Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Evlution Nutrition Testosterone Booster EVL Test Training & Recovery Amplifier* Supports Natural Testosterone Levels, Muscular Strength, Stamina & Optimal Sleep, 30 Servings

Evlution Nutrition Testosterone Booster EVL Test Training & Recovery Amplifier* Supports Natural Testosterone Levels, Muscular Strength, Stamina & Optimal Sleep, 30 Servings
Evlution Nutrition Testosterone Booster EVL Test Training & Recovery Amplifier* Supports Natural Testosterone Levels, Muscular Strength, Stamina & Optimal Sleep, 30 Servings

Testosterone is the main hormone of a man.

The first sign that a man has problems with testosterone production is when he lies down on a sofa and does not want to do anything.

We all like strong and courageous men. But what makes a man a man, and a woman - a woman? Hormones. And the difference in basic hormones between men and women is actually quite small.

Together with a specialist in preventive medicine, Yekaterina Stepanova, Sputnik continues to study the most important indicators of our health.

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Difference in just one atom

If we compare the graphic formula of testosterone - the main male sex hormone, with the graphic formula of estrogen - the main female sex hormone, the difference between them is only in one hydrogen atom and two energy bonds! Almost identical molecules, and this difference is very thin and unstable.

In the male body, as in the female, these two hormones are present simultaneously, but in different quantities. It is clear that in the male body more testosterone, but between testosterone and estrogen interaction occurs constantly. Every minute, a man produces about 11 million testosterone molecules, but if for some reason a hydrogen atom attaches to this molecule, testosterone goes into estrogen. If there are many such transformations, the man ceases to be a man.

It is fundamentally born, oddly enough, first on the psychological, then on the emotional and intellectual levels, and only in the last place it manifests itself on the physical, when the changes of the secondary sexual characteristics begin in the direction of degradation. But, of course, there must be certain conditions for such changes.
How to protect testosterone

Up to 10 years, boys and girls differ only in anatomically, sexual organs.

A man begins to develop from the moment of puberty (12 years old): hormonal background develops, in particular, the main sex hormone testosterone, and due to it secondary sexual characteristics are formed: body hair growth begins according to a man’s face and body type, voice changes, musculoskeletal and fatty formation tissue. Normally, testosterone controls the amount of fat, so healthy men with good testosterone levels are not prone to obesity. If the boy is overweight, this should not be treated carelessly. If after correction of nutrition and physical exertion the weight does not go away - it is necessary to turn to an endocrinologist, so as not to miss a decrease in the level or incorrect production of testosterone.

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By the age of 16-18, testosterone forms masculine qualities, and male characteristics depend on its quantity.

Testosterone is produced in the paired organ - the testes. This is the only organ of the male body, which is taken out. And this is no accident - the temperature in the testicles should normally be 3.3 degrees lower than in the whole body.

Taking care of the formation and preservation of testosterone in the male body is necessary from the very beginning, from early childhood, mothers, and then men themselves throughout their lives. After all, the quality of life depends on this hormone.

From the moment the baby is born, mothers should control the time the boy is in diapers. After all, it creates the effect of a thermo-bath, the temperature can fluctuate around 43-45 ° С, and wearing diapers 24 hours a day can cause irreparable damage to the testes and even cause infertility. And it is clear that the boy should not walk in diapers for up to two years, because a psychological one can join the physiological problem.

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Take care of testosterone

The mechanism of testosterone production is quite complicated. The signal for testosterone production comes from the command-controlled area of ​​the brain. After complex interactions of the pituitary and hypothalamus, the testes are given a command to the testes. The well-being of one of the main sex hormones of a man depends on how well-coordinated this joint work will be.

Parents need to be alert from the early active age of the boy. After all, children are so restless! It is important to protect the child from head injuries or testicles. For any complaint of headache, dizziness, pain during urination or pain in the groin and abdomen, you should ask the child in detail if there has been any injury. If the injury was, it is necessary to urgently consult a traumatologist, neurologist or urologist-andrologist. Testosterone has very important functions, it is responsible for:

stress resistance;
secondary sexual characteristics;
determines muscle and fat body mass;
resistance to physical and psychological stress;
masculine strength and endurance as the ability for long hard physical work;
moderate to strong aggression - this is a biological sign of protection;
lack of tearfulness;
sexual activity;
sense of male friendship value and healthy ambitions.

A male lives in every man, so he will always experience and cherish the most precious thing he has: his head and potency.
What can lead to lower testosterone levels?

The reasons are many, and they are associated with different aspects of lifestyle.

Stress. A group of Austrian and Swiss scientists have proven that financial problems or outstanding loans reduce testosterone levels by 15–20% and keep them low at low levels until the full positive resolution of the financial situation. In general, any long-term stress and nerve overloads lead to a significant decrease in testosterone. It is regulated by nature from the moment of birth. During the stress period, stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline are produced in large quantities, respectively. For an organism, this is a state of war, and all its functionality during this period is at the peak of its capabilities; here, as they say, is not up to reproduction, therefore, during this period, the level of testosterone decreases. Only short-term leaps upwards are possible for the regulation of general processes in the body.

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Alcohol The first 5 minutes, a small amount of it actually increases testosterone, but within 25 minutes testosterone returns to normal and then begins to fall sharply and steadily. In the US, scientists conducted an inhuman experiment and found out that in order to completely stop testosterone production, a man needs to drink heavily for 3 months and add 20 kg to his weight. With this state of health, secondary sexual characteristics will begin to change.

