Saturday, June 29, 2019

Hello Oral Care Fluoride Free Toddler Training Toothpaste, Organic Apple, 1.5 Ounce

Hello Oral Care Fluoride Free Toddler Training Toothpaste, Organic Apple, 1.5 Ounce
Hello Oral Care Fluoride Free Toddler Training Toothpaste, Organic Apple, 1.5 Ounce

How to prevent dental caries

One of the most fundamental causes of the loss of dental elements is carious lesion. Hidden caries is considered the most dangerous pathology, because the patient for a long period of time is unaware of the development of pathology, which quickly destroys the tooth's tissue structure. First, carious lesion affects the enamel layer, and gradually penetrates to the dentin. The loss of a tooth causes a purulent process that destroys the pulp.

Statistics show that every second inhabitant of the planet has faced a carious lesion, and in some population this pathology is observed in almost 100%. The prevalence of the disease is explained by the level of social life, non-compliance with preventive measures, rare visits to the dentist. Comprehensive prevention helps to reduce the development of pathology and unpleasant consequences.

In order to prevent pathology, you need to know how it looks. Diagnosis is carried out exclusively by a specialist using certain research methods. However, the reason for visiting the dentist may be darkening and stains on a healthy tooth, the occurrence of pain.
Attention! To avoid a carious lesion, you should adhere to a planned visit to the dentist (every six months).
The process of carious lesions begins with the demineralization of tooth enamel and the appearance of darkening of the tooth. Also caries, the dentist diagnoses at the initial stage, when the lesion appears as a white spot. Unobtrusive areas of pathology are determined by the use of ultraviolet. After that, it is important for a specialist to know the depth of the lesion and the nature of the pathology, for this purpose, X-rays are used. Thanks to an X-ray image, an inflammatory process in the circulatory tissues and the possible presence of a cyst are detected. After confirming the diagnosis, the dentist determines the further tactics of treatment.

Formation of caries
It is important! In order to avoid tooth decay, routine dental cleaning and regular dental hygiene at home are recommended.
Comprehensive prevention of carious lesions
Proper nutrition
Dental health is directly dependent on the products that the patient consumes. Naturally, you should not hope for a healthy enamel with regular consumption of sweets and carbonated drinks.

Useful products for teeth
Therefore, you must follow the special recommendations for proper nutrition:
Minimize the use of sweets, flour products.
Build a menu in such a way as to establish the right balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
To consume a large number of fruits, products that contain the necessary elements for the teeth (you can replace the vitamin-mineral complex in consultation with your doctor).
Eat raw vegetables daily - this contributes to the natural cleansing of dental elements.
Include in the diet of seafood, fish, so you can saturate the body with phosphorus, which is necessary for the strength of the tooth tissue structures.
Do not forget about dairy products, which contain a sufficient amount of calcium.
Exclude snacks from everyday sweets.
Chew food more thoroughly.
Be sure to rinse the oral cavity after each meal. You do not need to use a special rinse every time, enough glasses of water.
From time to time, use chewing gum to stabilize the level of acidity in the mouth.

Ways of oral hygiene
An important condition that prevents caries from developing is correctness and regularity of oral hygiene. It is worth noting that for healthy teeth it is not enough to brush your teeth two times a day for two minutes, while using different toothpastes. So, effective hygiene of dental elements includes several factors.

Hygiene moments
Short description

The habit of brushing your teeth after every meal

Teeth should be cleaned no later than five minutes after eating any food. If you perform this procedure in an hour, the result of the cleaning will be minimal. This is explained by the fact that the harmful effects occur within forty minutes while the person is eating. Therefore, enamel is exposed to negative effects (acids and other things). It is very important to remember to brush your teeth after eating sweets.


Extremely rarely does one of the patients have the habit of constantly using dental floss to clean the interdental area. It is recommended to use dental floss after food before brushing your teeth, which perfectly cleans difficult to reach areas between dental elements. After all, food residues that can not be cleaned with a toothbrush remain between the teeth and become excellent soil for the development of pathogenic bacteria, and, consequently, carious lesions

Situations when brushing your teeth is difficult

When a person is visiting or having lunch in a public institution, it is very important to have an elementary set for dental hygiene with you - dental floss and chewing gum. Thus, having taken food, you can rinse the cavity with water, clean the interdental area with a thread and fix the cleaning effect with chewing gum. In addition, this kit allows you not only to prevent the development of carious lesions, but also to eliminate bad breath

Hygiene of dental elements when installing braces

Very often, chasing a perfect smile, a person does not even suspect that leveling dental elements using braces with improper hygiene can lead to caries. Therefore, when the patient has bracket systems or bridges installed, it is recommended to purchase a special apparatus, the irrigator, which cleans food remains from the most inaccessible places in the oral cavity with the help of a jet of water. Irrigator reveals particular effectiveness in the presence of inflammatory process of gingival tissues. As a result, the accumulation of infection can be eliminated with the help of an irrigator.

