Saturday, June 29, 2019

Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean, 4.1oz (Pack of 3)

Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean, 4.1oz (Pack of 3)
Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean, 4.1oz (Pack of 3)

How to prevent the development of caries

Manifestations of caries are pain, holes in the teeth and unpleasant visits to the dentist. Everyone knows about prevention of caries - it is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day and not to abuse sweet. But despite this, caries in our country suffer from 90% of the population. It means that far from everyone knows about the prevention of caries.

View from above
“Most patients go to the dentist only when they notice a hole in the tooth,” says the director of the dental practice “September,” a doctor of the highest category, Ph.D. Irina Ganzha, or when acute toothache occurs. In fact, the first signs of caries become visible long before the appearance of holes. On the teeth there are areas that lose luster, become lighter, sometimes even seem friable. This is caries. And at this stage, you can do without a drill, conservative methods. If the dentist didn’t see your teeth at this stage, the process deepens, a deepening appears in the tooth enamel. It still does not hurt, but there are unpleasant feelings during the reception of hot, cold or sour food. There is already a need for a seal. ” The pain arises even with medium and deep caries, it is at this stage that a person runs to a doctor. And the doctor puts him complex fillings. And if the patient turned to the doctor when there was still no pain, perhaps all his teeth would have remained intact. That is why dentists are advised to undergo a check-up twice a year, even when the teeth do not bother.

Treat or remove
Treatment of neglected caries is troublesome. Everyone who got an appointment with a dentist with an already well-decayed tooth knows this. And often the doctor has to hear: "Doctor, remove this tooth, why bother with it."
But professional dentists are adamant: you need to keep the tooth as long as possible.
“Tooth extraction will lead to a gradual displacement of neighboring teeth, which will affect the appearance and can create serious problems with chewing,” emphasizes Irina Ganzha. - Displacement will occur necessarily, because each of the teeth of the dental-maxillary system has its own function and load. Therefore, it is better to treat the tooth "to the last." But if the removal cannot be avoided, it is better to immediately put the implant. ”

Children's problems
If caries "donkey" on the baby tooth, you should immediately contact the doctor. There is a widespread opinion among parents that once this tooth falls out soon, there is no need to waste time and children's nerves to visit the dentist. However, it is necessary to treat baby teeth. “Milk teeth fall out as a result of the physiological resorption of their roots,” says Irina Ganzha. - Between them, all this time there are permanent teeth that erupt in place of dairy. If you do not treat tooth decay, it can lead to inflammation, a violation of the time of eruption, an enamel underdevelopment, or even a complete melting of the germ of a permanent tooth. "
Many are afraid of the notorious nerve removal. Indeed, it is necessary to carry out such a manipulation, when the tooth suffered because of our inattention rather strongly. But do not assume that the absence of a nerve can damage the tooth. “After removal of the nerve, the tooth is fed through the supporting ligament, therefore, the tooth does not become“ dead ”, explains the expert. - And its fragility is due to the initial defect of the tissue, which caused the removal of the nerve, - caries or trauma. Therefore, it is important to properly restore a weakened tooth. ”
According to the dentist, there are international standards for dental restoration. In case of a defect in hard tissues that has spread to one third of the tooth, restoration can be restored. If half of the tooth is affected, then a ceramic tab is required. And with the destruction of more than half of the tooth is already necessary crown.

Cleaning rules
Simple preventive measures can help prevent tooth decay. Brushing your teeth is necessary to prevent caries, but, as with everything, you need to know when to stop. Too long and diligent cleaning will do more harm than good. Brushing your teeth should take 2-3 minutes twice a day: after breakfast and after dinner. Such a gap between the cleanings (about 12 hours) is associated with the peculiarities of the formation of tartar. And do not try to replace two two-minute cleansing with one five-minute one.
Paste consumption should be moderate, it is enough to cover the head of the toothbrush. For the prevention of dental diseases, it is not the quantity at all that is important, but the quality of cleansing. The concept of quality cleansing includes the correct cleansing mechanism and time - at least 2-3 minutes.
Another important side of the issue is fluorine. “A person wants to know how to keep his teeth healthy, he is looking for information on the Internet,” says Irina Ganzha. - He finds texts on one or several sites, where it is said that fluorine is harmful, that it can cause fluorosis (a chronic disease that occurs in areas with excessive fluoride content in drinking water). And here, for example, the mother objects to the appointments of the dentist - and does not buy fluoride toothpaste for her child. Result? Increased risk of caries.
On the website of the World Health Organization we read the following: “Dental caries can be prevented by constantly maintaining low levels of fluoride in the oral cavity. Fluoride can be obtained from fluorinated drinking water, salt, milk and toothpastes, as well as by applying fluoride professionally or using mouth rinses. Under prolonged exposure to the optimal level of fluoride, less caries is formed in both children and adults. ” The same will tell and any competent dentist.
You can contact about caries in one of the municipal dental clinics, dental offices also work in many ordinary clinics. Dental departments are in hospitals - for example, in the SOKB them. M.I. Kalinin. There are private dental offices, clinics, centers.