Food. Especially dangerous is love for sweets. High blood glucose levels reduce testosterone production, since insulin counteracts the main male sex hormone.

Meat produced in an industrial environment contains female sex hormones that promote weight gain in an animal or bird. Once in the body of a man, they inhibit the production of testosterone.

The same can be said about products containing soy. It contains phytoestrogens.

You should not drink a lot of milk with high fat content. It is necessary to understand that a cow produces milk not for humans, but for feeding its calf, therefore with milk it gives it its hormones and phytoestrogens to maintain immunity.

No options should be excluded from the diet fast food and smoked.

Diseases, injuries, low physical activity. Viruses, bacteria, sexually transmitted diseases, irregular sex, head injuries, spinal column, testicles, any reduction or lack of physical activity (physical activity increases blood supply in the male pelvic organs) - all this invariably leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

Medicines Some drugs have been proven to reduce testosterone levels, for example, drugs containing atropine, anti-ulcer drugs.

Blood pressure and vessel problems. Increasing blood pressure by 15-20 millimeters of mercury significantly reduces testosterone levels, as does atherosclerosis, ischemia. During an erection, the volume of blood passing through the penis increases 6 times, and the blood goes under pressure. To preserve its blood vessels, the body reduces testosterone and, accordingly, libido. Otherwise, passion can turn into a stroke, heart attack, etc. Any decrease in the blood supply of the penis during contact is a reason to check the condition of the vessels, especially the coronary ones.

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Increased pulse. If the number of heartbeats is more than 80, testosterone levels decrease. A protective mechanism works to relieve tension from the heart. After all, it already works with overload, and there is no need to create additional difficulties for it.

Bilirubin. Norm - 20 µmol / liter. If its level rises to 25 and above, then there is a significant decrease in testosterone. The liver is involved in this mechanism. It is the main utilizer of toxins and in particular regulates the level of the aromatase enzyme dangerous for men. Aromatase contributes to the attachment of one hydrogen atom to the testosterone molecule, after which it passes into estrogen. Aromatase in the body of a man should be the minimum amount.

By the way, men need to be careful with the use of grapefruits - they contribute to the increase of aromatase in the blood.

Impaired kidney function. The benchmark here is the amount of urine excreted. If a man produces less than 1 liter of urine per day, testosterone levels are reduced by 15%. Normally, an adult man should consume at least 30 ml of pure water per 1 kilogram of weight and excrete at least 2 liters of urine per day. Not only toxins are excreted in the urine, but also excess stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline), which directly block testosterone production.

The level of testosterone can also be affected by wearing tight synthetic underwear, mobile phones in a pants pocket, and especially finding tablets and laptops on your lap.

When riding a bike, you need to pick up a special male anatomical saddle to eliminate injuries to the muscles of the perineum and testicles. Testosterone levels also reduce the inhalation of harmful fumes (gasoline, phenols, tobacco, paints).

If your man has become too lazy, it's time to check the level of testosterone in the blood.
If a man lay down on the sofa

The first bell to reduce testosterone levels, as a rule, is that the man fits on the sofa and does not want to do anything. Testosterone is always active: mental, physical, sexual!

A more serious signal is weight gain, in particular the deposition of female-type fat. It was officially established that a man’s waist should not exceed 92-94 cm. This indicator is directly related to the level of testosterone. After all, visceral and abdominal fat produce the hormone leptin - one of the main enemies of testosterone. A normal level of testosterone prevents weight gain, as it contributes to its conversion into energy in the muscles, so any physical activity should be a faithful companion for men.

Testosterone is the keeper of everything in the male body. Thanks to him, the musculoskeletal system maintains its health. Calcium is absorbed by bone tissue through testosterone. In women, this function is performed by estrogen.
How to control testosterone levels?

Blood for testosterone must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. In the early hours is the maximum production of testosterone. The blood is taken for total testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin. They always work in pairs. Only a urologist can decipher these figures, because sometimes testosterone in the body may not be in the active phase, no matter how many, and may not have its effectiveness.

The normal level of testosterone is 12-35 nmol / liter. The peak of its production accounts for 25-30 years. With 30 years of age in all men, testosterone levels begin to decline by 1-2% annually.

It is proved that if at 25 years the testosterone level was 35 nmol / liter, then in the normal course of life a man will have enough of this reserve for the rest of his life, and this physiological drop will not greatly affect his activity and male strength. But if at the age of 25, a man had indicators in the region of 12 nmol / liter, it is worth keeping his lifestyle and health status under control.

If the rate at a young age is below 12 nmol / liter, this is regarded as a defect and is called hypogonadism.

Unfortunately, the statistics is such that today the male factor of infertility begins to outpace the female.

In nature, everything is in balance, and there are many factors that increase testosterone levels: from food to hobbies.

American scientists have found that a quarrel with his wife, when a man is right, increases testosterone levels by 35%, and subsequent conciliatory sex adds another 45%.

But the leader in the stable increase of testosterone and its retention at high numbers of 50-55% is the purchase of a car and spare parts for it, the purchase of gadgets and sports. Each sex has its own joys.

Well, the most safe factor that increases testosterone is to demonstrate the merits of a woman, and so that she appreciates all this masculinity.

Dear ladies and mothers, in your hands man's happiness! Praise and appreciate men. A man does everything in this life for the sake of a woman; therefore, mutual concern for each other will thank you with joint health, harmony and well-being.
