Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Vialus -Male Testosterone and Performance Booster to Improve Size, Stamina, Energy. Fast Acting Enhancement Formula with Horny Goat Weed, Saw Palmetto, and More. Alternative to Prescription Pills

Vialus -Male Testosterone and Performance Booster to Improve Size, Stamina, Energy. Fast Acting Enhancement Formula with Horny Goat Weed, Saw Palmetto, and More. Alternative to Prescription Pills
Vialus -Male Testosterone and Performance Booster to Improve Size, Stamina, Energy. Fast Acting Enhancement Formula with Horny Goat Weed, Saw Palmetto, and More. Alternative to Prescription Pills

How to increase testosterone in men?

Testosterone is the main hormone of the male body. It is this substance that is responsible for the regulation of spermatogenesis, and therefore the male sexual functions. However, few people know that testosterone and stimulates the muscles, physical activity, ensuring the safety of a person under stress.

Testosterone deficiency in men affects not only sexual desire, but also the emotional state of the representatives of the strong half of humanity, and their physical well-being. Is it possible to increase the level of testosterone in the body? Sure you may.
Why is testosterone reduced?

Increasingly, representatives of the strong half of humanity are thinking about how to increase testosterone levels, but do not think about the reasons for such an unpleasant imbalance. The male hormone is most often reduced due to factors such as:

Age. As a rule, after 40 years, the level of testosterone in men decreases. These changes are an irreversible process, however, androgen deficiency can be slowed down or stopped with the help of hormone therapy.
Improper nutrition. If the diet of a man does not contain the necessary vitamins and minerals, the level of testosterone will inevitably decrease.
Excess weight directly suppresses the production of male hormones, triggering the active production of estrogen, female hormones, in it. Estrogens, in turn, suppress testosterone production even more.
Bad habits, such as alcohol abuse, smoking, taking drugs, dozens of times accelerate the process of reducing testosterone in the body of a man.
Lack of physical activity. Moderate training 3-4 times a week, including physical education and exercise with weights, are necessary to increase testosterone levels.

What can low testosterone cause?

Low testosterone levels not only lead to a decrease in sexual desire and erectile dysfunction. This hormone also has an anabolic action, responsible for muscle strength and growth. A man with a low level of testosterone in the blood has increased irritability, his excess fat is deposited faster, as his metabolism slows down. Reduced sex hormone levels also lead to a decrease in hairline, and in advanced cases - to gynecomastia, breast growth in men.
Increase testosterone naturally

To raise the level of testosterone, you can take special supplements to sports nutrition. These drugs have no side effects and are not even reflected in blood tests and effectively and quickly allow you to cope with hormone problems.

However, in order to maximize the effect of supplements, it is important for men to reconsider their lifestyle.
1. Improve sleep

In the deep sleep phase, a significant portion of sex hormones are released. If a man constantly wakes up in the middle of the night, goes to bed late, gets up early and does nothing to improve the quality of sleep - all attempts to normalize testosterone levels will be in vain.

It is important to sleep daily for 7-8 hours, to keep well-being and vigor when lifting. Of course, waking up without an alarm would be ideal. You need to sleep in complete darkness and silence, in a well-ventilated room - such conditions are favorable for maximum testosterone production.
2. Review nutrition

A full balanced diet is vital for the production of hormones. After all, in order to increase the level of testosterone, it is necessary to adjust the work of all organs and systems.

To start the mechanism it is important to supply it with the necessary substances. To make a testosterone fire, the diet should include:

Minerals The most important mineral for the synthesis of testosterone is zinc. To increase the level of the hormone, a man should eat more seafood, such as squid, crab, oyster. Zinc is found in significant amounts in fish, it is worth including carp, anchovy, and herring in the diet. The element is also included in sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as in nuts - almonds, pistachios, peanuts and walnuts.
Vitamins. Vitamin C, which inhibits the production of cortisol, plays a key role in increasing testosterone levels. Vitamin E, an important antioxidant that helps lower blood sugar, also helps men. Enhances calcium absorption of vitamin D; With this element, estrogen takes a weaker form. An essential part of testosterone biosynthesis is omega-3 and omega-6, and B vitamins are important, because these substances are involved in thousands of biochemical reactions. A man needs to consume more berries, citrus, fish oil, vegetables, nuts.
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are necessary for any person. Without these elements, no biochemical process in the body is possible. For example, fat is a source of cholesterol, the basis for testosterone molecules. It is important for men to balance the diet as much as possible in order to get all the necessary substances.
Water. A man should drink about 1.5 liters of water per day. If a representative of a strong half of humanity plans to strengthen training, it is important to drink more than 2 liters per day. Do not forget that juices, soda, tea are not water.

