Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Goliath by Dr. Emil Concrete Cowboy - Male Enhancement Supplement - Libido & Testosterone Booster, Muscle Growth & Endurance (60 Veggie Capsules)

Goliath by Dr. Emil Concrete Cowboy - Male Enhancement Supplement - Libido & Testosterone Booster, Muscle Growth & Endurance (60 Veggie Capsules)
Goliath by Dr. Emil Concrete Cowboy - Male Enhancement Supplement - Libido & Testosterone Booster, Muscle Growth & Endurance (60 Veggie Capsules)

How To Increase Testosterone

This article is entirely devoted to increasing testosterone levels. After reading this article, you will learn how to raise testosterone levels in men, can this be done at home, and what is needed for this? We will also tell you what folk remedies exist, and drugs to increase testosterone, and what will happen to a man after 40 if he does not take care of his health.
Testosterone, being the main male sex hormone, largely determines how a man looks and how he behaves. It is difficult to overestimate the role of this hormone in a man’s life, and even more so in an athlete’s life. Testosterone affects the power indices, stimulates muscle growth, increases bone density, burns extra subcutaneous fat, provides a full function of sexual organisms, and, being a steroid hormone, guarantees the formation and renewal of cells and muscle structures.

Causes of Testosterone Drop
So, we found out that testosterone is a very important substance for the normal functioning of the body of any man. So what is the reason for the drop in the level of this hormone? There are several factors that, according to experts, can provoke a decrease in testosterone:
Psychological factor. Life in the metropolis in one way or another is associated with constant stress. And as we remember, it is stress that is one of the fattors that trigger the production of adrenaline, and cartesol - substances that have a very negative effect on the entire hormonal synthesis, and, accordingly, on the production of testosterone.
Age factor As it is not regrettable, but the nature of our body is arranged in such a way that anyone, even an absolutely healthy man, at the age of 28-30, begins to experience a decrease in the level of sex hormone secretion (testosterone). Upon reaching this age, testosterone is naturally reduced every year by 1 -1.5%.
Not proper nutrition. The systematic consumption of not correct, and frankly harmful products, supplemented with excessive consumption of salt, sugar, caffeine, as well as alcohol and effervescent beverages is directly related to the rapid decline in testosterone levels. If you want to know what products you need to eat, so that your testosterone level grows on the contrary, go here.
Passive lifestyle. Low physical activity provokes a decrease in the level of sex hormones, obesity, and, in principle, cannot lead to anything good.
Steroid use. The course of anabolic tseroids usually implies additional testosterone infections, which suppress the body’s production of its own hormones.
Bad sleep. This factor in principle can also be attributed to stress factors. Testosterone is produced in the male body at night, respectively, poor sleep disrupts this natural process.

How to increase testosterone levels?
Actually, in order to maximize the natural level of testosterone produced by your body, you just need to eliminate the negative factors listed above. In other words, if the drop in your testosterone level is not associated with any particular disease, then it is possible to adjust and restore its production. And make it pretty easy if you want.
To do this, you need to repost your diet, using the tips described in the article: "Products that increase testosterone", be sure to add physical activity to your life (preferably exercises with weights aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic organics). Be sure to normalize the rhythms of your sleep (for example, thanks to melatonin), avoid stress, as well as observe other important nuances.
The simplest and most affordable way to raise your own, natural testosterone level is, among other things, adding to your diet sports nutrition, in the form of additives to raise testosterone, or as they are also called - testosterone boosters. These supplements are of natural origin, and are based on natural plant components known to people since ancient times.
One of the most popular and frequently used plants of this type is Tribulus (lat. Tríbulus terréstris) - a perennial herb that grows in temperate climates. The principle of action on the body of this herb is as follows - saponins (the active ingredient of tribulus), mainly protodioscin, affect the production of luteinizing hormone, the increased concentration of which is directly related to the increase in testosterone. Usually, athletes receiving tribulus are combined with the use of a zinc containing supplement called ZMA. This combination is due to the fact that zinc taken in sufficient dosage is able to suppress the body's production of the female sex hormone estrogen, which, as you know, is the main antagonist of testosterone. The last, and in my opinion the most effective drug to increase testosterone levels is complex testosterone boosters that combine all the ingredients listed above, and contain many more herbal extracts, roots and powders of natural origin, whose sole purpose is to increase your testosterone.

