Saturday, June 29, 2019

Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 2 pack

Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 2 pack
Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 2 pack

How to prevent caries?

One of the most common oral cavity problems in most people is caries. Since childhood, parents say to children: “You can’t eat a lot of sweets, caries will appear!”, “You need to brush your teeth well, otherwise caries will appear!”.
What is this disease?

Caries is the destruction of enamel and dentin of a tooth, which leads to the formation of defects, namely dark spots, the formation of holes and the complete destruction of the tooth. There are 4 stages of caries: the appearance of spots, superficial caries, medium and deep. In order to avoid deplorable consequences, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the oral cavity, if you recognize the initial signs of caries in time, it can be eliminated completely simply and painlessly.
What causes caries?

When eating under the influence of enzymes of saliva in the oral cavity, acids are formed, which dissolve the tooth enamel and wash out minerals and salts from it. The surface of the tooth weakens and begins to collapse. If a person does not follow the simplest rules of hygiene, bacteria begin to multiply in the oral cavity, which devour the tooth enamel. Bacteria can contribute to:
• abuse of sugar-containing products, which contain a large amount of fast carbohydrates: sugar, chocolate, flour products, sweet water and juices, which are also overflowed with harmful acids.
• non-systematic or poor-quality teeth cleaning.
• frequent use of antibacterial agents for the oral cavity, which violate the natural microflora.
• malnutrition, in which the consumption of foods rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium is limited.

How to prevent caries?

In order to protect your teeth from unwanted defects, you must follow a few basic rules.
1. Regular visits to the dentist, at least once a year.

If you systematically go to the doctor, you can prevent the emergence of many diseases that will be in the initial stage and not run them to a critical state. The main rule - instant response, then the teeth can be saved and reanimated.
2. Proper oral care.

To maintain a good dental condition, it is not enough just how to clean them. It is necessary to adhere to a special technique, due to which the cleaning will be more thorough, the plaque on the teeth should not remain, otherwise it will lead to the multiplication of bacteria. It is also necessary to properly select hygiene products, namely a toothbrush and toothpaste. They need to choose the state of the gums, the characteristics of tooth enamel. To make the right choice, it is better to consult a doctor.
3. Proper nutrition.

First of all, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sugar and products containing fast carbohydrates, namely sweets, chocolate, flour products, sugar, and so on. You also need to include in your diet foods rich in minerals and substances: chicken, kefir, cottage cheese, walnuts, seafood, fish, mint, parsley, apples, onions, Chinese cabbage, carrots, celery, pepper, and so on.

Like it or not, a person is attractive with his smile and if the oral cavity and teeth are in good condition, it will have the interlocutors. You must always take care of the health of the oral cavity so that no serious problems arise, for example, the loss of teeth. By following the simple rules, you can ensure a beautiful and healthy smile for yourself for a long time.
