Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Nugenix Ultimate Testosterone 120 Ct

Nugenix Ultimate Testosterone 120 Ct
Nugenix Ultimate Testosterone 120 Ct

10 ways to increase testosterone levels

The main male hormone helps build muscle and increases sexual activity. Therefore, it should be yours.


Lift weights

The testosterone level in the first 48 hours after you dragged dumbbells in the gym from one wall to another, is at its maximum. Therefore, it makes sense to abandon the usual squatting in favor of strength training.


Watch football

Or tennis. Or figure skating. Just to like it. After all, as scientists from the University of Utah (USA) have found out, fans are experiencing almost the same testosterone release as those for whom they are ill. By the way, in case of losing a team, a drop in the level of the hormone is observed. Therefore, do not give your sympathy to losers.


Consume the right fats

By correct we mean monounsaturated. That is, those that are not deposited on the belly, and immediately digested. They are easy to find in nuts, fish and avocados (if you basically find avocados easy). Those who eat the listed products, in a testosterone do not have a lack.


Do not deny yourself the eggs

Eggs contain good cholesterol (HDL), which is an excellent base for your body to produce testosterone. And eggs can be made scrambled eggs.


Do not overdo it with workouts

Yes, your body also has stress, and not only when you remember in a jump that you forgot a parachute. Calculate your strength. A couple of extra approaches to the bar - and you develop a stress hormone cortisol, which conflicts with testosterone (yes, hormones also conflict) and suppresses its production by the body.


Get enough sleep

If you sleep less than seven hours a day, take heart: perhaps your testosterone level has already dropped by 30%. In addition, you have destroyed growth hormones, and yet testosterone production depends on their content in the body.


Help yourself to cabbage

It will not only increase your testosterone level, but also lower the level of the female hormone estrogen. At the same time, you compensate for the minutes spent in the cinema for compulsory viewing of advertisements for women's films, which are sometimes included before men's.


Miss the booze

Alcohol is responsible for the destruction and suppression of testosterone. It's time to choose. I'm sorry.


Eat more cereals

They contain a lot of protein and monounsaturated fats, besides cereals are rich in vitamin E, and vitamin E is a direct way to testosterone. By the way, you will find cereals not only in the fields, but also in bread with bran and seeds.


Substitute yourself to the sun

But not for long: 15–20 minutes a day will significantly increase your testosterone level. Solarium also fit. However, too much tan can kill something worse than testosterone - your reputation as a man.
