Tuesday, June 25, 2019

PrimaForce ZMA Supplement, 180 Capsules – Increases Muscular Strength and Power / Increases Free Testosterone Levels

PrimaForce ZMA Supplement, 180 Capsules – Increases Muscular Strength and Power / Increases Free Testosterone Levels
PrimaForce ZMA Supplement, 180 Capsules – Increases Muscular Strength and Power / Increases Free Testosterone Levels

Increased testosterone in women

Usually women do not think about how much testosterone is in their body. Find out why some women have elevated testosterone levels, what are the symptoms of an excess of this hormone and how to cope with this problem.

Testosterone is a predominantly male hormone. He is "responsible" for the growth of hair on the face and body, makes a low timbre of the voice, provides muscle growth and affects the degree of human aggression. The body of women is significantly different from the male, but it can produce testosterone. This hormone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. As a rule, this hormone in women is small, it is needed to help the development of the follicle in the ovaries, to participate in the formation of the skeleton, to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and improve mood. In addition, sexuality of a woman depends on testosterone. However, if a woman has a lot of testosterone, it causes certain problems.

How to know that testosterone levels are elevated
The concentration of the hormone testosterone, as we have said, in the female body is much lower. If his level is elevated, then the hormonal balance of the woman suffers. The menstrual cycle is disturbed, ovulation disappears, hair growth on the body and on the face may increase, for example, antennae appear. The proportions of the body are similar to the male, and the clitoris increases in size. Of course, sometimes it can be hereditary or national traits.

According to medical observations, hyperandrogenic infertility can occur in very feminine-looking women, and in women with large muscles or body hair - be absent. Therefore, the appearance - not an accurate indicator of testosterone levels. Therefore, when a woman undergoes a medical examination for infertility, she is tested for blood testosterone levels.

If the level of this hormone is significantly elevated, experts recommend lowering it and keeping it at a new level until the woman becomes pregnant. Sometimes you need to wait for several months of pregnancy before you stop controlling the level of the hormone. This is because testosterone levels in pregnant women increase. If it is not controlled, it can increase very much and there will be a threat of miscarriage or missed abortion.

Why testosterone rises
The reason why testosterone levels rise too much can be external or internal. The most common reasons are:

high adrenal activity. Because of it, many hormones are produced;
ovarian diseases, for example, tumors, due to the presence of which hormones cannot be converted to glucocortyroids;
impaired pituitary function. He is responsible for the work of the endocrine glands, which, among other things, are involved in the development of the "male hormone";
improper, unhealthy diet, which includes a lot of animal fats and simple carbohydrates;
taking steroids, contraceptives, barbiturates and other prerapaths that contain hormones;
hereditary factor;
the ovulation period and the third trimester of pregnancy (however, these fluctuations in testosterone levels are not critical and will soon stabilize on their own).

How to reduce testosterone levels
Lower testosterone in women in various ways. The most common treatment is oral contraceptives. They are prescribed by gynecologists if the need arises. In no case should not choose and start taking the drug without the recommendation of a specialist. It is necessary to consult a doctor. It is important to get tested for testosterone levels so that the gynecologist can make the correct diagnosis.

Helps to reduce the amount of testosterone and diet. To gradually reduce the level of "male hormone", you need to abandon the sweet candy and cakes. They cause insulin intake, which stimulates the ovaries and thereby contributes to the production of testosterone. Replace store sweets with natural honey.

It is recommended to add to the diet dairy products, especially fatty. They contain phytoestrogens - an analogue of female hormones. Once in the body, they will affect testosterone levels.

It is useful to add fresh vegetables, fruits and fish to the menu. White yeast bread, vegetable oils, soy and one cup of coffee in the morning are welcome. But a large amount of coffee should be avoided, as well as taking alcoholic beverages. Salt can be consumed in the amount of three grams per day.

Harmonious alternation of physical exertion and rest helps to reduce testosterone levels. Training promotes the work of the whole body, improves the function of the endocrine glands. However, strength training, on the contrary, stimulates the production of testosterone. It is better to replace them with various aerobic sports or dancing.

Excellent effect on the hormones of women yoga. It is important to get enough sleep - night rest should last at least eight hours.

The above methods help, but it is best to start to find out the reason for the increase in testosterone levels in order to treat the disease itself, and not its consequences. The human hormonal system is a very sensitive mechanism. Only a qualified specialist can interfere in her work. If you identify the problem in time and prescribe the correct treatment, everything will go well.
