Tuesday, June 25, 2019

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Vintage Boost Testosterone Booster - Wave-Loaded Natural Stamina Booster Testosterone Supplement - Fast-Acting, Safe & Effective with Tribulus - Builds Muscle and Boosts Vitality - 126 Veggie Pills
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Testosterone : how to determine the increase and decrease its level

Oddly enough, but an increased level of testosterone also affects the quality of life of a man. This may be not only an independent dysfunction of the hormonal system, but also a consequence of other diseases.

Marker of what pathological conditions in the male body can be testosterone going off scale, which is signaled by such a roll over and what can be done to level out the hormonal status, knows Denis Panfilov, andrologist of the Harmony of Health network.
On the increased level of testosterone say

Irritability and mood swings

A large amount of testosterone increases the level of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol in the body. That is why a man starts up with a half-turn, including in a completely harmless situations.

Thick "vegetation"

An increased level of androgens leads to more hair on the body, or the number of hairs does not change, but they become thicker.


A jump in testosterone upsets the balance of the hormonal system, resulting in, among other things, the active work of the sebaceous glands.

Heart pain, hypotension or hypertension

A high level of adrenaline (as mentioned above, which is a consequence of stably increased testosterone levels) affects the elasticity of the blood vessels, thickens the blood and impairs the functioning of the heart muscle. This affects blood pressure (it can both increase and decrease), can cause tachycardia, arrhythmia, pain in the heart. In some cases, due to these pathologies, a heart attack develops.

Inability to conceive a child

Increased testosterone increases libido. And more frequent sex (compared to how it was before) impairs the function of the prostate gland, because its resources are limited. As a result, the sperm gets worse.
A decrease in its level is signaled.

Liver impairment

If the liver functions are impaired, it is "cheaper" for testosterone not to be fully produced, but to turn part of the male hormones into estradiol, a testosterone antagonist, the level of which, respectively, decreases.

Frequent colds

Androgens are also produced by the adrenal glands. They are a link in the development of immune factors. Thus, if the adrenal function is impaired, then, firstly, the level of testosterone decreases, secondly, the body’s defenses deteriorate, and they simply stick to ARVI men.

High blood sugar

Decreased testosterone production occurs when the pancreas deteriorates. Therefore, a decrease in the level of the male hormone can give out attacks of pancreatitis and jumps in blood sugar.

Flabby skin and atherosclerosis

Metabolic syndrome is another reason for a decrease in testosterone levels, and the result is a deterioration in the quality of the skin, since epidermis cells are poorly renewed, fat balance is disturbed and atherosclerotic plaques appear in the future.

Chronic fatigue and depression

Reduced testosterone leads to a deterioration or loss of erection. Of course, the man is discouraged, and how! In a depressed state, chronic fatigue occurs and brain functions are impaired, in particular, concentration and memory deteriorate.

Hormone will say thank you

Whatever the reason for the deterioration of the hormonal status of a man, it is not superfluous to follow daily a number of testosterone-friendly rules.

For sport

Exercise levels the level of stress hormones in the body. An important condition is that after class you should feel light, have a little euphoria, and fatigue should be pleasant.

For butter and meat

The health of the vascular system will support 2 tbsp. l unrefined vegetable oil and a piece of salted sea fish. A complete synthesis of testosterone is impossible without cholesterol, and it contains only animal protein. Therefore, a quarter of the daily ration should be meat plus dairy products.

For early ascents

The fact is that from 5:00 to 9:00 testosterone production is physiologically maximal. So, the man in the greatest tone and will be able to successfully resolve issues. Their implementation will improve your mood, motivate new victories and strengthen the male-type worldview. Together with a positive effect on the brain, the pituitary gland will stimulate the production of a balanced amount of hormones.

For quitting smoking and sausages

As well as margarine, abuse of sugar, salt and alcohol. All of these substances and products impair the function of the prostate gland, causing its swelling and / or inflammation in its tissues, worsening the condition of the vascular system. Directly or indirectly, these disorders affect the hormonal status of men.
