Tuesday, June 25, 2019

MD Certified Testosterone Booster for Men Supplement 3X More Natural Actives Metabolism Booster Muscle Builder Capsules – Tongkat Ali, Tribulus Territis, Horny Goat, DHEA, DAA, Fenugreek - 30-Days

MD Certified Testosterone Booster for Men Supplement 3X More Natural Actives Metabolism Booster Muscle Builder Capsules – Tongkat Ali, Tribulus Territis, Horny Goat, DHEA, DAA, Fenugreek - 30-Days
MD Certified Testosterone Booster for Men Supplement 3X More Natural Actives Metabolism Booster Muscle Builder Capsules – Tongkat Ali, Tribulus Territis, Horny Goat, DHEA, DAA, Fenugreek - 30-Days

How to increase testosterone levels - drugs and food

Increase testosterone in men

Supplements to increase testosterone levels

It is often believed that the higher the testosterone level in men, the better. However, it is important to understand that not always high testosterone means improving the health or any indicators of the body. In addition, testosterone boosting drugs often have a long list of side effects - and they are always prescribed by a doctor only after a blood test.

Being one of the key hormones, testosterone is closely related to the whole body's work - before trying to increase it, you need to understand why you need it and why you think that you have low testosterone . Plus, at home it is impossible to accurately measure whether a certain drug or a particular diet has influenced testosterone and raised its level.
High Testosterone and Health

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in boys during adolescence, and for muscle growth in adulthood. A high level of the hormone testosterone is directly related to both the libido and the general emotional state of the man. Chronically low testosterone often depresses the brain.

At the same time, scientific studies suggest that men with elevated testosterone levels not only grow balder faster , but also suffer from problems with excessively oily skin (which leads to acne), high levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and high blood pressure - namely therefore, increasing testosterone is not always beneficial for the body.
Obesity and Testosterone Levels

Along with bad habits, overweight is one of the most important factors in reducing testosterone levels, because adipose tissue is able to convert the male sex hormone into female. In fact, the more fat a man has, the lower his testosterone level and the higher the estrogen level (4) . The fight against fat should always be the first step in the task of raising testosterone.

The less body fat a man has, the less testosterone will turn into estrogen - for this reason, regular physical and strength training will definitely lead to an increase (or at least normalization) of testosterone levels. In addition, the higher the level of testosterone in the body, the faster the body will burn fat and build muscle.
Effect of Nutrition on Testosterone

Effect of nutrition on testosterone levels

Despite the fact that science can not say exactly which foods increase testosterone levels, the list of “harmful” food for this hormone has long been known. Since testosterone is a steroid hormone, its formation requires the presence of saturated fats in the diet - in their absence (for example, in the case of low-fat diets), testosterone levels drop sharply.

Also, food with a high glycemic index affects testosterone levels - regular consumption of fast carbohydrates not only disrupts the normal synthesis of insulin (ultimately leading to the development of diabetes ), but also correlates with low testosterone. In addition, testosterone is also affected by trans fats contained in fascade and various convenience foods.
Supplements to increase testosterone

Before talking about drugs to increase testosterone levels, it is necessary to mention vitamins and microminerals, the deficiency of which directly affects testosterone. Scientific studies show that in order to maintain a normally high level of testosterone, a man must daily receive from his diet at least 10-15 mg of zinc , 400-420 mg of magnesium and 400–1000 IU of vitamin D.

Note that the lack of zinc is extremely typical for urban residents (zinc sources are primarily seafood, offal and nuts), exactly like the lack of vitamin D in the winter time (for the synthesis of this vitamin you need to be in the sun at least 30-40 minutes a week). That is why it is often possible to raise testosterone without taking pills.
Drugs to increase testosterone

How to increase testosterone?

Only anabolic steroids have a real evidence base as drugs for increasing testosterone levels. However, they do not increase testosterone at all, but, in fact, replace it, dramatically reducing the natural production. In addition, synthetic testosterone preparations are strictly controlled drugs and are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Speaking of OTC supplements and dietary supplements to increase testosterone levels, it should be noted that most of these drugs even theoretically can not affect the body - neither ginseng, nor goji berries , nor the extract of Eleutherococcus can raise the level of this hormone. Unfortunately, even the controversial evidence base is only available in the three drugs listed below:

D-aspartic acid (D-Aspartic acid) - an amino acid contained in small doses in food. Studies show that taking D-aspartic acid supplements can increase testosterone, prolactin and growth hormone (1) . An effective dosage is 2-3 grams per day for several weeks.
Tribulus terrestris (lat. Tríbulus terréstris) - used in Ayurveda and traditional medicine as a means to increase libido and "male power". It is important to note that the recommended dosage (about 1-3 g per day) requires taking tribulus in powder, and not at all in tablets, where it is contained in significantly smaller doses.
Evrikoma dlinnolistnaya or Malaysian ginseng (eng. Eurycoma longifolia) - is used in traditional medicine as an aphrodisiac and a means to increase potency, but has a controversial evidence-based effect on testosterone. An effective dosage is considered to be 1-3 g per day, but most supplements contain significantly lower doses.

Normal Testosterone Level

In conclusion, we recall that the final opinion on whether your testosterone is high or low should be made by a doctor based on a laboratory blood test. To assess the level of testosterone, the content of free (that is, not bound to plasma proteins) testosterone is used. Free testosterone represents approximately 1-3% of the total testosterone level in the body.

Blood for analysis of testosterone levels is taken from a vein, preferably in the morning or after 10-12 hours following the last meal. Separately, it should be noted that there is no single digit “normal” or “high” level of testosterone - for the same man, the indices of this hormone can fluctuate significantly even within a day.

Age of man Free Testosterone ( nmol / L) Free Testosterone (pg / ml)
<25 20 - 30 9.0 - 28
25 - 29 years old 15 - 29 8.8 - 27
30 - 34 years old 14 - 27 8.5 - 26
35 - 39 years 13 - 26 8.0 - 25
40 - 44 years old 12 - 25 7.2 - 23
45 - 49 years old 12 - 24 6.5 - 22
50 - 54 years old 12 - 24 6.0 - 20
55 - 59 years old 12 - 24 5.6 - 19

Vitamin D, magnesium and zinc (if they are deficient) have a strong evidence base as drugs to increase testosterone levels. Of the hundreds of plant extracts available as dietary supplements to raise testosterone, very few have been studied - and only a few of them have at least a controversial evidence base in their ability to increase the most important male hormone.
