Saturday, June 29, 2019

Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste with Breath Strips, Cool Mint - 7.6 ounce, 3 Count

Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste with Breath Strips, Cool Mint - 7.6 ounce, 3 Count
Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste with Breath Strips, Cool Mint - 7.6 ounce, 3 Count

Avoid tooth decay: 11 ways to protect our teeth

Caries is not dangerous if it is cured in time, but it is better to avoid the formation of caries and try to keep your teeth healthy.

Why do teeth caries form? Every day, food debris deposits on the inner surface of our teeth and, if not removed in time, they accumulate and destroy the tooth tissue, which leads to the formation of dark spots and subsequently holes. Avoid caries can, if you follow the simple rules and develop good habits.

Children tend to be more prone to caries, as they eat a lot of sweets; however, adults may also suffer from caries, who do not care enough for their teeth.

In this article we will tell you how to prevent the formation of caries.

Why caries is formed?

In the oral cavity, microbes and bacteria accumulate, which multiply, feeding on the remnants of acids and sugar. When the acid acts on the tooth enamel , the tooth tissue is weakened and holes are formed. In this case, you can see black spots on the surface of the teeth - this is caries.

Caries can not be cured with medication or wait until it passes by itself. This will only worsen the situation. The only way to prevent bacteria from “eating tooth tissue” is to remove the damaged tooth piece and fill the empty space with a special paste or amalgam. This can only be done by a dentist.

Caries is not dangerous if it is cured in time, but it is better to try to keep your teeth healthy in order to avoid caries.

These tips will help you teach your children to take care of their teeth from an early age and regularly visit the dentist. So you will save money, time and save children from terrible pain.

Try it yourself to follow our advice and set an example for the younger generation.
Do not eat sugar

Sugar is found in sweets, baked goods, carbonated beverages and convenience foods. It destroys the teeth. Encourage children to eat less sweet and replace cakes with fruit.

Let them have lunch with them: so they will eat less candy and buns at school. It is also very important to brush your teeth thoroughly and use dental floss after sweets.

If they are not at home, advise them to at least drink water and rinse your mouth.

Eat no more than four times a day.

If you constantly eat, then put yourself at risk not only obesity, but also the formation of caries. Divide the daily ration into four meals: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

Do not bite and brush your teeth after every meal.
Brush your teeth properly

It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day (immediately after waking up and before bedtime). If possible, also brush your teeth after dinner. Proper dental care begins with this habit.

You can carry a spare toothbrush with you to clean your mouth of food debris in time when you are away from home.
Use dental floss

The use of dental floss allows you to get rid of food debris stuck between the teeth, where they can not be reached with a brush.

It is enough to use dental floss once a day, preferably in the evening. Keep the floss box in a clean, dry place.

Use the floss after you have eaten a cookie, cake, porridge with added sugar or breaded food, as all of the above is harmful to your teeth.
Chew food thoroughly

Then the leftover food will not get stuck between your teeth, especially if you are not at home and you do not have dental floss with you.
Drink water with lemon

A great home remedy for tooth decay is lemon. You can dilute a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with this mixture after brushing your teeth. Sour lemon pH will protect teeth from damage.
Massage the gums

Gently massage the gums in a circular motion or from top to bottom to improve circulation. Then your gums will become stronger, and you can avoid tooth decay and other diseases.

Remember that if the teeth themselves are healthy, bacteria cannot penetrate into them , and no holes are formed in them.
Rinse your mouth

Do you know why in a cafe you usually serve us a glass of water for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine? It helps to get rid of the taste of these drinks, and also serves as an excellent prevention of caries.

After eating certain foods and drinks, it is very important to rinse your mouth . This applies to alcohol, coffee, sour fruits and sweets.
Do not go to bed without brushing your teeth.

Children usually inherit this habit from their parents. Never go to bed without brushing your teeth. Remember that while we sleep, the bacteria eat what we eat during the day.

Even if you are tired and you have a lot of work, you just want to close your eyes and fall asleep, force yourself to take two minutes to brush your teeth.
Eat foods rich in calcium

Calcium is found not only in milk and yogurt, but also in green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and cabbage. Almonds also contain a lot of calcium.

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you can buy or cook almond milk .

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Celery and carrots help to avoid caries, as their fibers perfectly clean off all dirt from the teeth. An apple, eaten with the peel, strengthens the teeth, whitens them and removes stuck food debris. In addition, it is a great dessert that can easily replace buns and pastries.
