Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Nugenix Natural Testosterone Booster Capsules, 90 Count

Nugenix Natural Testosterone Booster Capsules, 90 Count
Nugenix Natural Testosterone Booster Capsules, 90 Count

What is testosterone for and how to increase its level?

Actual at all times the question of how to become a real man, in fact, is not solved in the gym and not in the office of a psychologist. To do this, just know what testosterone is and how to increase its content in the body. It is this sex hormone that makes of a youth — a courageous warrior, of a boy — a worthy husband. The main thing is to follow its norm in the body and not let it go down.
The indispensability of testosterone

Every man should know how to increase testosterone levels: with the help of drugs, a certain set of food or some other method.
Testosterone is a sex hormone present in both female and male organisms. It is he who determines those purely male features that form the basis of sexual differences: increased body hair, rough and low voice, increased activity of sweat glands, etc. Therefore, in the female body this hormone is so small, and in the male - many times more. Testosterone is so important for men also because it determines their sexual activity, their libido. The problem is that at some point in life, under the influence of stress or age, the level of this hormone begins to decrease. It is quite clear that not a single man will accept the potency: therefore, it is so important to know everything about testosterone, and the most important thing is how to increase testosterone in your body in various ways.
The functions of testosterone in the male body

It is difficult to overestimate the role of testosterone in the male body. There is not a single organ system that could do without it in its work. For men, of course, the most important are the functions of this hormone in relation to the development and activity of their genital organs - and this is quite understandable.

Being such an important hormone, testosterone in men in the body performs the following functions:

1) under its action is the full development of all male genital organs: testicles, penis, prostate gland;
2) thanks to him, during puberty, secondary sexual characteristics appear: increased hair growth on the body, on the face, on the pubic area;
3) it participates in the formation of protein in tissues, which is a building material for muscles: the higher the level of testosterone is, the more strongly they are developed;
4) it properly distributes fat in the body, preventing it from accumulating in the abdominal cavity;
5) thanks to him, men have such a low voice timbre;
6) it is testosterone that affects the brain, thereby causing sexual attraction to a woman;
7) it improves blood circulation, thereby ensuring a normal erection.

If we consider that physical development and sexual desire are very important for the health and attitude of every man, their excitement becomes understandable when the level of this hormone in the body begins to fall steadily. To do this, do not need to be tested: the lack of a hormone becomes noticeable to the naked eye: the man begins to lose hair, gutter fat, he has a tummy. The attraction to the woman weakens, the erection is broken - here and close to depression. Therefore, the primary task is to increase the level of testosterone at all costs.

The rate of testosterone in men

To do this, you need to know what is the norm of testosterone in men, which will ensure the smooth operation of all body systems. A common indicator is 11–33 nmol / l. If it is below this level, it is time to sound the alarm and closely engage in raising it. However, there is an interesting fact, according to which the exact level of testosterone in the male body is very difficult to determine. Many researchers believe that it is wrong to diagnose low hormone levels based on the results of just one test. What is the reason?

Firstly, it is well known that in the morning hours, for most men, the level of testosterone in the body simply exceeds the limit (which is why love joys in the mornings are much better than evening ones). This means that it is much more logical to conduct a test early in the morning, in practice it is done during the daytime hours.
Secondly, in different medical laboratories, the methods for determining testosterone are too different. There is even an opinion that if the same test is sent to different laboratories, the results will come to be unequal.
So do not get too carried away with the results of the tests: the body itself will tell the most accurate signs of testosterone decrease. This can occur due to age (most often it occurs after 40 years), poor diet (if there is a lack of a certain set of vitamins and minerals), obesity, physical inactivity and bad habits. And the consequences may be the most bleak.
Signs of Low Testosterone

You can not ignore the disturbing signals of your own body. Every man should know what harm to low testosterone and what consequences for him it can turn into:

1) reduced muscle mass, reduced strength;
2) erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, decreased sexual desire;
3) irritability up to outbursts of anger;
4) obesity;
5) alopecia;
6) gynecomastia - an increase in breast volume.

The picture is actually depressing and not suitable for real men who want to prolong their youth and, at the age of 60, remain beautiful, strong and courageous. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to increase the production of testosterone in your body and use all the means available for this.
How to increase testosterone levels in natural ways

You can increase testosterone levels naturally without resorting to medical care. Previously, after all, they did not take extensive blood tests for the presence of this hormone in it. And no one wanted to be the owner of a sagging belly and a shiny bald head. Therefore, over time, men found various ways to correct these unpleasant situations. Given the individual characteristics of each organism, you need to be prepared that some means may not work, but others will be a real salvation. It is worth trying the following ways to increase testosterone.

1. Herbs

Herbs that increase testosterone in the body, can be found in pharmacies in the form of tinctures. These include the famous ginseng (15 drops 3 times a day for a month), Eleutherococcus, Tribulus terrestris and golden root.

2. Full sleep

The main part of testosterone is produced in the phase of deep sleep. Therefore, a man who constantly lacks sleep, suffers from insomnia or restless sleep, the level of this hormone will always fall. To avoid this, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day with complete silence and in the dark: only under such conditions will testosterone be produced in sufficient quantity.

3. Physical activity

Play sports. Perhaps the reason for the decrease in testosterone - in hypodynamia. Eliminating it, you can handle the problem. Give preference to strength exercises, swing your muscles, run, swim, go in for cycling. Make friends with barbells and dumbbells, but do not overdo it: you can visit the simulator no more than three times a week.

4. Rejoice

Scientists have shown that any joy, victory and success for a while, but still give a surge of testosterone. So enjoy every new day, every little thing, do not be afraid to be happy. Smile to people, control your negative emotions.

5. Give up bad habits

Regular intake of alcohol and long-term smoking gradually, slowly but surely, block the production of testosterone in the body. The sooner you decide to give up your bad habits, the faster the testosterone level indicator will creep upwards.

6. Power Mode

Try to adhere to the regime in the diet: eat at the same time. Eat strictly 5 times a day: breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.

7. Fresh air

Try to spend more time outdoors, in nature: go out of town, to the country, to the village for the whole weekend.

Knowing how to increase testosterone in men, this important hormone of love and happiness, you can delay old age and prolong your sex life, thereby establishing a personal relationship with your beloved woman. Staying young, even after 40 years, is in the power of everyone who looks after himself and wants to remain a real man until old age.
