Tuesday, June 25, 2019

ANDROSURGE Estrogen Blocker for Men - Natural Anti-Estrogen, Testosterone Booster & Aromatase Inhibitor Supplement - Boost Muscle Growth & Fat Loss - DIM & 6 More Powerful Ingredients, 60 Veggie Pills

ANDROSURGE Estrogen Blocker for Men - Natural Anti-Estrogen, Testosterone Booster & Aromatase Inhibitor Supplement - Boost Muscle Growth & Fat Loss - DIM & 6 More Powerful Ingredients, 60 Veggie Pills
ANDROSURGE Estrogen Blocker for Men - Natural Anti-Estrogen, Testosterone Booster & Aromatase Inhibitor Supplement - Boost Muscle Growth & Fat Loss - DIM & 6 More Powerful Ingredients, 60 Veggie Pills

How to increase testosterone

Testosterone determines the male, alfacha and dominator. With age, the level of the hormone of masculinity inevitably decreases, causing a bunch of unpleasant problems, including erection. Fortunately, testosterone can be increased without any chemistry.

In creating this guide, we relied on the experience of a man who was able to double the level of total and free testosterone in 90 days. Without illegal drugs, suffering and bullying of the body and mind. This is a really working technique, thanks to which you will live for your own pleasure and catch all the bonuses of high testosterone.

Attention! The guide does not contain "magic pills" and fantastic bodyhacks. Everything that is written here is based on scientific research and the application of this knowledge in practice. Before making experiments, consult with your doctor.


Proper nutrition plays a huge role in testosterone production. For example, to start production of the hormone, the body needs specific elements, such as zinc and magnesium, and the raw material is cholesterol, which is terrible for many. Some foods, such as cabbage and its varieties, contribute to the elimination of estrogens from the body, which also helps to increase testosterone.

To increase testosterone, it is necessary to increase the fat and cholesterol levels in the daily diet. That is why the old-school athletes consumed raw chicken eggs and continue to do so.

Studies show Testosterone and cortisol in relationship to dietary nutrients and resistance exercise .Testosterone and cortisol in relationship to dietary nutrients and resistance exercise . that an increase in fat and cholesterol in the diet increases testosterone, and low-fat diets lead to Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men .Low-fat, high-fiber androgens in men . to lower male hormone levels.

As for the myths about the dangers of fat and cholesterol, the test results after the completion of this experiment turned out to be very good.

Value Optimal
Total cholesterol, mg / dl 202 <200
HDL ("good") cholesterol, mg / dl 77 > 60
LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, mg / dL 112 100-129
Triglycerides, mg / dl 65 <100
The ratio of total and "good" cholesterol 2.6: 1 <3.5: 1
The ratio of "good" and "bad" cholesterol 0.68: 1 > 0.4: 1
The ratio of triglycerides and "good" cholesterol 0.84: 1 <2: 1

Breakfast: special from Ron Swanson

Three strips of fried bacon.
Scrambled eggs from three whole eggs (that is, with yolk).

This breakfast is not only delicious, but also gives the body the necessary amount of fat and cholesterol for the production of testosterone.
Lunch: salad man

Spinach and green salad - sources of magnesium Effects of magnesium supplementation on testosterone levels of athletes and sedentary subjects at rest and after exhaustion .The effects of magnesium supplements are reduced to and zinc Effect of zinc and selenium supplementation on serum testosterone and plasma lactate in cyclist after an exhaustive exercise bout .Effect of zinc and selenium supplementation on serum testosterone ; .
Meat is a source of protein and cholesterol. Protein helps build muscle, and the more muscle, the higher the testosterone.
Nuts - real fat bombs that give the necessary cholesterol. Studies show that nuts, particularly Brazilian, increase testosterone.
Avocados and olives are a great source of "good" fats.
Broccoli is a source of indole contributing Indole-3-Carbinol Is a Negative Regulator of Estrogen .Indole-3-Carbinol Is a Negative Regulator of Estrogen . reduce the level of female hormones in the body of a man.
Olive oil is the perfect salad dressing to help Olive oil converts cholesterol more easily into testosterone .Olive oil converts cholesterol more easily into testosterone . the body is better to absorb cholesterol.
Balsamic vinegar - to taste and maintain normal insulin levels.

