Saturday, June 29, 2019

Colgate Baking Soda and Peroxide Whitening Toothpaste, Frosty Mint - 6 ounce (6 Pack)

Colgate Baking Soda and Peroxide Whitening Toothpaste, Frosty Mint - 6 ounce (6 Pack)
Colgate Baking Soda and Peroxide Whitening Toothpaste, Frosty Mint - 6 ounce (6 Pack)

How to prevent caries

Every modern person knows that beautiful teeth are not necessarily the achievement of professional aesthetic dentistry, it is possible to achieve health and good appearance of teeth due to constant monitoring of the condition and proper care.

As a rule, most dental diseases are due to hereditary causes, and those who are not lucky enough to inherit strong and healthy teeth have to carefully care for the oral cavity, so that as little as possible to resort to the services of doctors, although no one succeeds in avoiding it completely.

It is known that competent prevention of caries begins with proper tooth brushing. And you should be aware that, contrary to the claims of commercials about the supposedly magical properties of toothpastes offered for sale, not every tube is a panacea for all possible dental problems.

First of all, the paste must be properly matched to a particular type of teeth, otherwise, instead of the expected effect, you can only get additional problems. An example is whitening paste with abrasive particles, strictly contraindicated for sensitive teeth prone to damage to the enamel. After all, beauty and health, in fact, are inseparable, and snow-white, but vulnerable and painful teeth, will hardly please their rash owner.

In addition, it is important not only how to clean, but what to clean. The rigidity and quality of the bristles of a toothbrush directly affects the condition of the oral cavity, so the selection should be based on the recommendations of experts. It is also worth remembering to replace the toothbrush every three to four months.

In addition to brushing your teeth, add dental floss and special brushes for braces, especially for those who have implants. The duration and methods of brushing your teeth are widely known, and these rules developed by professional doctors should not be ignored.

The necessary prevention of caries is also possible by rinsing the mouth. At the same time, the use of ready-made rinses produced by manufacturers of toothpastes during the day is not necessary.

It is enough to restrict the morning and evening procedures, and for intermediate rinses refer to the recipes of wise traditional medicine. Self-made decoctions of medicinal plants are no less useful and effective than expensive and patented products.

Contrary to the information of television advertising, the main purpose of cleaning and rinsing teeth is not at all getting rid of germs and bacteria (because the presence of bacteria in the oral cavity is its normal state), but the removal of food debris. It is food that decomposes in the tooth spaces and pockets that causes caries, so the purpose of any dental care is their cleanliness.

However, often the quality of food and water we use, the ecological situation, and the heredity mentioned above make our own efforts to maintain healthy teeth insufficient, and therefore regular visits to the dentist for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes are an important necessity.