As is known, the process of carious lesion begins with the enamel demineralization, therefore an urgent reverse process is required - remineralization. This manipulation involves the saturation of the tissue structure of the dental element with minerals, which increase the strength of the enamel (protective) layer. Due to remineralization, the level of resistance to cariogenic bacteria increases. The procedure can be performed independently every day or carried out professionally by a specialist.

Fluoride prophylaxis of teeth
Mineral recovery at home
The basis of preventive actions are brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpastes.
Recommendation! When choosing a toothpaste, you should pay attention to the presence of sodium fluoride or aminofluoride.

If the patient wishes to carry out a prophylactic course not only with the help of fluorinating, but also strengthening calcium with enamel, then toothpastes and rinses will not be enough, this requires the use of special gels (ROCS). Such courses of preventive therapy should be carried out once every three months.

ROCS gel
Effective means:
Means for cleaning the teeth in the form of pastes with fluorine and calcium (Pepsodent, Fluorodent, Lacalut Fluor).
Fluorine-containing threads (Paro Riser-Floss, Jordan InBetween). Thanks to them, it is possible to strengthen the most inaccessible interdental areas.
Anticarious conditioners (Elmex, Bionorm and Fluorodent).
Attention! Select a means of preventing carious education, you need a dentist after examining all dental elements. The final state of the dental composition determines the course of further prophylaxis.

Rinse "Fluoride"
Professional procedure
The dentist may recommend to prevent carious education (especially if there is a tendency to pathology) to apply professional treatment of dental elements. The essence of medical manipulation is that the doctor uses drugs of high concentration. Such means are issued in the form of special varnishes.

First, the dentist applies a dry and pre-cleaned tooth surface with a layer of medical varnish. It is completely colorless, so the patient does not have to worry about the deterioration of the color of the teeth. For several hours, fluoride actively affects the tooth enamel, and the film on the dental elements after lacquer, gradually resolves. Thus, fluorine interacts with calcium, penetrating deep into tissue structures, thereby increasing the resistance to carious microorganisms.

Dental varnish
The main pledge of preserving the health of tooth elements is daily hygiene with properly selected care products (brushes, toothpastes, rinses), which the dentist recommends on the fact of dental health.
Prevention of folk remedies
Alternative medicine to combat carious lesions is a delicate matter, since most of the tools are not effective. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to understand why the herbal decoctions and alcohol tinctures, which are so popular for the care of teeth, should be applied.
A decoction of oak bark and the addition of chamomile, sage. Excellent anti-inflammatory agent, if there is inflammation of the gum tissue. To combat carious education or to prevent it is completely useless. Recipe: for the preparation of the broth will need to take one teaspoon of a dry mixture of each herb for 300 ml. warm water. Boil for ten minutes, after insisting for at least an hour, filter and can be used for daily rinsing.

A decoction of oak bark and the addition of chamomile, sage - an effective tool in the fight against tooth decay
Propolis tincture on alcohol (as an option, Japanese Sophora tincture is also used). These funds have a strong disinfecting effect, as well as analgesic. Therefore, they are used exclusively in case of inflammation of the gum tissue. Recipe: use 10 grams of frozen propolis grate on a fine grater, then melt on a steam bath and add 100 ml. alcohol, as an alternative to replace, you can use vodka. Rinse the mouth cavity with the prepared remedy daily.
Calamus tincture is used to combat carious education only when the dental element has retained its integrity and has not been completely destroyed by the large cavity. Recipe: for the preparation you need half a liter of vodka and only two hundred grams of dry herbal mixture. Means is infused throughout the week, and after it is ready for use in the form of daily rinses - every morning after meals.

Calamus tincture is used to combat carious education only when the tooth element has retained its integrity.
Lemongrass Chinese. Oddly enough, but the tea from this plant can be an excellent preventive tool against caries. To do this, it is necessary to replace ordinary tea with Chinese lemongrass (which, by the way, is not at all inferior in taste), and when drinking tea a little hold the drink in the mouth (2-3 seconds).
