Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine - Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Supplement with 10mg of Black Pepper for Absorption and Best Results. All Natural & Non-Gmo Joint Pain Relief by Vimerson Health

Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine - Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Supplement with 10mg of Black Pepper for Absorption and Best Results. All Natural & Non-Gmo Joint Pain Relief by Vimerson Health
Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine - Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Supplement with 10mg of Black Pepper for Absorption and Best Results. All Natural & Non-Gmo Joint Pain Relief by Vimerson Health

Ingredients - Aromatic Turmeric, Wild Turmeric

Turmeric is a genus around species 100, adopted in the family of Zingiberaceae. The name comes from the Sanskrit kuyukum, which refers to turmeric. Turmeric has been used in India since ancient times as a substitute for saffron and other yellowish pigments. [8] Since the assembly of the genus Curcuma Linnaeus in 1753, species 130 have still been described. In some species descriptions, there is no Latin diagnosis or type of specimen, so the legitimacy of many species is unclear.
Wild turmeric (aromatic turmeric) is one of the members of the 80 family of plants Zingiberaceae. Perennial foliage dies in late autumn, and rhizomes remain inactive in winter. Inflorescence appears in early spring from the base of the rhizomes. During the summer monsoon season and the weeks following it, the plant grows quickly and vigorously. If you even have a slice of aromatic turmeric | kasthuri manjal | Wild turmeric in the room, the whole room smells very good.

kasthuri turmeric is mainly used for external applications, but also has excellent medicines if taken internally, but medicines
Use of kasma turmeric:

1. Antitussive properties ( relieves cough ): You can take a small piece of turmeric powder mixed with hot water.
for treating cough is very effective.

2. anti-corrosive properties s:
It has excellent antioxidant properties and helps fight free.
radical damage which is one of the main causes of premature aging
skin and body.

3. Properties of mosquito repellents :
Turmeric, when applied outside, has amazing mosquito properties and significantly reduces mosquito bites . Flying oil
extracted from turmeric, also have properties from mosquitoes.

4. anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties:
Turmeric extract reduces the growth of tumor and cancer cells when taken orally.

5. Protective properties of the kidney: not only the rhizomes of turmeric kasturi, but the leaves also have healing properties. Aqueous leaf extract has properties like nephroprotector.

6. Wound healing properties:
Turmeric has excellent wound healing properties and is traditionally used for this. Turmeric poultice is used for minor scratches and wounds and usually heals very quickly.

7. properties of anti - inflammatory s:
It has incredible anti-inflammatory properties and
turmeric kasturi in the affected area, reduces inflammation very
efficiently and quickly.

8. Antimelanogenic properties: other
The wonderful medicinal use of turmeric is that it protects our skin.
against UV radiation which prevents the formation of melanin, which is the main cause of skin pigmentation and tanning.
