Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Prime Labs - Test Booster for Men - Helps Build Muscle & Burn Fat, Boost Stamina, Energy & Endurance - 90 Capsules

Prime Labs - Test Booster for Men - Helps Build Muscle & Burn Fat, Boost Stamina, Energy & Endurance - 90 Capsules
Prime Labs - Test Booster for Men - Helps Build Muscle & Burn Fat, Boost Stamina, Energy & Endurance - 90 Capsules

How to increase testosterone? 15 ways to increase the amount of testosterone in his beloved man

Of course, we respect the high moral qualities of our men, appreciate their work achievements, admire talent or at least the ability to drive a nail into the wall, but we love them (just don’t faint) ... testosterone.

In any case, the specialists of andrology think so, calling it "a hormone that made man a man." Without him, Tarzan or Antonio Banderas would look like sexless heroes of children's cartoons. But here's a paradox: the hormone of strength and courage has a capricious female character. It is worth a little bit nervous, overstraining, getting sick or starving, and the level of testosterone in the blood of a man decreases. To put up with this state of affairs can not be!

11 testosterone functions

1. increase muscle mass

2. fat burning

3. activation of metabolism

4. strengthening bone tissue

5. protection against cardiovascular and other diseases

6. providing secondary sexual signs and erections

7. control of sperm production and their ability to fertilize

8. Maintain increased interest in the female sex.

9. prolong youth and increase life expectancy

10. recharge cheerfulness and optimism

11. the formation of a male character offensive, active, initiative, relaxed, fearless, gambling, prone to adventures and improvisations.

Play hormone!

Sculptural modeling of muscles on the broad shoulders of ancient Greek athletes, the bulky beards of Russian Old Believers, the picturesque mustaches of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish sultan, fascinating bass Chalyapin are all the result of tireless work of testosterone, the sex hormone from the androgen group. It is produced in the testes, in Latin, the testicles, from which it received its name.

Jim Dubbs, a social psychologist from the United States, recently shook the scientific world: he managed to deduce a hormonal formula that determines sexual orientation and behavioral style of men. Boys with lowered testosterone levels of 10–20 percent begin to imitate girls. Of such exemplary sons who do not play pranks, do not fight, do not drive on rollers and do not get twos, much more often than out of riffraffs with normal or slightly increased levels of the male hormone, potential candidates for sex correction, transvestites and passive grow up homosexuals.

But if the body over-fulfills the plan for the production of testosterone by 10-20 percent, the level of aggression increases, the instinct of self-preservation is dulled, the man feels semen superman, and the woman ... man (in the beautiful half of humanity a small amount of male hormones synthesize the adrenal glands). Dr. Dabbs is convinced that by adjusting the level of testosterone on a global scale, you can solve many socio-political problems, end crime and help the younger generation to become the healthiest in human history.

Not enough to be

The normal content of testosterone in the blood of a man is 350-1000 units. After 40 years, its stock decreases by 1 percent per year. It would seem a small loss, but by the age of 60 the organism of the average representative of the stronger sex already loses a fifth of this vital hormone. It is then that the problems of male menopause begin: decrease in working capacity and immunity, attacks of black melancholia and irritability, decrease in muscle mass, deterioration of potency, fragility of bones and other age-related illnesses. A drop in testosterone levels below 350 units increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases several times.

Danger threatens not only pensioners. In the course of joint research, cardiologists and endocrinologists discovered: one of the main causes of myocardial infarction in young men is transient (temporary) testosterone deficiency in the body.

To measure hormonal deficiency will help biochemical blood tests. The analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

The simplest test for testosterone levels:

After an unremarkable day at work, does he feel tired and overwhelmed, as if he had completed 12 feats of Hercules?

Mood already week on zero?

Did he stop seeing the long-legged beauties in miniskirts interested?

Does he have erection problems?

The vegetation on the body noticeably diminished?

Recently, he without special reasons, recovered by a few kilograms?

Persistent attempts to have a baby not crowned the long-awaited result?

The more affirmative answers, the more likely the deficiency of testosterone in the body of your loved one.

15 simple folk ways to increase testosterone production in men and women

1. Take a tablespoon of sprouted oats 3 times a day.

2. Eat 8-10 nuts or a handful of sunflower seeds for the night.

3. Cooking in vegetable oil.

4. Place on celery root salad.

5. 2 chicken breasts or 200 grams of canned tuna is an ample portion of animal protein per day. It is better to forget about pork, lamb and beef.

6. Pay attention to the gifts of the sea: oysters, shrimp, squid, scallops and crabs.

7. Do not forget a snack in the middle of the day.

8. Give up alcohol at least for a while.

9. Lose weight.

10. Take 15-25 drops of ginseng tincture 2-3 times a day for a month.

11. Engage in strength exercises with dumbbells, a barbell or exercise equipment, but no more than 3 times a week.

12. Do not abandon a good rest in nature.

13. To spend in the embrace of Morpheus for at least 7-8 hours.

14. Having sex before breakfast.

15. Smile to your reflection in the mirror.

So, if you want to increase testosterone levels in your beloved man, add the products listed above to his food.
