Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Organic Turmeric Curcumin w/Ginger, Boswellia & BioPerine? Formulated by Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Olivia Joseph [120 Caps - 2 Mo Supply]

Organic Turmeric Curcumin w/Ginger, Boswellia & BioPerine? Formulated by Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Olivia Joseph [120 Caps - 2 Mo Supply]
Organic Turmeric Curcumin w/Ginger, Boswellia & BioPerine? Formulated by Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Olivia Joseph [120 Caps - 2 Mo Supply]

Medicinal properties of turmeric are used in the following cases

In disorders and diseases of the digestive system, to improve metabolism, with flatulence and colic, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, reduces the attraction to the sweet and fatty, regulates the metabolism, correcting both redundancy and Insufficiency of metabolic processes and promotes protein absorption, is a part of modern preparations for figure correction

For the treatment of skin diseases, insect bites, snakes and scorpions, in smallpox, chickenpox, leprosy, deprivation, eczema, hives, abscesses, boils, skin diseases caused by parasites (used fresh juice from the roots, powder or paste)

To heal and heal wounds, ulcers, cuts, burns, to accelerate the formation and drying of the coronists (used freshly squeezed juice from the roots, powder or paste), as well as bruises and traumatic tumors

As Zhelchegonnoe, with reduced bile, as bile, increases the synthesis of bile acid by more than 100%, prevents stone formation in the gall bladder, is shown in Cholocystite

In liver diseases, cholocystite, hepatitis, in alcoholic cirrhosis, protects the liver from toxic substances, with long-term intake of drugs, removes toxins from the liver

In India, thanks to turmeric, there is practically no cholocystite.

Arthritis, rheumatism, pains, inflammations and tumors in the joints, muscular pains, bruises, sprains and related edema

To prevent atherosclerosis, in Alzheimer's disease

Substances contained in turmeric, at least 2 times reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and help to suspend its development. Prevents the formation of nodules in the brain vessels caused by Alzheimer's disease.

To reduce blood cholesterol and normalize blood composition, cleanses blood
and improves circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots

To prevent and treat cancer, softens the negative effects of radiation therapy, delays the development of tumors

Diabetes, to reduce blood sugar

Taking turmeric together with diabetes medications, as well as separately, can significantly lower blood sugar levels.

In case of viral diseases, colds, cough, throat diseases, as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory means, cleans from mucus

Simple inhalation of smoke with burnt turmeric causes abundant mucus secretion and brings instant relief. One of the most common colds is warm milk with turmeric.

In eye infections and inflammation


With hemorrhoids

As Glystogonnoe, helps with intestinal parasites, suppress pustoistnuu microflora in the intestines, cleans it from excess mucus

When weakened after chronic illness, to improve immunity and strengthen the body

To improve the composition of blood, blood and contributes to the formation of new blood cells, stimulates the formation of erythrocytes

To prevent leukemia in children

In menstrual irregularities

To strengthen the heart muscle

To improve kidney function

As a natural antibiotic

In chronic diarrhea as an antiseptic

Unlike synthetic drugs, turmeric does not worsen the state of the gastrointestinal tract and does not destroy the liver.

With inflammation of the gums, stops the bleeding, relieves inflammation

Most often turmeric is produced in the form of capsules containing powder, powder, paste, liquid extract. There are Haridra Ghhrta, Haridra Khanda, Haridra Taila (oil). Usually kurkumu take inside in the form of a powder which mix with honey, milk or warm water. For external use usually use a powder or paste.

Scientists recommend to include turmeric in daily ration. Turmeric has almost no restrictions on the amount of consumption per day.

Turmeric is not recommended in large quantities to people with cholelithiasis, as well as in the case of blockage of bile pathways. Excessive consumption of turmeric is not recommended for gastritis and gastric ulcer.

It is believed that the turmeric drives away ants.

Turmeric finds the widest application in cosmetology for face, body, hair and is included in numerous cosmetic and medical-cosmetic products – creams for face and body, masks, oils, balms, ointments, toothpastes and powders, gels for Shower, hair oils, paints, rinse, soap.

Turmeric is used in cosmetology thanks to

Antiseptic and antifungal properties

Strongest Anteseptik, kills microbes, infections, treats skin diseases-rashes, eczema, psoriasis, zoster, smallpox, chickenpox. Gives antiseptic protection to healthy skin. Perfectly cleanses the skin, rubbing deep into the pores. Turmeric Paste Mask is a famous product for the purity and beauty of the skin. It is often used together with the NIMA in cleansing and antiseptic preparations.

