Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Keto Certified, Collagen Hydrolysate, Peptides, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Non GMO, 16 oz, Frustration Free Packaging

Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Keto Certified, Collagen Hydrolysate, Peptides, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Non GMO, 16 oz, Frustration Free Packaging

What foods contain collagen for hair?

10 foods that strengthen your hair
Having healthy and resistant hair is easier than you think! You should only add a couple of foods to your diet.

    Dairy products

Milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in calcium. Therefore, they will prevent you from having a brittle mane.


Nuts, almonds and seeds help prevent baldness, as they contain large amounts of vitamin B and zinc. Turn them into your best ally for healthy and strong hair !


Chicken and turkey are low in fat and good sources of protein for your hair.


Especially the spinach. Vegetables are key elements in the oxygenation of your scalp. They help improve circulation and prevent your fall.

Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Keto Certified, Collagen Hydrolysate, Peptides, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Non GMO, 16 oz, Frustration Free Packaging
Great Lakes Gelatin, Certified Paleo Friendly, Keto Certified, Collagen Hydrolysate, Peptides, Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed, Non GMO, 16 oz, Frustration Free Packaging

The myths and truths of the hair


It is essential to give elasticity and firmness to your hair. It contains omega 3 and vitamin B, so it will also give an incredible shine.


Fruits rich in vitamin C, such as orange, lemon and grapefruit, stimulate the production of collagen. Include them in your diet for stronger hair.

Your advantage? They make the hair grow faster and more resistant.


If you tend to dye your hair or bleach it very often, cereals like wheat germ are a great solution for you.

Being composed of fiber, they help the hair cuticles and restore from the root to the tip.

5 daily habits that are damaging your hair


The clear of this food provides a large amount of iron and proteins that will strengthen your hair.


It is not by chance that there are so many hair treatments made with this ingredient.

Its high content of vitamins and minerals soften your hair and, of course, make it stronger.


They are highly recommended if you feel that your hair is weak and falls easily. Lentils, beans and beans are the best results.