Saturday, June 29, 2019

Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening, Enamel Strengthening Toothpaste, 4 ounce (Pack of 2)

Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening, Enamel Strengthening Toothpaste, 4 ounce (Pack of 2)
Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening, Enamel Strengthening Toothpaste, 4 ounce (Pack of 2)

How to prevent diseases of the teeth

The most famous dental disease among people is tooth decay.

The reason for this “popularity” is simple - caries signals itself with acute pain, forcing him to go to the doctor. But there are more insidious dental diseases that do not manifest themselves so clearly, while leading to the loss of teeth, even more often, caries.
Stroke with fangs

WHO experts say that in almost 100% of the adult population of the Earth there are some problems with the gums. And this disease is constantly getting younger, hitting everything at an earlier age. How do these diseases manifest themselves?

There are swelling and redness of the gums. They begin to bleed when brushing your teeth, and there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth. If at this moment you do not turn to the dentist, pus appears between the gums and teeth, the teeth gradually become bare, start to falter, and then completely fall out.

And that is not all. Studies have found that gum disease increases the risk of heart attack. Scientists have found a coincidence of microbial composition in the oral cavity and in blood clots, clogged large vessels, with strokes.

In addition, it was found that people suffering from chronic lung diseases, with gum disease, have a higher chance of becoming infected with tuberculosis.
Microbes hit the teeth

Depending on the onset of symptoms, 4 major gum diseases can be distinguished.

1 Gingivitis. This is an early stage of gum disease. Manifested by bleeding, itching and swelling, the appearance of dental deposits. Pain, as a rule, no. And it lowers our vigilance. But it is at this stage that the process is still reversible. Sometimes it is enough to brush your teeth more thoroughly.

2 Periodontitis. This is already running gingivitis. The infection infects soft tissues and destroys the periodontal junction and the bone that supports the tooth. However, periodontitis in different people occurs differently. With an aggressive course is the rapid destruction of the teeth and gums. But the disease is sluggish.

3 Periodontitis. It is characterized by persistent pain in the area of ​​the affected tooth. They are intensified by pressure or during the ingestion of hot food. There is a feeling that the tooth has "grown". If periodontitis is not treated in time, the pain increases, becomes pulsating. The tooth becomes mobile, the lip and a cheek can swell up. Because of infectious inflammation, lymph nodes are enlarged. Temperature may rise. After 1-2 weeks, the inflammation subsides, but if untreated, it becomes chronic.

4 Periodontal disease. This is a systemic disease of the surrounding tooth tissues. It does not have inflammatory processes, periodontal disease causes internal disorders of the body’s development - some systemic diseases (diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, etc.), hereditary predisposition, as well as too soft foods. Its main feature is a uniform lowering of the gums, exposing the necks of the teeth while maintaining their stability. Further, the bone tissue is destroyed, the root of the tooth is exposed. In the end, bare teeth still fall prey to inflammatory processes, and this can lead to their loss.

The recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a program for the prevention of periodontal disease.

Every six months, you must visit the dentist to remove plaque.
Brush your teeth 2 times a day (after breakfast and before bedtime), applying a silk thread to remove deposits between your teeth.
When brushing your teeth, gums should be massaged, teeth crowns and interdental spaces should be well cleaned.
It is useful to do a daily self-massage after brushing. Apply a small amount of toothpaste on your index finger and thumb. Begin massaging from the center of the jaw, first to one, then to the other edge. The pressure on the mucosa should be painless, and more powerful in the morning than in the evening. Duration - 5-7 minutes. After it is necessary to rinse your mouth with herbal infusion for 2-3 minutes.

It is necessary to chew more solid food (especially carrots and apples), which contributes to the natural massage of the gums, removing soft plaque. In addition, raw vegetables and fruits provide the body with essential vitamins.

At the first symptoms of gum disease, immediately contact a dentist, because in the early stages they are much easier to cure. Do not wait for your teeth to leave you one by one.