Ideal for the care of problematic, impure skin.

Anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties

Disinfates, addictive and heals wounds, ulcers, cuts, purulent formations. Relieves inflammation, itching, irritation, allergies. Effective for insect bites and healing of the affected areas, as well as long-term non-healing wounds. In India, all sorts of wounds, from the cut to the ulcers, fall asleep powder turmeric. Heals Burns.

Whitening Properties

The famous remedy for skin whitening and clarification of pigment spots and freckles. Aligns the complexion, gives the skin radiance and smoothness. It is a part of numerous beauty formulas. For the purpose of bleaching can be used with other means, such as lemon, flour chickpea.

Photosensitizing Properties

Treats Leukderma (vitiligo).

Antioxidant properties

Curcumin, contained in turmeric, has strong antioxidant properties. Suppresses elastase-an enzyme that destroys elastin in the skin, which leads to sagging and appearance of age-like wrinkles. Rejuvenates skin, improves blood circulation and complexion, promotes cell renewal. Fights free radicals and protects against harmful effects. Tones and tightens the skin, making it supple and elastic. Smoothes wrinkles.

Various masks with turmeric for face and body are very popular in India. They are applied to lighten and cleanse the skin and eliminate acne and blackheads. Usually turmeric is mixed with flour chickpea, clay, honey or with vegetable oil, most often sesame. The mixture of oil with turmeric is also used in massage. Masks with turmeric improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, excellent fight with acne and redness on the face.

It is a part of anti-aging creams, wrinkle creams for the age skin.

Turmeric is also used as a means after epilation, slowing the growth of hair, as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent to prevent irritation. For this purpose the paste of turmeric (the powder diluted with water) is applied on the epideciduous sites.

Turmeric is used to strengthen the hair and to fight dandruff. It is often rubbed in the head together with the Amola, with sandalwood and sesame oil.

Powder or pasta turmeric when applied to the skin gives a light yellow color, which is immediately washed away. Creams with turmeric, even if they are yellow in color, do not give a yellow tint to the skin. They have a non-staining effect, and a light whitening effect. However, when you hit the fabric of turmeric is washed away quite difficult.

Turmeric is widely used in cookery primarily in India, as well as in other Asian countries. In addition to Asia, it is also popular in the UK and the United States. As the spice turmeric is used in a huge number of dishes. It has a pleasant, weak-spicy aroma and mild-burning taste. However, in overdose the taste changes to acute, burning and can worsen dishes. Kurkumu is added to meat, fish, vegetable dishes, rice and pilaf. Turmeric is a good seasoning for eggs, some sauces, soups, salads. It is perfectly matched with poultry dishes. In small quantities improves the taste and aroma of confectionery products, Marinades. Curcumin dissolves in fats, so it is used in the food industry for colouring butter, margarine, cheese, sweet drinks, liqueurs. Turmeric is one of the major components of the famous Indian curry seasonings. In South India, turmeric is not less than one third, and sometimes half of the mixture. Sometimes when cooking turmeric are trying to replace Curry. This is wrong, since the content of turmeric in Curry is considerably smaller in addition, Curry has many other ingredients that give the dish a different flavor. In case of necessity and lack of turmeric in recipes you can substitute gorchichnymi seeds or powder them.

Use of turmeric in food not only improves taste of dishes, but also improves digestion, work of gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, gives to dishes and products freshness and increases terms of storage.

Turmeric itself eventually loses its aroma and some properties, so it is better to buy it in small quantities. However, it retains its yellow color. Turmeric powder is recommended to be stored in a sealed ware in a dark cool place, fresh roots of turmeric-in the refrigerator.

It is included in the composition -cream with a turmeric, Aasha shower gel, a gel for washing aasha, a complex against hair loss Aasha, medical dye for hair Aasha, dental powder vedica, herbal powder for facial cleansing Vedica, oil from the stretch marks Vedica, balm Soft Vedica, soap with oil of Lakshadi medimix, soap with oil of Eladi medimix, soap 18 herbs medimix, massage oil vedica, massage oil light vedica, healing oil vedica, body mask lady Henne, foot cream for dry and cracked skin vedica, oil with Shafranom Vedica (Asanabanjistadi Taylam, Kumkumadi Taylam)