As you can see, some ingredients cannot be called the most affordable, but you can freely modify this recipe, replacing the products that are missing in the nearest stores with similar ones. Obviously, the consumption of large amounts of good meat hits the wallet, but this is typical of all protein foods.
Dinner: anything you want, but without prejudice to the production of testosterone

Eat whatever you like, as long as there is fat and protein. Do not try to go on a low- or carbon-free diet, stay away from paleodiet and other fashion trends. More current research suggests that such dietary regimes actually contribute to The effect of low-carbohydrate diet on the pattern of hormonal changes during incremental, graded exercise in young men .The effect of the changes in the diet of the young men . lower testosterone levels.

Nuts, pumpkin seeds, broccoli and dark chocolate are your friends if you suddenly want to eat.

To plump is not recommended. Studies show Beer and Testosterone .Beer and Testosterone . that alcohol, in particular beer, reduces testosterone.

One of the coolest “male” nutritional bonuses with an emphasis on fat, protein and carbohydrate balance and calorie control is the inevitable weight loss. For example, with the initial level of subcutaneous fat in the region of 18%, you can count on 12% in three months. Getting rid of unnecessary centimeters, you will increase testosterone even more, because obese men have a statistically lower level of this hormone. Solid pros and no cons.

As mentioned above, this guide does not contain “magic pills” and fantastic bodyhacks. To increase testosterone, it is necessary to plow. Plow a lot. Exercise itself gives rise to testosterone. The growth of muscle tissue and the care of excess fat also increase the level of the male hormone. So take a subscription to the nearest trainer and start exploring the topic of basic strength training .
Commandments of male training

Choose basic exercises that involve big muscles. The effect of short-term strength training on human skeletal muscle: the importance of physiologically elevated hormone levels .The skeletal muscle effect of short-term strength training: The importance of physiologically elevated hormone levels . . It is certainly good to pump bitsuha in isolation, but testosterone is unlikely to increase significantly from this. Chest bench pressure, backstroke, army bench press, squatting, deadlift and its variations are your favorite exercises.
High-volume workouts - good. Exercise volume = number of approaches × number of repetitions × weight. Studies show Hormonal responses of multiset versus single-set heavy-resistance exercise protocols .Hormonal responses of multiset versus single-set heavy-resistance exercise protocols . that the higher the amount of exercise, the better the testosterone level increases.
Stay with a reserve for a couple of repetitions. Research say Differential effects of strength training leading to failure versus not to failure on hormonal responses, strength, and muscle power gains .Not only is there any response time . That work to failure is not necessary. In addition, the partner you will have far from always, and to be crushed by a barbell is unpleasant and very dangerous.
Rest between sets is Hormonal Responses to Resistance Exercise Variables .Hormonal Responses to Resistance Exercise Variables . more than a minute, but less than two minutes.

With basic knowledge of English, you can learn and master an excellent strength training technique called 5 × 5 . It is both simple and very effective.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT is a great addition to weight training, which also increases testosterone. The essence of this technique is the alternation of short, high-intensity and longer, but less intense intervals when performing the exercise. On the Internet, a bunch of ready-made HIIT options. Choose the one that is closer to you.
Overtraining - the enemy of testosterone!

Everything is good in moderation, including training. In the absence of experience in sports, a person often overestimates the capabilities of his own body. In this case, he and his body become familiar with the phenomenon of congestion. This is when you come to the gym in the hope of doing more than last time, but you cannot even repeat the volume of the previous lesson. No strength, everything hurts, lethargy, permanent fatigue, weakness - these are signs of overtraining. In addition, in this state, the level of testosterone drops Testosterone and Overtraining .Testosterone and Overtraining . and therefore it is necessary to be engaged to the best of your abilities and capabilities.
Vitamins and supplements

Proper nutrition allows the body to synthesize testosterone, and modern technology helps it to do it more efficiently. Many people are suspicious of additives, even with fully and repeatedly proven effectiveness, and therefore we do not urge to urgently overcome their own paranoia and throw themselves into something that you do not understand.

You are afraid - do not take it, do not be afraid - take it and enjoy even more effect.

Vitamin D3 is not really a vitamin, but a hormone that our body synthesizes with the help of sunlight. Not all of us are lucky enough to live in sunny regions, and not everyone can afford daily sunbathing, because office, work, a lot of things, and so on.

Research confirms Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men .Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men . increased testosterone with an additional intake of D3.

Proven Fish Oil and Testosterone .Fish Oil and Testosterone . that fish oil contributes to the production of a hormone, which, in turn, stimulates the synthesis of testosterone.
Whey Protein

Without physical activity, an increase in testosterone levels will be much less significant. Well, if it comes to men's sports, that is, rocking, it is necessary to mention the sport pit.

