Saturday, June 29, 2019

Crest 3D White Toothpaste Radiant Mint 4.8 oz (3 pack)

Crest 3D White Toothpaste Radiant Mint 4.8 oz (3 pack)
Crest 3D White Toothpaste Radiant Mint 4.8 oz (3 pack)

Prevention of dental caries

Caries is the most common cause of tooth loss. In order to prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the hygienic procedures of the oral cavity.

As part of a comprehensive program to protect the oral cavity, LISTERINE® rinses are recommended to strengthen tooth enamel, kill bacteria and reduce the formation of plaque.

The most common dental disease is tooth decay. So called the progressive destruction of hard tooth tissues under the action of bacteria. Beginning with enamel and extending deep into the dentin, this process can lead to purulent inflammation and damage to the pulp (neurovascular bundle), bone tissue and periosteum. All this often leads to tooth loss.

The problem of caries is faced by many people, in some regions of the country it is detected in almost 100% of the population. The prevalence in different social groups depends on the standard of living, the composition of water consumed, the frequency of treatment to the dentist. The quality and volume of daily oral hygiene has a great influence, because the high content of bacteria in the oral cavity creates a threat to the health of teeth and gums. Regular comprehensive prophylaxis helps to reduce the risk of their damage, as it is easier to prevent caries than to treat the complications that have arisen.

How to determine caries

What causes caries
To diagnose caries, a dentist can not only conduct an examination, but also use some of the methods of investigation. For example, staining of enamel allows you to identify microdamages and areas of demineralization. Caries is found at the initial stage of the white spot. Ultraviolet radiation also helps to detect subtle areas of the carious process. A radiography is needed to assess the depth and nature of tooth decay, the presence of periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues near the root), periostitis (periosteum inflammation) and other complications of caries. Comprehensive examination allows the doctor to determine the tactics of treatment.

Additional examinations can be carried out when a person turned to a dentist for the prevention of caries, routine inspection or professional oral hygiene.

Food to protect against caries

Ways to prevent caries
A great influence on the state of the teeth has the nature of human nutrition. Prevention of caries includes the correction of food habits. For this it is important to observe several recommendations:

reduce the amount of sweets and flour products consumed;
select the menu so that the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates matches age and lifestyle;
saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, if necessary, take a multivitamin complex;
introduce raw vegetables into the daily diet, which will naturally clean the teeth during meals;
eat fish and seafood at least once every 3 days to get phosphorus and vitamin D;
enter into the menu fermented milk products that saturate the body with calcium;
refuse calorie sweet snacks;
chew food thoroughly;
rinse your mouth after eating or use chewing gum to clean your teeth and normalize acidity in your mouth.

How else to prevent caries
Brush your teeth properly

Cleaning your teeth from plaque with a brush and paste allows you to remove up to 60% of bacteria, reduces the risk of tartar and prevents inflammation of the gums. This is the basis of caries prevention. You should brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly, at least twice a day for 2-3 minutes. In this case, the brush head should make vertical (directed from the gums), horizontal and circular movements. Do not forget about the language, the removal of plaque from it should be carried out regularly. To clean the interdental spaces, it is advisable to use dental floss (floss), which helps to prevent caries from the contact surfaces of the teeth.

Use mouthwash

In the fight against plaque, a combination of brushing teeth with the use of a rinse is 70% more effective * than just using a toothbrush. LISTERINE® conditioners have an antimicrobial effect, helping to destroy up to 99.9% ** of oral pathogenic bacteria. This increases the effectiveness of caries prevention. The use of LISTERINE® rinse twice a day strengthens the enamel, freshens breath and reduces the risk of tartar and caries even in the interdental spaces.

Fill the lack of fluoride

The lack of fluoride in the diet is one of the factors contributing to changes in the structure of enamel and bone tissue. And filling the deficit of this microelement helps prevent both caries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Prevention of caries includes the use of fluorinated water, the correction menu and the use of tools enriched with fluorine. These can be anti-caries pastes and special mouth rinses, such as LISTERINE® TOTAL CARE and LISTERINE® EXPERT "Protection against caries", which contain the optimal amount of fluoride.

Avoid taking temperature contrasting foods.

Microdamage enamel can occur not only under the action of bacteria. Too hot or cold food often leads to cracking of the enamel, which contributes to the penetration of the infection deep into the tooth and the development of caries.

Visit the dentist regularly

For the prevention and treatment of dental caries, you need to go to the dentist at least 2 times a year, which will allow you to eliminate the damage to the teeth in the early stages. In children, caries often has an acute course, destruction proceeds faster than in adults. Therefore, children should be brought for preventive examinations once every 3 months. Primary caries caries needs compulsory treatment to prevent periodontitis and damage to permanent buds. Timely treatment also eliminates the source of chronic infection in the mouth, which helps to prevent tooth decay when changing teeth.
