Saturday, June 1, 2019

Cascade Platinum ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh, 62 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Cascade Platinum ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh, 62 Count (Packaging May Vary)
Cascade Platinum ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh, 62 Count (Packaging May Vary)

How to choose a dishwasher detergent

1 Step 1. Choose a form

1.1 Powder
1.2 Tablets
1.3 Capsules
1.4 Gel

2 What is better for dishwasher: powder or tablets
3 Step 2. We evaluate environmental friendliness
4 Step 3. We select the brand
5 Whether to listen to customer reviews

When buying an assistant in the kitchen, you think that the main thing is to choose the right device, and what to wash with is secondary. The problem appears when you come to the store for a detergent. On the shelves dozens of varieties and brands - which one to choose? What is better: tablets or dishwasher powder? Or maybe a gel?

If finances allow, buy a bit of everything. So I did, and now 2 boxes of pills and capsule packaging are gathering dust in the cabinet. But for myself, I determined what detergent for dishes better. To avoid my mistake - prepare for the purchase. Here is a step by step guide.
Step 1. Choose a form

The main component in the composition of any detergent is phosphates or surface-active substances (surfactants). They clean the dishes from contamination. For the convenience of users, these components are wrapped in different forms - there are only 4 of them:


Selecting "your" means, assess the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Different powders


we measure the right amount ourselves - conveniently with incomplete loading;
fits all types of PMM, and is ideal for desktop machines;
universal for all cycles and temperatures, since dissolves quickly in water;
it is economical - there is enough for a long time, less often trips to the store;
more washes for the same amount (about 200 rubles / 1 kg. will last for 40-60 cycles, and inexpensive tablets for 5-6 rubles for this money - for 33-40 downloads).


need to be able to dose "by eye";
does not wash heavily burnt impurities;
erases drawings - not suitable for all dishes;
Buy more salt and rinse;
inexpensive powders form excess foam;
large packaging is inconvenient to store and keep on falling asleep;
From cardboard boxes, it is desirable to pour in a plastic container.

Dispel misleading - the powder is not inhaled when filling, as some fear. Its particles are quite large and it does not “dust” like flour. Good manufacturers pack the powder in plastic packaging with a special “spout” - it also protects against spraying.

Multilayer tablet


exact dosage of substances, do not need to measure anything;
multilayer cubes contain salt and rinse, and therefore do not add them additionally;
All-in-One tablets wash old and burnt impurities;
compact, take up little storage space;
more expensive stamps contain scale and car care products.


cost higher than powder;
to single-layer tablets and with hard water need salt and rinse;
uncomfortable at half load and in desktop PMM - extra consumption;
solid, not every cube will share in half (to save);
on short cycles they do not dissolve completely;
not suitable for older models of PMM, where there is no compartment for them;
some damage silver and fragile glass - check on the packaging to find out if they are suitable for such dishes;
storage space should be dry and cool, without moisture.

Washing capsule

This is the release form of tablets in a soluble wrapper, respectively, the advantages and disadvantages are the same.

Additional cons:

do not open the shell (divide);
the most expensive variety of all detergents.

Different gels for PMM


the same as the powder;
protects fragile dishes and does not wash away the drawings (but still with caution);
convenient to pour and store.


worth more than other means;
need to be able to dose "by eye";
requires the addition of salt and rinse, while the settings for their supply are very important - due to a small search or lack of air conditioning, sticky residue and odor will remain on the dishes.

What is better for dishwasher: powder or tablets

There is no definite answer. The device doesn’t care what they put into it, but each housewife has her own preferences. When comparing products for dishwashers, it is logical to proceed from the number and type of utensils, which are often washed. See the table:

The conclusion is: if you wash lightly soiled plates, mugs, small utensils, or in general, dishes get dirty a little - it is more profitable to use powder or gel. But if you have to frequently wash pots and pans - pills are useful.

There is an exception. Owners of small desktop PMM tablets are not suitable. Standardly 1 cube is designed to wash 10-12 sets of dishes, and the volume of the compact device hopper is smaller. It is uneconomical to use tablets - prefer powder or gel. Or divide the cube into halves.

Step 2. We estimate environmental friendliness

Phosphate free tablets

Protection of nature and safety for health is the main trend in dishwashing products for the last 5-7 years. There are more and more products with an ECO mark, and their price is 20-50% higher than ordinary brands. So is it worth overpaying?

The issue of environmental friendliness often arises when there are small children in the house. Caring mother can be understood - she does not want the child to be poisoned by something. Or if a family member is allergic, and any perfumes affect him negatively. In such cases, the family budget suffers - you have to buy expensive bio-pills.

Are these concerns only justified? Modern dishwashers of famous brands are harmless to health, otherwise they would be forbidden to sell. Most manufacturers have abandoned the use of phosphates and chlorine, and began to include non-ionic and, less commonly, anionic surfactants.

However, even in the presence of phosphate among the components do not worry about safety. Their concentration in relation to the rest of the ingredients is carefully checked, therefore, during the standard washing cycle, the substance manages to clean the dishes and completely wash off the surfaces.

This is confirmed by Roskontrol experts, who in 2016 tested the quality of washing and the washability of several brands of tablets and powders. If the product is used for its intended purpose in accordance with the instructions and in the appropriate program, there is no health risk. The residual amount in the washes from the treated surfaces is insignificant, and fits into the standards with a large margin.

I am not an opponent of eco-friendly pills. Their obvious advantage is the absence of harm to man and nature. But the high price is a significant disadvantage. And it is aggravated by the need to clean the dishwasher often - with bio-eco-products it becomes dirty more quickly, a mold like mold is formed on the filter.

Step 3. We select the brand

Having decided that it is better for PMM, tablets or powder, whether they are IVF or conventional, it remains to choose a brand.

If you order via the Internet, the range increases significantly. There are many options in different price ranges - pick up the brand and see user reviews.

For those who do not want to overpay for delivery, the only way is to the store. And this is not bad: usually in the assortment of a large hypermarket there are 7-15 brands of dishwasher products. 80-90% of the shelf space is occupied by Finish, Somat, Fairy, BioMio, and there are few other brands. The choice is narrow, but this is enough and you can buy promotional items at a discount of up to 50%. The most "delicious" and regular sales - in Okay.

For more reviews of brands and ratings, see individual articles.

Whether to listen to customer reviews

Dishwasher users are different. One likes powder, while others prefer 3-in-1 tablets. Choose according to your preferences and financial capabilities, and reviews will help you choose a better product. Here are some opinions from the forums:

Powders - I do not like. Because they are ineffective, in my opinion, and leave a divorce. I also do not buy tablets. They are expensive. The best product for me is Finish Gel. He perfectly washes the dishes, rather than those tools that I had to use earlier. Does not leave traces and smell of chemistry.

Powder is good, I have nothing against it. At the first time after buying the dishwasher, I just rolled it in, but quite often more than necessary. I spilled it past. I consider tablets and capsules much more convenient.

My PMM is narrow. Because of this, I do not take pills. The dosage of detergent in them is very large. In my opinion, the powder is better, since its dose can be selected for a specific case. Prefer Finish. Sometimes I buy other brands, I also remain satisfied. Tablets are more expensive.

My powder

Novice user confusion of opinions confuses. Do not rely only on reviews, advertising or ratings on the Internet. Powder came up to me, because I rinsed the dishes and my dishes on a short program - it's faster. You may not like it ... Listen to everything, try to choose a tool according to the proposed algorithm - YOUR will definitely be there.