How to raise testosterone at home?
As you probably already understood, in order to maximize the entire level of testosterone, it is not at all necessary to run to the nearest pharmacy for some dubious drugs. If you are firmly set to rectify the status quo, this is what you need to do:
We are bringing our sleep back to normal.
As we mentioned above, it is in a dream (the phase of deep sleep, more specifically) that testosterone is released in the body. This means that if you lose sleep on a regular basis, then absolutely all your efforts to increase testosterone are doomed to failure, and will simply be reduced to zero. A sound, healthy sleep is considered to be 7-8 hours of sleep. However, in addition to the duration, your well-being after waking up is equally important. Ideally, you should wake up even a little earlier than your alarm clock, and at the same time, feel cheerful, and feel completely refreshed.
Melatonin is an excellent preparation for adjusting sleep-waking cycles. Melatonin is a natural substance produced by our body independently (in small quantities), which is popularly called the sleep hormone. Remarkably, melatonin being a substance of natural origin, does not have a hypnotic effect on the body. In addition to the regulation of sleep, it strengthens the bones, rejuvenates the organs, interferes with the aging process, and is a strong antioxidant.

Normalize food.
I understand that the rhythm of modern life is such that eating properly is quite difficult. Moreover, now even entering a large supermarket can be difficult to find something really healthy. However, if you are firmly focused to increase your testosterone, then you will succeed. Moreover, it is the determination to act in spite of everything that is one of the signs of a man with a high level of testosterone.
In any case, neglecting the power you can simply forget about your testosterone. The fact is that the production of hormones is, as you understand, a rather complicated matter, which implies the complex and full-fledged work of very many organs and systems of our body. And to start this process, our internal environment must be as clean as possible, and the body must be provided with all the necessary nutrients.
The food you eat should be rich:
1) Minerals. Ideally, to maximize the synthesis of testosterone by the body, the mineral composition of the food you eat must necessarily contain calcium, selenium, magnesium, and especially natural zinc. This trace element is extremely important for the production of testosterone, as it among other things contributes to the suppression of the female hormone estrogen.
2) Vitamins. Of course, for the full health and functioning of the body a person needs a full range of vitamins and minerals that can be easily found in multivitamin complexes. However, the most important role in the production of testosterone is played by vitamins of group B, vitamin C, vitamin D, as well as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which are an essential component in the synthesis of male sex hormones.
3) BZHU. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates taken by us as food - this is the basis of our food, causing the livelihoods, and all the biochemical processes occurring in our body, including the synthesis of testosterone, of course. For example, it is the fats, or rather cholesterol, entering into our body along with the food consumed, become the basis for the production of testosterone. That is why, even while on the strictest diet, it is not recommended to completely eliminate fats from your diet (especially egg yolks and pork rich in cholesterol).
4) Water. Not drinks, namely, clean drinking water. A healthy adult should, depending on weight, consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Physical activity.
It is important to understand that in order to normalize and subsequently stimulate the synthesis of testosterone in the body, you must first normalize your actual weight. Of course, the first two points, which we have listed earlier, will greatly contribute to this process. However, in addition to this, you should maximize your everyday activity, and add physical exercises with weights, aimed at improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs (for example, squats).

Normalization of body weight plays a decisive role in the process of testosterone production. The thing is that it is the excess fat in our body that stimulates the increase in the production of the female sex hormone - estrogen, and suppresses testosterone production. In other words, the more excess fat you carry on yourself, the lower the weight of testosterone will be.

Now a few words about training:
1) Since we disassemble methods of increasing testosterone at home, as a burden for doing the exercises, you can use improvised means, from filled oil pads with water to a child planted on shoulders, the main thing is to warm up your muscles well before training, and to do exercises correctly (observing the technique). The ideal option of course would be training at the gym, under the guidance of a coach, who will explain the technique of execution.
2) Your training should take no more than 1 hour. In other words, you warm up carefully for 15 minutes and then work intensively for 45 minutes
3) Observe the number of workouts. You should be engaged 3 times a week, taking breaks of at least 1 day to maximize your body's recovery.
4) In training, give preference to exercises aimed at training large muscle groups (legs, chest, back). Be sure to include in your workout the maximum number of basic exercises, such as squats, bench press and sitting, deadlift, as well as pull-ups on horizontal bars and parallel bars with additional weight (you can use a backpack with sand or stone, for example).
5) The weight of your burden should be such that you can do a maximum of 10-12 repetitions in the approach, while the last two repetitions should cause you maximum muscular effort.

Frequently asked Questions
Folk remedies for raising testosterone
In fact, after a good search on the Internet, you can really find some old-fashioned recipes, the so-called "male dishes", which require stewed dog meat to spice up with turtle blood (I really stumbled upon a similar recipe).
However, we are civilized people, and I think we have long grown out of such primitivism. Take my word for it, if you do not suffer from a specific disease, then faithfully performing the above complex will be more than enough for your testosterone to fully normalize.
Preparations for increasing testosterone levels in men
Quite often our managers ask a question. I hasten to disappoint all applicants of pharmacological hormonal support, we do not trade in such drugs. Such substances as: Testosterone propionate, Nebido, Sustanon 250, and others - are strong pharmacological drugs to adjust the hormonal system, and can only be prescribed by a doctor.
As for sports nutrition, there is a special section in our store, completely dedicated to vitamin supplements, and testosterone boosters, which are based on completely natural, natural ingredients.
