Tuesday, May 28, 2019

New Chapter Turmeric Curcumin Supplement ONE Daily - Turmeric Force for Inflammation Support + Supercritical Organic Turmeric + NO Black Pepper Needed + Non-GMO Ingredients - 60 Vegetarian Capsule

New Chapter Turmeric Curcumin Supplement ONE Daily - Turmeric Force for Inflammation Support + Supercritical Organic Turmeric + NO Black Pepper Needed + Non-GMO Ingredients - 60 Vegetarian Capsule
New Chapter Turmeric Curcumin Supplement ONE Daily - Turmeric Force for Inflammation Support + Supercritical Organic Turmeric + NO Black Pepper Needed + Non-GMO Ingredients - 60 Vegetarian Capsule

Turmeric - a victory over many diseases. To enhance immunity

Turmeric - a victory over many diseases Turmeric and its healing power is recognized worldwide. Turmeric is a useful medicine and is also a seasoning. Below you will find various recipes with turmeric. Natural antibiotic. Lowers blood cholesterol. A powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. A good remedy for improving digestion. Reduces craving for sweets and fat. Regulates metabolism. Promotes emptying of the gallbladder. Increases the formation of bile in the liver, inhibits the growth of bacteria. Reduces swelling in arthritis. Anti-ulcer effect, anti-inflammatory agent for problematic skin. Normalizes pressure. Helps with headaches caused by liver disease. Strengthens the heart muscle. Stimulates the human immune system. Turmeric - to increase immunity Curcumin reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and normalizes the composition of the blood. Improves blood circulation, stimulates the formation of red blood cells, reduces platelet aggregation. Regulates metabolism. A detailed study of the interaction of curcumin with membranes at the atom level has not been undertaken before by anyone. It turned out that curcumin molecules are located opposite each other at the outer and inner layer of the membrane. Combining chemical bonds with each other, curcumin “stitches” the layers, making the membranes more durable. Scientists also found that turmeric stimulates a person’s immune system and helps break down harmful proteins that block the brain’s work. Turmeric is a great natural antibiotic, it does not worsen the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and does not destroy the liver. On the contrary, the use of turmeric increases the activity of the intestinal flora and improves digestion. It has been scientifically proven that turmeric is effective in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels and fighting cancer. With the help of turmeric, you can mitigate the negative effects of radiation therapy, improve the condition of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, and even help in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Turmeric is an indispensable support for those who are weak after a chronic illness or sick. It warms and perfectly cleanses the blood and promotes the formation of new blood cells. Yellow dye curcumin promotes emptying of the gallbladder. Essential oil increases the formation of bile in the liver, inhibits the growth of bacteria. Turmeric should be used for those diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the cause of which is reduced biliary excretion. It has a bile-forming and choleretic action - it increases the synthesis of bile acid by more than 100%, reduces the secretion and acidity of gastric juice, reduces the cholesterol in the blood.

Despite this, official medicine uses turmeric very little. In the study of turmeric showed a pronounced hepatoprotective effect. It was found that turmeric, like silymarin, protects the liver from a variety of toxic substances, including carbon tetrachloride. Curcumin has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Orally taken curcumin is as effective as cortisone or phenylbutazone, with acute inflammation and half weaker than these drugs, with chronic inflammation, but without adverse events. Studies in the US have shown that turmeric reduces swelling in arthritis. Curcumin also has an anti-ulcer effect, suppressing Helicobacter pylori. Turmeric is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent for problem skin. Curcumin, which creates the smell and taste of turmeric, as well as its derivatives inhibit the development of tumors. Thus, people who consume large amounts of curried foods are less at risk of cancer. In clinical trials, high therapeutic activity of an extract of turmeric, equivalent to 180 mg of curcumin, taken orally, was found in 15% of patients with advanced colon cancer. Curcumin reduces the level of harmful cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) in the blood and normalizes the composition of the blood. Turmeric not only cleans and improves blood circulation, but also stimulates the formation of red blood cells, and also reduces platelet aggregation. Turmeric regulates the metabolism, correcting both redundancy and insufficiency of metabolic processes, and promotes protein absorption. Therefore, turmeric extract is a part of modern preparations for body correction.

