the greatest loss of collagen.

Pregnancy is one of those factors. The formation of the baby and, especially, of its bones and cartilages, requires an important amount of collagen. Its formation absorbs the mother's collagen.

Menopause is another vital moment that especially affects the production of collagen in a woman's body.

For this reason, taking 10 grams of digestible collagen a day is a recommended habit of healthy life in all ages and situations, but it is highly recommended in the case of women over 35 years of age.
And in the case of the elderly?

Some people wonder if it is necessary to take collagen supplements at advanced ages. Does it make sense to take collagen if we already have one or more of the symptoms of its loss? The answer is a strong yes.

Several scientific studies show that taking natural collagen can reduce joint pain or bone pain. Taking it at advanced ages can be beneficial and helps reduce the discomfort caused by the natural loss of this protein through the passage of age.

As several studies show, the daily intake of collagen hydrolyzate is therefore a good practice after the age of 35 , and especially in the case of women.

Coluitae nautral collagen provides the body with the necessary amount of collagen to maintain strong bones, healthy joints, a smooth skin, and strong young hair and nails.