Whey protein helps to maintain daily protein intake, as well as protect, repair and build muscle. Training is muscle, and muscle is testosterone. Everything is very simple.

Studies show Dose effect of caffeine on testosterone and cortisol responses to resistance exercise .Dose effect of caffeine on testosterone and cortisol responses to resistance exercise . That taking 100 mg of caffeine before exercise helps to increase testosterone.
Optional supplements

ZMA is a very popular sports supplement made from zinc and magnesium, which are necessary for the synthesis of testosterone. Here are just recent studies have shown Effects of Zinc Magnesium Aspartate (ZMA) Supplementation on Training Adaptations and Markers of Anabolism and Catabolism .Effects of Zinc Magnesium Aspartate (ZMA) Supplementation on Training Adaptations and Markers of Anabolism and Catabolism . zero efficiency Serum testosterone and urinary excretion of steroid hormone metabolites after administration of a high-dose zinc supplement .Serum testosterone and urinary hormone metabolites after steroid administration after high-dose zinc supplement . taking extra doses of these elements in excess of the norm. It turns out, ZMA is useful only with a deficiency of zinc and magnesium in the diet.
Useless Supplements

Wandering around the internet looking for working ways to increase testosterone, you may stumble upon a recommendation to take more vitamin C. Indeed, there is a study confirming 2g Vitamin C Ameliorate Low Testosterone Levels and Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetic Rats.2g Vitamin C Ameliorate Low Testosterone Levels and Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetic Rats. Usefulness in Normoglycemic Individuals Still Questionable .Usefulness in Normoglycemic Individuals Still Questionable . increased testosterone levels from askorbinki ... in diabetic mice. There are no other facts. Accordingly, if you are not a diabetic or a mouse, you do not need to take additional doses of vitamin C.

All kinds of “natural testosterone boosters” like tribulus, if you dig deeper The aphrodisiac herb Tribulus terrestris does not influence the androgen production in young men .The aphrodisiac herb Tribulus terrestris doesn’t influence the , they work unstable and only on the same poor mice. Do not spend money on questionable drugs with unproven efficacy.

The synthesis of testosterone in the body occurs in a dream. A daily morning erection is just a consequence of an increase in the level of the male hormone and a sign that everything is in order with you. In chronic sleep deprivation, the body simply does not have time to produce testosterone. Enough to sleep less than 5 hours a day for only one week, and you already have minus 15% of testosterone. In addition to the synthesis of testosterone, sleep reduces the level of cortisol, a hormone that blocks testosterone.

Sleep 8 hours, protect yourself from your smartphone, any other sources of blue light and invigorating drinks late in the evening , take a warm shower before going to bed.
Stress management

Stressful situations cause the release of cortisol. In small doses, this hormone is harmless and even needed. He launches the very primitive “hit or run” reaction. Problems begin when stress stretches over time. We are arranged so that we must either right now destroy the source of discomfort, or run away from it.

Unfortunately, few can quit their jobs . Just take and rub from the heart to a person who is angry, too, is impossible. It remains only to adapt and rebuild your life so as to minimize discomfort. In part, proven stress management techniques will help you: meditation, breathing exercises and walks.

It is unlikely that you yourself will make the environment clean and safe, but something can be improved. For example, to exclude from the life of xenoestrogens How Chemicals Affect Us .How Chemicals Affect Us . - substances that exhibit properties in the human body that are similar to the action of female hormones, that is, lower testosterone.

The problem is that the xenoestrogen phenomenon itself is poorly understood and poorly understood. Such substances can occur everywhere, but there are some life hacking to protect against them.

Use less plastic, and especially try not to heat food in plastic containers.
Avoid gasoline and pesticides whenever possible. Of course, fuel has a masculine scent, but the less and the less you “enjoy” it, the better.
Use more organic products, if, of course, allows the budget. And there is still no shame in having a garden.


More sex - more testosterone. More testosterone - more sex. More sex ... well, you get the idea.
Results of the experiment

Before the experiment After the experiment
Total Testosterone, ng / dl 383 778
Free testosterone, pg / ml 7.2 14.4

Briefly about the main thing

So, to increase testosterone, you need:

include more fat and cholesterol in the diet;
give up alcohol;
engage in strength and high-intensity interval training;
take vitamin D, fish oil and whey protein;
sleep at least 8 hours a day;
whenever possible, minimize stress factors and master calming techniques;
protect yourself as much as possible from anything that may contain xenoestrogens;
have more sex.