In India, turmeric for many years is considered a means of preserving youth and beauty. The people of India do not need to be convinced of the usefulness of this spice - almost no meal here is complete without it. Those who are not accustomed to using turmeric in the kitchen can be advised to take it in pure form as a medicine. With diabetes, it is effective to eat a third of a teaspoon of powder, washed down with plenty of water, before each meal. And to normalize the individual balance and cleanse the body, it is useful to drink a glass of milk with honey and a pinch of turmeric for the night. Turmeric has a healing effect on people with any blood type, but it should not be taken by pregnant women. Gastrointestinal diseases. Turmeric has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach, gallbladder and liver. Turmeric helps to remove toxins from the human liver, prevents stone formation in the gallbladder. Turmeric is recommended to be added to food in case of poisoning with chemicals and insecticides. Turmeric effectively removes toxins from the body. Throat diseases Recipe for the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis: 0.5 cups of water at room temperature take a pinch of turmeric and salt. Sore throat 4-6 times a day, including always at night and after sleep. Also for pharyngitis: 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric. Keep in mouth 3-4 times a day for several minutes. For respiratory, catarrhal diseases, and for blood purification: turmeric is used as follows: 0, 5 teaspoons of turmeric brew 0, 5 cups of boiling water, add a teaspoon of honey, insist under the lid for 5 minutes. Drink 2-3 times a day. Also used: 0, 5 teaspoons of spice powder mixed with 30 ml of warm milk. Take 3-4 times a day. Inhalation / inhalation of smoke

Inhalation can be done: add 0.5 tsp to the container with water. turmeric, mix, cover and breathe. Also inhalation of smoke from 0, 5 tsp. burnt turmeric when coughing, bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract causes profuse mucus secretion and provides instant relief. In diseases of the nasopharynx, it is also effective to inhale the smoke from burned turmeric.

Diabetes mellitus The properties of turmeric allow it to successfully prevent diabetes. Recipe. With diabetes, it is effective to eat a third of a teaspoon of powder, washed down with plenty of water, before each meal. To control blood sugar levels and reduce the intake of synthetic drugs, it is recommended to take turmeric with mummy. Recipe: Standard dosage: 500 mg of turmeric with 1 tablet of mummy taken twice a day. Asthma (especially in the case of the allergic nature of the disease) Recipe: 0.5 tsp. turmeric powder in a 0.5 cup hot milk is taken 2-3 times a day. The action will be more effective when taken on an empty stomach.

Anemia Turmeric is very rich in iron. For anemia, it is recommended to take from 0.25 to 0.5 tsp. spices mixed with honey. In this combination, iron is well absorbed. Turmeric stops bleeding and heals wounds. For cuts, rinse the wound and sprinkle it with turmeric powder. This will help stop the blood and will promote the healing of the wound. For internal bleeding, take turmeric, adding saffron, or one turmeric. Turmeric works great for burns, if you immediately fall asleep. A good remedy for burns is turmeric paste with aloe juice. Bruises and traumatic tumors will pass faster if you use turmeric paste: dilute with 0.5 tsp of boiled water. turmeric and a pinch of salt to make a thick mixture. Apply it on a sore spot, cover with a gauze napkin and hold until dry. The same paste is used for lichen, infectious eczema and other skin diseases caused by parasites. In skin diseases, turmeric is indispensable. It promotes a good exchange of goods. Turmeric paste is an excellent remedy for eczema, itching (outwardly), quickly dissolves boils. Turmeric, regularly added to food, cures hives. Lotions of ghee and turmeric are good for pustules, skin ulcers, boils. Turmeric has a positive effect on the condition of the joints, reduces pain and inflammation in case of arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism. Turmeric reduces swelling in arthritis. For the treatment of sprains and often edema associated with it, turmeric paste is prepared with lemon juice and salt, which is superimposed on the affected place. Turmeric is used in combination with honey (outwardly) for bruises, sprains, inflammations of joints. To combat pain in the joints and spine, a mixture is used: mix turmeric with ground ginger in a 1: 2 ratio, dilute with oil to the consistency of thick sour cream. It is only necessary to apply the mixture on the sore spot, cover with a piece of polyethylene or thin paper, fix and hold overnight. Inflammatory gum disease Rinsing: 1 tsp. turmeric on a glass of warm water will relieve the inflammatory process, bleeding gums, strengthen them. Eye Inflammation Dissolve 2 teaspoons (6 g) of turmeric powder in 0.5 l of water; boil until water is half evaporated. Cool and bury in the sore eye 3-4 times a day.

