Tuesday, June 25, 2019

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Maximum Strength Pure Longjack 200:1 Powder, 100g (Tongkat Ali), Highest Concentration, Powerfully Supports Libido, Energy & Immune System, Non-Irradiated, Non-Contaminated and Non-GMO, Vegan Friendly
Maximum Strength Pure Longjack 200:1 Powder, 100g (Tongkat Ali), Highest Concentration, Powerfully Supports Libido, Energy & Immune System, Non-Irradiated, Non-Contaminated and Non-GMO, Vegan Friendly

What will happen if you increase testosterone

Athletes use a synthetic hormone that helps in building muscle, increasing physical strength, and endurance. With its long use, there will be a temporary decrease in testosterone production by the body itself.

There is a type of male hormone that does not belong to the protein form, it moves with the help of blood serum, it is called free. The active form of testosterone acts on the cell itself, plunging into it, as a percentage of its content in the body is 2%.

I wonder what will happen if men increase testosterone, what reactions will occur in the body, and in the way of life of a man, his way of life? Let's deal with the effect of increased testosterone levels.
Effects of increased testosterone
Timely consultation of the endocrinologist does not interfere at all. Source: muzhzdorov.ru

According to statistics, a large number of men can have high testosterone. As a result, various diseases can develop:

1. Diseases of the liver. If the male hormone rises due to the intake of anabolic steroids, and completely uncontrollably, liver disease may occur.

2. Prostate cancer (malignant tumor). In accordance with scientific and medical research, with an increased content of the hormone may appear prerequisites for the development of prostate cancer. There may also occasionally be a proliferation of the size of the gland itself.

3. Inflammation of the glands (sebaceous). There will be hyperactive work of the sebaceous glands, which causes the production of fat by the skin. This in turn leads to the appearance of acne on the skin. This effect is mainly manifested in the process of puberty.

4. Quick mood changes. In men with high testosterone levels, excessive aggression will occur, they may behave too risky. Sexual desire in these men will occur very often. A certain impulsiveness in behavior, as well as frequent mood changes - this is itself a consequence of the situation that has arisen, the reason lies in the increased level of testosterone.

5. Baldness is a common occurrence if testosterone is increased in men.

6. Heart problems. If men increase testosterone levels, then in most cases the risk of heart disease is sure to increase.

7. Impaired function (procreation). There is nothing unusual in the fact that infertility occurs when testosterone levels are elevated. For example, when the level of the male hormone increases artificially, the level of red blood cells will necessarily increase, and the numerical ratio of spermatozoa will decrease accordingly. In this regard, the risk of male infertility increases significantly.

8. Sleep disturbance during the night. According to the testimony of most men, night sleep with increased testosterone is disturbed.
Why is it important to monitor testosterone levels?
Blood is taken from a vein for analysis. Source: muzhzdorov.ru

It is mandatory for all men to monitor the level of the male hormone in order to monitor their health. After identifying the level of the male hormone, it is necessary to take immediate measures to eliminate existing health problems.

If you know the level of this hormone, you can monitor the health of men.

Of course, the effects of an increased level of the male hormone in each individual case may vary. Therefore, timely consultation of the endocrinologist does not interfere at all.

One of the options that will be if you increase testosterone increases the risk of hyperplasia of the adrenal glands. Adolescents suffering from this disease have sexually mature symptoms. In addition, development of the bone and muscular system is manifested, signs of pubic hair growth appear, the penis grows very large, the testicles do not grow at this time. Acceleration of growth in the physiological sense does not proceed equally in time with emotional and mental maturation.

The increased content of the male hormone suggests excellent body resistance to androgens. This process is manifested as a result of genetic mutations that lead to congenital defects of the endocrine system. Varieties of this syndrome are a direct cause of infertility.

A man with a completed syndrome of resistance to androgens is endowed with a specific appearance, he looks like a woman: the vagina is present, the breast is formed. In men with this syndrome, there may be still undescended testes.

If the free form of testosterone rises, a testicular tumor may even occur. To track the level of the male hormone, blood is taken from a vein for analysis.
Testosterone level

In an adult male, the average level of hormone in the blood plasma is seven to eight times higher than that of a mature woman. Due to the fact that the need for the metabolism of testosterone in men is significantly higher than in women, respectively, its daily production in men at 20 p. exceeds the production in women more sensitive to this hormone.

Hormone levels are fairly easy to identify with a standard blood test in the laboratory. Blood sampling for analysis takes place in the morning, when, regardless of sexual activity, the level of this hormone is the largest.

During the same day, the level of the hormone can drop by about thirteen percent. Its normal value in males is in the range of 300 - 1000 ng / dL or 11–33 nmol / l.

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