Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Premium Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - Extra Strength Pain Relief & Joint Support with 95% Curcuminoids - Dietary Supplement, Non-GMO, Vegetarian Capsule with Black Pepper

Premium Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - Extra Strength Pain Relief & Joint Support with 95% Curcuminoids - Dietary Supplement, Non-GMO, Vegetarian Capsule with Black Pepper
Premium Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - Extra Strength Pain Relief & Joint Support with 95% Curcuminoids - Dietary Supplement, Non-GMO, Vegetarian Capsule with Black Pepper

Turmeric beneficial properties and contraindications

Turmeric is one of the healthiest spices in the world. It is primarily known for its strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is also an excellent weapon against cancer and Alzheimer's disease. However, this is not all.

How else does turmeric affect health, and how exactly does the spice use?

The homeland of turmeric is Southeast Asia, and the tradition of its cultivation has been going on for about 2 thousand years. In India, turmeric is treated not only as an ingredient in food, medicine and dye, for example, there it is one of the most important elements of an Indian wedding.
The plant is very beautiful, with large green leaves and a beautiful flower. And turmeric is “mined” from the root of this plant, having previously dried it and ground into a powder. In India and Asia, this is a huge plantation and very large-scale production.

Turmeric - Medicinal Ingredients

The most famous active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which is responsible for the orange color of the rhizome.
Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant and, therefore, protects the body from free radicals that harm cells and can speed up the aging process and increase the risk of cancer. Curcumin also acts as a natural antibiotic - has anti-bacterial properties, but also antiviral and anti-inflammatory. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Among the most active compounds is also worth noting the presence of essential oils in turmeric, which stimulate the secretion of bile and prevent bloating, and also contain vitamin C and minerals.
How exactly do these compounds affect the body? Discover the most important healing properties of turmeric.

Turmeric improves brain function

A study by German scientists from the Institute of Medicine and Neurophysiology suggests that the essential oils of turmeric accelerate the regenerative processes in the brain. Experiments have also shown that the compound stimulates neural stem cells.
The beneficial effects of curcumin on the brain, however, are much wider. It turns out that the products with the addition of spices improve mental abilities. A study at the University of California, Los Angeles showed that curcumin stimulates the body to destroy proteins that are responsible for Alzheimer's disease (protein deposits cause memory deterioration, and can even contribute to the death of nerve cells).

Turmeric helps the gastrointestinal tract

Essential oils found in the rhizome of turmeric can prevent flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms of digestion. Many experiments have confirmed that turmeric has anti-ulcer activity (stimulates the secretion of mucin, which forms a mucous protective membrane), and also inhibits the secretion of gastric acid.

Turmeric supports liver

The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin and including essential oils, stimulate secretion
bile, which is necessary for the digestion of fat (bile is one of the main assistants of the liver). Turmeric protects liver cells and promotes its regeneration.

Turmeric strengthens the immune system

This function of turmeric due to the presence of curcumin, which helps the body in the destruction of many pathogenic bacteria (including purulent), viruses and fungi (including as a result of candidiasis). According to the researchers, curcumin raises the level of a peptide that protects the body from infection. Essential oils also support curcumin action - they also have antibacterial properties.
According to many followers of Ayurveda during infection of the upper respiratory tract or a cold, you should eat products with turmeric, drink herbal tea with turmeric (it is worth to enrich it with lemon or ginger).

Ancient Indian Medicine Ayurveda Pro Turmeric

1. use turmeric, if your hands or feet are often cold. Tea or milk with turmeric is a wonderful warming drink that will also disperse your blood through your body;
2. if you have been bitten by some kind of insect, dilute turmeric with water to make a paste and apply to the bite site;
3. perfectly align and enliven the complexion of the mask with turmeric;
4. Drink turmeric if you suffer from allergies. Turmeric perfectly cleanses the body. Even if you are allergic to milk, prepare “golden milk” not from cow's milk, but from coconut milk;
5. reduce itching and inflammation with dermatitis and eczema paste with turmeric (turmeric is simply diluted with boiled water to a creamy thickness and applied to the affected area);
6. If you have a fever (chills, fever ...), - make a strong tea of ​​turmeric. Try adding ginger to taste and cayenne pepper to improve curcumin availability. Sweeten with honey and drink;
7. Turmeric paste whitens teeth (“At first it scared me, because after applying the paste on the teeth, they became bright yellow .... But I finished the experiment. I held it for 10 minutes and rinsed my mouth, cleaned the rest of the turmeric with a toothbrush. !!!);
8. turmeric paste heals wounds and regenerates the skin after injury;
9. Eat more turmeric if you have very heavy and painful periods.
Important information: studies conducted in various institutes of official medicine claim that - for the fact that curcumin has become more accessible to the body
TURKUMU should be taken along with the black pepper !!!
What does this mean? This means that if you want effective curcumin effects on your health:
• add a pinch of pepper to turmeric tea;
• add a pinch of black pepper to golden milk from turmeric,
• When adding turmeric as a seasoning in any dish, be sure to add a little black pepper.
For the treatment and prevention of turmeric is used in the form of:
1. tea
2. milk with turmeric (it is called “golden milk”),
3. additives to regular food.

Turmeric - contraindications and harm

Turmeric has a very strong effect on the body. Therefore, if you are taking any medications in parallel with its intake, it is best to consult with your doctor to avoid adverse effects. The advice of doctors should also be resorted to by people suffering from a chronic disease and consuming turmeric or any spices of strong effect.
Turmeric is contraindicated if you have gallstones or biliary tract are clogged.
Remember that everything is good in moderation. And if in small quantities turmeric can bring you a lot of benefits, then overdose can cause adverse effects.
Turmeric during pregnancy
Can turmeric be pregnant?
Turmeric, when added in small quantities to food, possibly in conjunction with other spices, has a beneficial effect on the body's digestive system. Also, this spice contains an impressive amount of vitamin C, which accounts for the success of its use in colds and infectious diseases. Natural antiseptic turmeric promotes wound healing and cleansing.
Turmeric will be useful for use in the prevention and treatment of colds. Also, the consumption of this spice will help to improve the digestion of those who suffer from heaviness in the stomach and non-digestion of food. After 37 weeks, the use of the plant as a seasoning for your favorite dishes is justified due to the fact that during this period natural and timely delivery is possible.
Given that some scientists talk about the safety of turmeric during pregnancy, it should be clarified that the plant still can not be called absolutely harmless. Due to the fact that the spice in large quantities contributes to the reduction of the uterus, it can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. Caution should be eaten at a later date. Some experts advise to abstain in the period of waiting for the child to use turmeric for medicinal purposes. Reducing spice consumption to a moderate amount in a mixture of other seasonings is one of the recommended precautions.
There are not many reasons why eating turmeric is undesirable: a tendency to allergic reactions, a short duration of pregnancy. In the first case, abstinence from spices will simply simply make life easier for the expectant mother during pregnancy, while in the second version, we are already talking about the safety of the child. It is worth noting that during the studies conducted on animals, it was possible to establish the safety of the spice in relation to the development of various intrauterine defects in the fetus.
