Saturday, June 29, 2019

2 Pack AP-24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste AP24 ( Limited Offer )

2 Pack AP-24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste AP24 ( Limited Offer )
2 Pack AP-24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste AP24 ( Limited Offer )

How to prevent caries in children and adults

Understanding which factors affect the formation of destructive acids, you can make a list of preventive measures. Here's what to do to reduce the risk of caries.
1. Watch what you eat

There are products that especially actively cling to the teeth, creating a nutrient medium for them on bacteria. These are, for example, milk, honey, ice cream, dried fruits, cookies, cakes, hard candies and mints, sweet carbonated drinks. They are difficult to wash off with saliva.

Therefore, it is advisable or not to use such food at all, or to use it only when you are sure that you can then brush your teeth or at least thoroughly rinse your mouth with water.
2. Do not abuse snacks

The habit of endlessly chewing or sipping something feeds the bacteria that live in your mouth. So, you create a permanent "acid bath" for the teeth.

This also applies to children: make sure that they can not candy during the day. And if we are talking about babies, do not leave them to fall asleep in an embrace with a bottle of milk, mixture, fruit drink, juice or compote. Salivation during sleep is inhibited, and these drinks remain on the gums and teeth for a long time.
3. Brush your teeth more thoroughly.

To effectively remove plaque, it is necessary to work with a brush at least The Effect of Brushing Time and Dentifrice on Dental Plaque Removal in vivoTime and Dentifrice on Dental Plaque Removal in vivo 2 minutes. And of course, follow the cleaning technique. How to brush your teeth, Layfhaker already told .
4. Choose toothpaste with adequate fluoride content.

Fluoride strengthens the mineral tooth enamel, and also destroys the population of bacteria. The optimal fluoride content in toothpaste is 1,350–1,500 ppm. Look for this value on the packaging or tube.
5. Avoid dry mouth

Saliva washes away food and bacteria. In addition, it contains substances that neutralize the acids secreted by microbes. If saliva is low, caries becomes almost inevitable.

Drink enough fluids to keep saliva out. Especially if you are pregnant, are engaged in physical labor or are taking medications that affect salivation. There are doubts - consult with the therapist.
6. Monitor the status of seals

Over the years, fillings are destroyed, and hard-to-reach plaque forms on their uneven edges - it is difficult to wash it with saliva or to clean it with a brush. A seal that has begun to break down must be renewed at the dentist.
7. Consult a doctor if you have heartburn.

Heartburn is a situation where part of the gastric juice for one reason or another falls into the esophagus. Hence the accompanying burning sensation. But acid can also reach the oral cavity, helping existing bacteria in tooth decay.

If you regularly suffer from heartburn, look for and eliminate the causes along with the therapist.
8. Avoid eating disorders.

Anorexia and bulimia - a direct path to the accelerated erosion of tooth enamel.
9. Visit your dentist regularly.

Caries develops gradually and at the initial stage can be almost imperceptible. The specialist will be able to detect it in time and, if necessary, prescribe procedures that will be able to stop the destruction of the tooth enamel. It is ideal to go back to the dentist at least once or twice a year.
