Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Angry Supplements Testosterone Booster for Men (2 Pack), Monster Test (120 Tablets), Monster PM (60 Capsules) Sleep Aid, Builds Muscle Mass, Both Boost Energy & Sex Drive, All Natural, Made in USA

Angry Supplements Testosterone Booster for Men (2 Pack), Monster Test (120 Tablets), Monster PM (60 Capsules) Sleep Aid, Builds Muscle Mass, Both Boost Energy & Sex Drive, All Natural, Made in USA
Angry Supplements Testosterone Booster for Men (2 Pack), Monster Test (120 Tablets), Monster PM (60 Capsules) Sleep Aid, Builds Muscle Mass, Both Boost Energy & Sex Drive, All Natural, Made in USA

What foods increase testosterone

Why is it necessary to use products for testosterone production. The best products for increasing testosterone levels in men are Elementaree.

Regular use of products that increase testosterone in men has a beneficial effect on the body. A normal level of sex hormone helps build muscle mass and ensures proper functioning of the reproductive system, so maintaining it at the proper values ​​is extremely important for any member of the stronger sex.

At a young age, testosterone is easily produced in the required quantities, but after 35 years, the processes of its reproduction slow down significantly, which requires prophylaxis to support hormonal levels. What does increase the level of the hormone And how to do it naturally?

Why is it necessary to use products for testosterone production

The male sex hormone is an androgen produced by the adrenal glands and testes. Its level in the body depends on lifestyle, physical activity and the use of products that increase testosterone. In childhood and adolescence, it plays a crucial role in the formation of genitals and secondary sexual characteristics, and throughout adult life performs the following functions:

- responsible for muscle growth and density of bone structures
- ensures the presence of sexual desire and erection
- participates in the production of ejaculate and "good" cholesterol
- normalizes blood circulation
- forms stereotypes of sexual behavior
- speeds up the metabolism

Normal testosterone levels in mature men range from 11 to 30 nmol / l. Its deficiency entails a decrease in libido, hair loss, apathy, fatigue, memory impairment. A lack of a hormone often leads to an improper distribution of fat, resulting in a displacement of a silhouette in a man to a female type of figure. To avoid these problems, you should find out what products contain testosterone, and constantly include them in your diet.

The best products to increase testosterone levels in men

Products that produce hormone, can be divided into several groups, differently affecting health. They need to be consumed for at least a month, and even better - throughout their entire life. However, it is not necessary to absorb such food in large quantities, because it only hurts digestion. Everything should be in moderation, that is, products can prevail in the diet, but not make up the main menu.


Dishes from oysters, shrimp, squid or sea fish increase the concentration of androgens. They contain a lot of zinc, which is involved in the reproduction of the sex hormone. According to studies, the best source of testosterone is fish oil, which contains a lot of vitamin D. Just a few grams of fat when consumed daily will significantly reduce the risks of hormonal imbalance.

Meat products

Protein food is considered to be a building material for muscles, therefore meat is included in the mandatory list of products to increase testosterone in men. Treat the most useful food:

- veal
- turkey
- chicken
- lean lamb

Protein normalizes hormones and positively affects the potency, but meat dishes should be eaten only boiled or stewed, since during frying harmful fats are produced, which are subsequently transformed into “bad” cholesterol.

Vegetables, greens and fruits

Greens and vegetables with low starch content - onions, broccoli or cauliflower, radish, and celery contribute to increased synthesis of androgens. As for fruits, men are recommended to include in the diet peaches, oranges, bananas, which contain a lot of magnesium, zinc and antioxidants. Grapefruit should be completely abandoned, as they convert androgens into the female hormone estrogen.

If you are looking for testosterone in foods, look for cereals. They contain a large number of dietary fibers, which remove toxins and speed up metabolism. Due to the high content of cobalt and zinc, they provide optimal hormonal balance and improve blood flow in the pelvis. Porridge should be cooked from such cereals:

- buckwheat
- oatmeal
- rice
- barley
- millet

Spices and spices

It is known that the passion of eastern men is due to the regular use of spices. Turmeric, ginger, cardamom, curry are the seasonings that will become reliable helpers in normalizing hormone levels. Especially useful are hot spices. They inhibit the work of the plant hormone xenoesterone, which helps slow down the reproduction of testosterone.

The drinks

Considering which products increase testosterone in men, one cannot fail to mention green tea, hibiscus and sour milk drinks (ayran, kefir, ryazhenka), which ensure the normal functioning of the sex glands. Leading the fight for the sex hormone can be called red wine. It inhibits the work of the enzyme arotomaza, which is involved in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. If we talk about harmful drinks, then it is desirable for men to remove beer and coffee from the menu, since they reduce the level of androgens in the blood.

Nuts (especially walnuts), seeds, chicken eggs, berries, and dried fruits also play a major role in the normalization of hormonal background. Inclusion in the diet of these and the above products for the production of testosterone will drastically change the life of any representative of the stronger sex and give him more confidence in their strength.
