Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Species Nutrition Testolyze, 180 Count

Species Nutrition Testolyze, 180 Count
Species Nutrition Testolyze, 180 Count

How to increase testosterone levels in men?

A man is obliged to be an optimist, having all the best ahead. Although it is a comic statement, it has some truth. To be a harmonious personality, a man must be developed not only spiritually, but also hormonally. This is where the problems begin. Increasingly, representatives of the stronger sex brings the main sex hormone, whose name is testosterone. It is produced in the adrenal cortex and with the help of the male genital glands of the testicles. Its deficiency can lead not only to problems with the structure of the muscles and skeleton, but also can make a man inferior in the sexual sphere. How to increase testosterone production? We will dwell on this problem in more detail.
How to increase testosterone in the blood?

Before finding out at what level testosterone is in the body, you need to pass a blood test. The norm in men older than 14 years fluctuates around 5, 76, 28, 14 nmol / l. If the testosterone level is low, it may indicate the presence of Down syndrome, renal failure, insufficient functioning of the sex glands, obesity, as well as chronic prostatitis. Also, do not be surprised if the lack of this hormone was the result of such bad habits as drinking and smoking.

Despite the individuality of the reasons, ways to restore the norm of the hormone in the body are accessible to everyone and are easy to use. Therefore, no one will be difficult to remember, due to which there is an increase in testosterone levels in men:

1. Proper nutrition has always been a guarantee of health. In addition, diet is more important to increase testosterone. If there is a lack of it in the body, the first thing to do is review your diet. In the daily menu you need to include:

products that increase testosterone in men. These include sea fish (pollock, mackerel, salmon, sardine), vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, olive), meat (veal, beef), eggs;
Testosterone-boosting vitamins: mainly zinc-type minerals and vitamins C, F, E are responsible for the production of this hormone;
Plants that increase testosterone: berries, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts.

2. Second place in a row, but not least is physical activity . As a rule, those men who play sports or spend time in gyms rarely lack this hormone. To make it you need to run more, swim, and also perform such exercises as pushups, pull-ups, work with a barbell and weights.

3. Oddly enough, but men, who often look for tools that increase testosterone levels, forget about such a simple and sure way as sex . Evening lovemaking, and then good sleep, helps the proper production of this male sex hormone.

4. If there is no time for playing sports and sex, or there is no such possibility, you can try testosterone boosting drugs . For example, those that contribute to the production of carnitine. These include supplements such as L-carnitine. Often it is advised to those who train in the gym. You can also try Heuricom, (the second name is Tongkat Ali) and Forskolin. It also includes such means as BCAA, that is, amino acids, many of which are irreplaceable and are in short supply in the body.
testosterone boosting agents

5. If you are loyal to alternative medicine, you can try to increase testosterone folk remedies . To do this, you can try the following:

more sunbathing;
eat more fat and healthy carbohydrates;
drink tinctures of such plants as verbena officinalis, creeping anchors, oleander vulgaris, lovage medicinal.

Women can take note of how to increase testosterone in men at home with the help of "male soup", a recipe that was developed in the 18th century:

2 tablespoons finely chopped meat mixed with chopped bone and add chopped carrots, turnips and onions. Pour with salted water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and insist for half an hour at room temperature. Put washed and chopped dandelion leaves on the bottom of the plate, a tablespoon of chopped nettle and fill with sour cream.
