Tuesday, June 25, 2019

TESTOBOOST Test Booster Supplement | Potent & Natural Herbal Pills | Boost Muscle Growth | Tribulus, Horny Goat Weed, Hawthorn, Zinc, Minerals| Arazo Nutrition USA

TESTOBOOST Test Booster Supplement | Potent & Natural Herbal Pills | Boost Muscle Growth | Tribulus, Horny Goat Weed, Hawthorn, Zinc, Minerals| Arazo Nutrition USA
TESTOBOOST Test Booster Supplement | Potent & Natural Herbal Pills | Boost Muscle Growth | Tribulus, Horny Goat Weed, Hawthorn, Zinc, Minerals| Arazo Nutrition USA

How to increase testosterone in men in natural ways

The question of how to increase testosterone is given to every man after 35 years old who cares about his health. As you know, the level of the hormone decreases with age, which negatively affects the health and appearance of men. We will tell you more about what testosterone is and how to increase its level in the body in natural ways.

Testosterone: what is it, the norm, what is needed

Testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for the formation of the male body. Interestingly, initially all embryos have female sex characteristics. Only in the ninth week of pregnancy, the male hormone testosterone begins to dominate in the fetus, and then a boy is born. Otherwise, the female estrogen hormones form a girl from the embryo.

From birth to death, regardless of gender, both male and female hormones are produced in the body of each person. If the male body has a normal level of testosterone, it is healthy and fully functioning. With a decrease in testosterone is observed:

depression and a decrease in interest in what is happening in the world around them;
with depressive state, interest in sexuality decreases;
decrease in muscle bulk and emergence of excess weight;
deterioration of the brain: a man feels like the ability to memorize information deteriorates;
increase in estrogen in the body, which leads to hair loss and the appearance of female signs.

The amount of testosterone is measured in nanomoles per liter (nmol / l). At the age of one year, the boy's testosterone rate is 0.42–0.72 nmol / l. A sharp rise in testosterone in the blood occurs during adolescence.

At the age of 18–20 years, its level may increase to 38.5 nmol / l. After 35 years, a slight decrease in the hormone content in the blood occurs every year. The hormone level drops by an average of 1-2% per year.

In addition to natural biological causes, there are also external factors leading to a decrease in testosterone. These include:

Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.

In the course of evolution, men worked physically a lot: they hunted, cultivated the land, grazed cattle and fought. A high level of the male sex hormone helped the body to cope with great physical exertion.

Moving from the field to the office, the man began to move less. This has led to a decrease in the amount of testosterone in the body. Therefore, modern men need regular exercise for the normal functioning of the body.

Improper diet and alcohol.

Becoming less moving, men did not stop eating much. With the acceleration of the pace of life normal meals turned into snacks on the go, and well-cooked homemade food gave way to fast food.

As a result, a man does not receive the trace elements from food that are necessary for the body to produce testosterone. The calorie content of food leads to the appearance of excess weight, which, in turn, is one of the reasons for the decrease in testosterone levels.

To relax, a man consumes alcohol, which negatively affects those centers in the brain that are responsible for the production of testosterone. His place is taken by the female hormone estrogen.

Irregular sex life.

Regular sex leads to the fact that the body increases the production of male hormone. That, in turn, causes sexual desire. The lack of regular sex reduces the body's need to produce the male sex hormone.

Lack of sleep and stressful situations.

The pace of life of many men is associated with regular emotional stress and stresses. As a result, in the male body increases the amount of cortisol, which blocks testosterone receptors.

In addition, stress and work worsen sleep. A male hormone is produced by the body in the deep phase of sleep.

Unfavorable environment.

Chemicals emitted into the atmosphere, not only worsen the state of ecology, but also help to reduce the production of testosterone.

In addition, many household products that modern people are accustomed to (shampoos, lotions, plastic utensils, and so on) contain substances that negatively affect testosterone production.

Diseases and medications.

Many diseases - from prostatitis to diabetes - do not just weaken the body, but also reduce its ability to produce testosterone.

A number of medications prescribed for the treatment of a disease, lead to a decrease in blood testosterone.

How to increase testosterone in men: natural ways

Not understanding how to increase testosterone levels, any man is doomed to extinction and various diseases. There is a set of recommendations that tell how to raise testosterone in the male body in natural ways.

These include:

Proper nutrition.

The raw material for the production of testosterone is cholesterol. It is important that it is correct and does not lead to weight gain. Increased cholesterol leads to an increase in testosterone levels. Therefore, in the diet of men should be meat, dairy products, caviar and eggs.

Products that increase testosterone, contain selenium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins D and C. Therefore, nutritionists advise to include in the men's diet: spinach, broccoli and green salad, avocado, nuts, olives and olive oil, pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate.

In order to increase the level of testosterone, you should give up alcoholic beverages, reduce the amount of coffee consumed, but increase the amount of pure water you drink per day.

The recommended diet is as follows:

Breakfast - a dish containing a significant amount of cholesterol and fat. For example, bacon and eggs.
Snacks between meals - bitter chocolate, nuts and pumpkin seeds.
Lunch - meat and salad, seasoned with balsamic vinegar (supports insulin levels) and olive oil (helps the body cope with cholesterol from food).
Dinner - any dish that contains proteins.

Doctors advise to abandon soy and products created on its basis or containing soy. Because the plant contains a lot of estrogen.


Supplement proper nutrition will help vitamins. First of all, D3. It is a hormone that the body produces when exposed to sunlight. It helps increase testosterone levels. Therefore, doctors recommend taking it regularly. Also, frequent sun exposure and a visit to the solarium will help.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids play an important role in improving the production of the male hormone by the body. Therefore, it is worth regularly to take fish oil capsules and include seafood in the diet.


For normal testosterone production, the body needs to sleep for 8–9 hours. Sleep must be complete and deep for the body to start developing a male hormone.

At bedtime, doctors recommend protecting themselves from irritants such as smartphones, computers, or televisions. Do not drink invigorating drinks and take a warm relaxing shower.

Regular sex.

Doctors have found that the development of the hormone contributes to communication with the opposite sex, reading the relevant journals and watching candid videos. But best of all, the body produces testosterone during regular sex.

Fight against stress.

To completely avoid stress in modern life is almost impossible. But you can learn to respond to difficult situations and not to give in to emotions. Breathing exercises, meditations, long walks in the fresh air and running will help to cope with stress.

Improving ecology.

It is not always possible to drop everything and move to an ecologically clean area in order to avoid exposure to harmful factors on the body. But you can improve the environment around you. In particular, use less plastic. Do not heat food in a plastic container and do not use plastic utensils.

It is easy to switch to organic food that does not contain pesticides and other substances harmful to the body.

When traveling in the car, doctors advise you to close the windows completely, so as not to breathe exhaust. Discard lotions and shampoos in favor of regular or organic soaps.

Constant exercise.

A man's body needs regular physical activity at least two to three times a week. It is important that the load was feasible. Excessive physical activity is equal to stress for the body, and it leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

Weight loss and increased testosterone levels are directly related. During training, experts advise:

Focus on exercises for large muscles (back and chest).
Do not work until muscle failure.
Training should contain a large number of approaches and repetitions.
Rest between exercises should be done for at least two minutes.
Before the beginning of the workout, it is necessary to consume 100 g of caffeine.

Knowing how to increase testosterone, it is worth adhering to the recommendations on nutrition, physical exertion, coping with stress, sleep, regular sex life and so on. But also do not forget about the regular medical examination. The doctor will determine the level of testosterone and give useful recommendations.
