Saturday, June 29, 2019

Crest 3D White Whitening Toothpaste, Radiant Mint, 3.5oz, Twin Pack

Crest 3D White Whitening Toothpaste, Radiant Mint, 3.5oz, Twin Pack
Crest 3D White Whitening Toothpaste, Radiant Mint, 3.5oz, Twin Pack

How to prevent caries

Caries is a very unpleasant disease of the hard tissues of the tooth, its development entails the gradual destruction of the tooth enamel and dentin. Its first signs are small damages on the surface of the teeth. At first, they may not cause pain, but if measures are not taken on time, the damaged areas deepen and turn into cavities. As a result, the tooth can completely collapse.

It would be wrong to consider caries a defect of appearance, because it is a serious disease that needs to be treated promptly. The deeper the damage to the tooth, the more painful it can be treatment, so patients often need local anesthesia. In advanced cases, the doctor has to remove the nerve in the aching tooth, and often the tooth itself. To keep your teeth safe and sound and not to undergo painful and unpleasant procedures, you should know the causes of caries, as well as measures for its prevention. treatment of caries
The causes of dental caries

To understand how to prevent the appearance of carious teeth, you need to familiarize yourself with the main factors that cause caries.

improper hygienic oral care;
the prevalence of carbohydrates in the diet, calcium and vitamin deficiencies, lack of fresh fruits and vegetables;
harmful pathogenic bacteria that multiply in the mouth.

Of these factors, the greatest harm brings the latter. In the oral cavity of any person there is a certain amount of harmful microorganisms, they are called conditionally pathogenic. If their number is less than the critical level, there is no harm from them. What can provoke their reproduction? This may be a hormonal imbalance of the body, various diseases, weakened immunity and some other factors. As soon as the number of bacteria reaches a critical point, they begin to process the carbohydrates contained in food residues into organic acids. Under the influence of these acids, the surface layer of the enamel is damaged and caries occurs.

To keep your teeth healthy and unharmed, you should follow a few simple recommendations.
Preventive measures

The most important rule is to keep the mouth and teeth clean. Plaque remains permanently on the teeth, which eventually turns into tartar, and the remains of food that are food for harmful microorganisms get stuck between the teeth. Therefore, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. It is recommended to use soft brushes, and it is better to choose a paste with fluorine content, which strengthens the hard tooth tissues and eliminates small cracks. Preventing caries
It is also necessary to balance the diet, enter into the diet all the necessary vitamins and minerals. And it is better to refrain from smoking and alcohol abuse.
Be sure to regularly visit the dentist. In the initial stages, while the damage to the enamel is superficial, they are easily and painlessly treated. And the more a tooth is eaten away by caries, the greater are the health effects, because such cavities are an entrance for various disease-causing bacteria.
