Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pharmacist Recommended 2 for 1 Promo (120 ct) Testosterone Booster by Research Labs, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Increase Lean Muscle, Energy, Strength, libido. Take Your Life Back!

Pharmacist Recommended 2 for 1 Promo (120 ct) Testosterone Booster by Research Labs, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Increase Lean Muscle, Energy, Strength, libido. Take Your Life Back!
Pharmacist Recommended 2 for 1 Promo (120 ct) Testosterone Booster by Research Labs, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Increase Lean Muscle, Energy, Strength, libido. Take Your Life Back!

How to increase testosterone levels

Testosterone is the same hormone, for which many men are constantly experiencing the content of which in their bodies. However, this is probably the only hormone that most men can call. It is also one of the most "difficult" to understand hormones. It is associated with sexual desire and physique. On the Internet, it is often called irreparable and it is believed that it is very difficult to increase its concentration in the body with medicines, and doctors simply deceive poor men.

Let's see what testosterone is and how it is possible to raise its content in the body.

What is testosterone? Why is it needed?

Before you go directly to the ways to increase this hormone in the body, you need to figure out what it is for.

Testosterone, according to scientists, is a hormone that is responsible for the development of the male element in the body.

It affects libido and plays a key role in the production of sperm in the body. It also regulates muscle and bone mass, it is responsible for how fat is stored in the male body and helps the body produce red blood bodies - these are the very blood cells that carry oxygen through the body.

Women also have this hormone in the body, albeit in much smaller quantities. It helps another hormone, estrogen, making bones stronger.

What happens when testosterone levels are low?

Testosterone is a vital hormone for any man, so it is quite obvious that with its deficiency many functions of the body will begin to fade.

Signs of low testosterone are low libido, low muscle mass, poor mood, and low energy levels.

Since this hormone is also responsible for the strength of bones and muscle mass, one can also note a reduced strength.

Men with low testosterone have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, they have higher levels of blood cholesterol and sugar.

Does an average man need to worry about testosterone levels?

The low level of this hormone is undoubtedly not very good news. Fortunately, the average man should not worry especially if he does not begin to experience one of the above symptoms.

The male body produces testosterone up to 30 years, and then this process slows down. Naturally, it is better to check with a doctor if you have any suspicions, because self-diagnosis is rarely correct.

Are there ways to naturally make the body produce more testosterone?

On the Internet, you can find a ton of various tips on how to raise the level of this hormone in the body, unfortunately, none of these tips are based on any scientific facts or research.

However, the good news is that medicine has already gone very far forward and now there are so many methods and treatments for which you can increase the level of the hormone in the blood. Treatment options include drug therapy, testosterone injections, gels, and even a drug that gradually releases testosterone into the body.

To check the level of testosterone in the body, you need to contact an endocrinologist or your doctor, these specialists will be able to draw up a suitable treatment plan.

The only thing that can help a man with low testosterone, and if he does not want to go to doctors, to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Even though there is no direct and solid evidence that this affects the level of testosterone in the body, this measure will help get rid of many of the symptoms of this deficiency.

How can you increase testosterone levels in your body?

There are many drugs on the market now whose manufacturers claim that they can help increase testosterone in the blood; however, despite their natural and natural basis, they increase libido and self-confidence - they are unlikely to have a direct effect on your testosterone. These drugs only increase sexual desire, but they have absolutely no effect on testosterone.

However, in addition to many "useless" drugs, there are some vitamin complexes that will help your body.


Zinc is a mineral that is known for its ability to increase testosterone levels. However, it can only help those who have this deficiency due to a lack of zinc, such a paradox. However, do not be in a hurry to be upset if you exercise, this mineral will help you too, because zinc often comes out with sweat. At the same time, zinc abuse is also to be feared, since elevated levels of this mineral in the body will not only help you, but also harm your liver and kidneys.

Moreover, do not eat fasting zinc and mix it with other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and iron. They will reduce their effectiveness.


Magnesium - like zinc, helps those who have not enough of it in the body. However, it can help you return testosterone to a normal level. However, if you play sports, then magnesium, like zinc, you should use because it comes out with sweat. Like zinc, magnesium should be taken with meals because it will increase its digestibility.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been at the center of research on male fertility and testosterone levels for a very long time. Vitamin D contributes to the development of muscle mass. Studies have also shown that men taking this vitamin have a testosterone level higher than those of men who did not take it. However, it is not known whether this vitamin had any particular effect on the body, however, middle-aged men took part in the research, which means that vitamin D had a positive effect on solving the problem of age-related decrease in testosterone levels.

In addition, vitamin D is a safe and cheap way to protect yourself from testosterone deficiency. Its lack is experienced mainly by people living in conditions of poor sunshine. This vitamin can be taken with food because it dissolves in fat.


Creatine is an organic acid that is responsible for the level of energy in the body. It releases more energy and acts faster than glucose or fats. Creatine is popular among bodybuilders because it allows you to increase the rate of muscle gain and develops strength. Studies have also shown that in men aged 18 to 35 years, it causes an increase in testosterone levels by an average of 20-25%. Creatine is also a fairly safe substance, it is, contrary to the erroneous opinion, does not affect the function of the kidneys or the liver.

The best way to take creatine is creatine monohydrate. However, those who are especially sensitive to its side effects should take it after meals, in the form of micronized creatine.

The standard dose of creatine is 5 grams per day. This dose is sufficient to promote the development of force. People with large muscle mass may require a double dose - 10 grams, although this statement has not yet been verified by scientists.

However, there are people who are immune to creatine, which means that the substance cannot get to the muscles with blood. If you suffer from such a problem - try to choose the right time to receive creatine, or use it with food.


If you are seriously focused on results, this is what scientists and nutritionists advise:

For men younger than 35 who want to increase testosterone, zinc (25-30 milligrams per day), magnesium (200-400 milligrams per day) and vitamin D (2,000-3,000 IU per day) in the form of vitamin D3, and creatine are worth taking. (in case you exercise) (5 grams per day).