Wanting to increase the level of testosterone in the body and normalize hormones, a man should be excluded from the diet:

Fast carbs. Banned - pastries, buns, chocolate, sweets and white bread.
Fatty foods. It is necessary to exclude from your life fatty meat, lard, ham, butter.
Soda does not lead to anything good. These drinks contain a lot of destructive sugar.
For substances that reduce testosterone also include caffeine, salt, alcohol. It is desirable to minimize their consumption.

3. Normalize weight

As we have said in men suffering from overweight decreases and testosterone levels. To come to a normal form, it is better to maintain normal physical activity. The best way to increase testosterone levels in men is weight training. When performing exercises, you should follow several simple rules:

Do not exercise for more than an hour, take 10-15 for a warm-up and 45-50 minutes for the workout itself.
You should not visit the gym more often 3 times a week, between workouts you need to take a break of at least one day. These 24 are needed for muscles to return to normal.
Pay special attention to large muscles - chest, legs, back. In the training program you need to include basic exercises to increase testosterone. The key are squats, bench press standing and lying down.
Pick the optimal weight of the projectile. It is important that the weight allows you to make 8-10 repetitions, so that the latter requires maximum effort.

Proper training of large muscle groups will increase testosterone levels. This indicator increases with any exercises with dumbbells, barbells and weights. However, the maximum effect, in the opinion of athletes, is given by squats and deadlifts. On the technique of performing these exercises we will talk further.

Stand in the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. The athlete needs to get up about 10 centimeters from the barbell.
Lean forward, grabbing shoulder-width grip and knees. In this case, the back should be kept in an even position, having flexed the thoracic region forward.
Slowly lift the barbell. Weight should be carried on the front surface of the legs.
Stay at the top for a couple of seconds.
Slowly lower the barbell down.

When performing deadlifts, it is important to keep your back straight without bending it back at the top. Remember that the entire emphasis falls on the heels. In no case should not throw the bar abruptly when lowering. Be sure to use a weightlifting belt. Do not forget, hands are necessary for holding the bar, and not for lifting.

Stand in the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. Keep your back should be straight, chest bend forward.
The bar is located at the top of the trapezoid.
Bend the legs and sit down so that the upper surface of the thigh was parallel to the floor.
To rise slowly, straightening your knees.

When doing squats with a barbell, make sure that the back during the whole exercise is straight, you can only bend it a little in the lower back. It is important not to tear the heels off the floor, do not twist your head around the sides. It is better that the head was slightly raised up and forward.
Drugs to increase testosterone

In the Olympicbody online store you will find many assistants who, subject to the instructions described above, will speed up the process of increasing testosterone levels several times. Our catalog includes such well-known supplements such as:

DAA Polyhydrate with D-aspartic acid, which is considered the most effective testosterone enhancer. The drug not only increases physical and sexual stamina, but also protects muscles from destruction, accelerating skeletal muscle hypertrophy. In just a few days, testosterone levels will increase by 40%.
Genetic Test with DL-alpha hydroxy citric acid. The drug increases efficiency, helps to improve the tone of sexual activity and increase muscle mass and strength.
ZMA Sleep Max for reliable stimulation of deep and effective sleep of athletes and active people.
Anabolic Triad is a balanced complex that increases the amount of testosterone and stimulates anabolic processes. The main components are bulbin extract, laxogenin, DHB.
Testogen-XR . One dose of the drug contains the optimal amount of D-aspartic acid, agmatine and AstraGin.

We have listed only some of the additives of our store. Look at the range of Olympicbody, you will definitely find a reliable assistant in increasing testosterone levels.