Cosmetic In India, turmeric has for many years been considered a means of preserving youth and beauty. Improves complexion, cleanses the skin, opens the sweat glands. Turmeric can significantly stop the development of Alzheimer's disease. This seasoning, which can be found in most Indian dishes, prevents the formation of nodules in the vessels of the brain caused by this disease. From the point of view of researchers, this probably answers the question of why Alzheimer's are sick in the East much less often than in the West.

Scientists recently released stunning research results from the University of Toronto. It turns out that curcumin is able to revive cystic fibrosis patients! This is a very serious disease with cystic degeneration of the endocrine glands. In the complex treatment of malignant tumors (especially when using chemotherapy and radiation therapy), doctors often encounter the fact that the seemingly completely destroyed tumor returns some time later. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that a certain group of tumor cells has properties that differ from the properties of the main mass of cancer cells in the same tumor. Therefore, this small group of cells, differing in their properties, becomes insensitive to chemotherapeutic drugs, which were developed and tested based on the characteristics of the “standard” tumor cells of one or another form of cancer. The ancient spice of turmeric can weaken the protective qualities of such chemotherapy-resistant cells and then the drugs will show their effectiveness. Tasty spice will help in the fight against intestinal cancer. Scientists from the University of Leicester, England, are exploring the effects of curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric flavored spices, on human intestinal cancers. Such tissue samples were obtained from real tumors removed from oncological clinic patients. “Our earlier studies in the laboratory showed that curcumin, which is contained in turmeric, well known to many lovers of oriental spices, not only increased the antitumor effect of drugs, but also markedly reduced the number of specific cells resistant to chemotherapy,” says Professor Karen Brown Karen Brown).

“We hope that our scientific work will help identify the mechanism by which curcumin weakens the protection of cells resistant to chemotherapy drugs, as well as identify those groups of patients for whom treatment the introduction of curcumin into the drug regimen will be most effective,” the scientist continues. Dosage and contraindications of turmeric Scientists recommend to include this spice in the diet of the family. Surprisingly, turmeric has almost no limit on the amount of consumption per day. The optimal daily dose of spices is 12 grams. It should be remembered that spices can be given only to children over 5-6 years old (Not recommended for children under 2 years old?). With proper use of spices in the children's diet, the properties of turmeric will help your child to successfully deal with obesity. In case of occlusion of the biliary tract, for gallstone disease and jaundice, its use is prohibited. With caution, turmeric should be used and people with allergies, as well as patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers. In the form of monopreparations in large doses do not take during the attacks of gallstone disease during pregnancy. The chemical composition of turmeric The chemical composition of turmeric includes fragrant essential oil, which also contains zingiberen, borneol and other terpenoids, as well as curcumin and two-methoxycurrently. Turmeric contains calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine. Vitamins: C, B K B2, OT. __________ In the case of a scorpion bite, if you curb a sore spot with smoke rising from burning charcoal on which turmeric powder is sprinkled, relief comes immediately. Ointment made from turmeric, hemp leaves, onions, mixed with warm mustard or linseed oil, brings relief from painful hemorrhoids. A paste of turmeric powder and milky milkweed juice (euphorbia nerifolia) is also useful for hemorrhoids. There are a number of preparations containing turmeric, such as haridrakhand for intractable skin diseases, haridradi ghrta for jaundice and hiridradi taila (oil) for wounds. India uses turmeric based ointment. 200-250 g of turmeric put in 4 liters of water overnight. In the morning to boil, while there will be no half. Mix the remaining 300 mg of mustard oil. Boil over low heat until all the water has evaporated. The resulting oil is poured into a bottle of dark glass. This oil is applied to the white spots on the skin every morning and evening for several months.
