Saturday, May 25, 2019

Zint Collagen Peptides Powder (32 oz): Paleo-Friendly, Keto-Certified, Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein Supplement - Unflavored, Grass Fed, Non GMO

Zint Collagen Peptides Powder (32 oz): Paleo-Friendly, Keto-Certified, Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein Supplement - Unflavored, Grass Fed, Non GMO

SOS, we need collagen! We tell you why

We have all heard about collagen, but it is interesting to stop at it and explain how important it is to give it to our body. We need collagen for many reasons: aesthetic, of course, but also intimately linked to our health and well-being. Today we will tell you the main ones and what we can do to obtain it.
What is collagen?

Let's start with the basics: collagen is a protein, the most abundant in mammals (it becomes 25% of all proteins). It in turn forms the collagen fibers. These are the most abundant component of the skin and bones, so it is essential to maintain a good level of this protein in our body. We need collagen beyond beauty.

We speak of a nutrient highly present in us. 80% of our connective tissues are collagen. One in four proteins are collagen. Some people define it as "the body's adhesive". Like that glue necessary so that our tissues are conveniently joined. In percentage, 70% of our skin is collagen, and it is also found in an almost identical percentage in the cartilage and, to a lesser extent, in organs such as the lungs, the liver, and so on.

Zint Collagen Peptides Powder (32 oz): Paleo-Friendly, Keto-Certified, Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein Supplement - Unflavored, Grass Fed, Non GMO
Zint Collagen Peptides Powder (32 oz): Paleo-Friendly, Keto-Certified, Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein Supplement - Unflavored, Grass Fed, Non GMO

We need collagen because it is vital for all our organs (the skin is too, let's not forget it). Also for our tissues to maintain their flexibility and elasticity. It is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of structures and essential for maintaining hydration.
Why do we need collagen:

  •     We need collagen to slow wrinkles . From the age of 25 we start to stop producing collagen. This decrease is minimal at the beginning (hence, at that age no one has the need to take care of himself in that sense), but inevitable. The first symptoms of that loss are suffered by our skin. Some lines of expression begin to appear. The facial and corporal flaccidity, that sagging of the tissues that is usually evident after 40 years, happens because from that age the decrease in the production of collagen accelerates. Wrinkles are the other enemy to fight with this protein.
  •     We need collagen so that our joints remain flexible. Collagen intervenes in the repair of cartilage tissue, present in our joints; unless collagen, more rigid and exposed to diseases and injuries are those. It also strengthens bones, so our skeleton needs collagen to maintain its youth. It can also reduce pain and inflammation of the joints and improve processes such as arthritis by reducing the rigidity it produces.
  •     We need collagen to strengthen hair and nails. An insufficient amount of collagen directly affects the repair and growth of both the hair fibers and the nails. If we present low levels of this protein, our hair and nails will break more easily. The fall of the first increases and we lose brightness and volume. Therefore, we need collagen to preserve the strength of both.
  •     We need collagen to recover better. In addition to the osteoarticular benefits discussed above, collagen intervenes in a decisive way when sending energy to the muscles. It is vital to recover after a sport session. Many athletes consume it to avoid injuries and reduce pain. Collagen provides energy to our body, ultimately, and decreases fatigue and fatigue.

The diet to get more collagen (and also to produce it)

Collagen is a protein of animal origin. We can not obtain it directly if a strictly vegan diet is maintained. The foods richest in collagen are:

  •     The meats. Chicken and turkey contain very interesting amounts of this protein.
  •     The eggs. A highly protein food and, consequently, essential to enter collagen in the body.
  •     Fish. Although the largest amount of collagen is in your skin.
  •     Dairy. Although it should be remembered that they have a significant contribution of fat .

But while we need collagen , we can also create it ourselves through food. For example, vitamin C is an essential factor in producing this antiaging protein. Citrus fruits, red fruits, papaya, guava, broccoli, melon, peppers, Brussels sprouts, etc. are some foods with a great contribution of vitamin C with which we will push our body to create collagen to keep us younger.
We will also preserve our collagen if ...

  •     We conveniently protect ourselves from the sun. Excess sun or take it without protection is an aging factor that, in addition, slows the formation of collagen fibers.
  •     We maintain an active life. It is demonstrated that the sedentarism ages in many senses, and also as regards the production of collagen. Physical activity promotes blood flow, oxygenation and the start-up of organic processes that stimulate the formation of this protein.
  •     Stop smoking or avoid environments with smoke. Tobacco is not only harmful to the lungs: it also ages, and very much, the skin. If you worry about your wrinkles you have to quit this habit immediately or, at least, drastically reduce your consumption.

The best quality collagen is called rv6

we need collagen rv6

The formula rv6 of 180 the concept is a combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which makes it the essential ally to fight against wrinkles and facial flab. It also works to improve the hydration of the skin, it is a first-class antioxidant, it reduces cellulite, it contributes to firmness in the breasts and buttocks, it improves the immune and lymphatic systems. As rv6 is part of numerous trios of formulas, we find it present to improve other aesthetic conditions such as eye bags and dark circles, dry or dehydrated skin (but also sensitive, reactive, irritated or with rosacea), to improve stretch marks and, in the plane of well-being, to favor rest (and, incidentally, the repair of our own collagen).