Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Viril-X By Dignity Bio-Labs. #1 Rated Male Enhancement & Testosterone Booster. Add Size to Achieve Bigger & Harder Erections. Increase Libido, Energy, & Stamina.

Viril-X By Dignity Bio-Labs. #1 Rated Male Enhancement & Testosterone Booster. Add Size to Achieve Bigger & Harder Erections. Increase Libido, Energy, & Stamina.
Viril-X By Dignity Bio-Labs. #1 Rated Male Enhancement & Testosterone Booster. Add Size to Achieve Bigger & Harder Erections. Increase Libido, Energy, & Stamina.

Men! Increase your testosterone levels regularly!

“I don’t even want to do it myself,” the next patient shares with the doctor, “but the wife sticks, says: it’s not normal to have sex every quarter. Why do I need more? Already 46 years old, after all, his “rebounded” ...

- You throw it! A real man should want, and most importantly, be able to have sex always, everywhere, and to his last breath, the urologist cuts out. And then he adds that the lost desire can be easily returned.

The fact is that domestic scientists have developed unique methods of maintaining “passion in the blood” among men until death. The leading researcher of the Department of Urology and Andrology of the Ecological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the scientific committee of the European Society for Andropause Svetlana Kalinchenko told about this “MK-Sunday”.

What is the waist of a real man?

Russian men have passed in recent years. And so that the country turned out to be a record holder in the number of men with a disorder of potency: erectile dysfunction (that is, impotence) today suffers every second person between the ages of 30 to 60 years .

On the other hand, Russian men grow old very quickly (already at 50 they often look like decrepit old people) and die early (their average life expectancy is ... 58 years old!). In short, a difficult case. However, scientists are convinced that all these ills one source - an insufficient amount of testosterone. This main male hormone affects almost all the processes that occur in the body of representatives of the strong half of humanity. Little testosterone - a man does not want, very little - can not. Well, if it is not at all, things are so bad that, in principle, you can begin to plan your own funeral.

“In men under 30 years old, the level of testosterone in the blood must be normal,” Svetlana Kalinchenko explains. - But, alas, we also have 20-year-old patients who have very little of it. This is a very dangerous pathology. It can be caused by various endocrine diseases. But most often it turns out that the young man took drugs (in fact, all of them, including cocaine and heroin, reduce the level of testosterone), antidepressants and alcohol. It happens that the cause of obesity. If you see a very fat young man, you can most likely say that he has problems with testosterone. And definitely - if the waist circumference of a man (of any age!) Is greater than 94 cm, his hormone is catastrophically low. So I recommend all men to measure their waist.

- And after 30 years of all men testosterone decreases?

- Unfortunately yes. Moreover, an average of 1-2% per year. This process cannot be stopped at all, but it is possible not to aggravate it. First and foremost, you need to monitor your weight. In men over 30, obese, every year in the blood of testosterone is reduced by 10-20%.

In addition, adipose tissue is a trap, even for those sex hormones that are produced: they settle in it. At the same time, it translates the male hormone into the female. Therefore, in men with obesity feminization develops - the figure becomes feminine (the buttocks crawl, the chest grows, the hair disappears in those places where it used to be).

- Does the level of hormone decrease too active sex life?

- In no case. Just the opposite - it stimulates the production of testosterone. But the longer a person abstains, the less he will have a hormone.

Do not be sad without reason

- And how else can you understand that testosterone is not enough?

- If a man decided to take care of himself (usually this happens at the age of 50-55, when he had already made a career, raised children, and he had free time), went to a fitness club and saw that his sporting achievements did not correspond to the efforts made. He does everything right, as the coach says, but there are no results. The stomach does not decrease, the biceps are not pumped. This is a sure sign of a lack of a hormone.

After all, testosterone is the main anabolic, which is responsible for muscle strength and mass. If it is not enough, you cannot achieve good physical success. Athletes are well aware of this. With reduced testosterone exercise hard to carry. A man notices that if earlier he could, say, catch up with a bus without knocking down his breath, now for him it is almost unreal.

Another obvious sign is depression, a feeling of depression. Testosterone is the main endogenous antidepressant. You can say this is the hormone of happiness for men. Patients who have little of it often say that the paints are gone - life has become black and white. It seems there is no reason to despond (a high-ranking official, gets good money, his family is wonderful), and the person is sad. He is nothing in joy, he notices that often want to cry for no reason.

- Women during menopause often throws into heat. And men with a hormone deficiency of this misfortune are also susceptible?

- Sure. In addition, they have increased sweating. They do not get enough sleep and get up tired. But most importantly - reduced sexual desire and deteriorating erection. It is noteworthy that during sexual intercourse, the volume of ejaculate decreases. And sometimes it is not at all.

- Does it affect orgasm?

- Still would. A man experiences an orgasm at the moment of ejaculate passing through the urethra. If the volume of fluid has decreased, the brightness of the orgasm decreases. If she stopped doing at all, then there would be no orgasm at all. But this is not the worst. A decrease in testosterone production leads to hypertension, diabetes, and it all ends with a stroke and a heart attack. If a man has an erection, this is an important clinical symptom of vascular problems. This usually happens 3-5 years before a stroke.

- Could it be that a man's testosterone is all right, but there are no vessels?

- Of course. And this is even worse. In this case, the man will experience sexual desire, but will not be able to have sex. When testosterone is not enough, and the vessels are diseased, it does not want, and cannot.

Rejuvenation from chimps

Thousands of years ago, doctors prescribed bovine eggs to patients who had problems with potency. Yes that there is antiquity, and today they resort to such treatment in some countries, especially in Spain.

“Alas, I must disappoint the lovers of this delicacy,” says Svetlana Kalinchenko. - Animal testicles are not a source of sex hormones. Although the latter are synthesized in the testicles, they quickly leave the blood stream from there. When testosterone was first extracted from a bull's testicles, it took several tons of testicles to produce several hundred milligrams that make up the daily need of a man for testosterone. Therefore, consuming bovine eggs to replace testosterone is meaningless.

“And if these are chimpanzee testicles?” I heard that some Russian scientists even inject themselves an extract from them in order to become more courageous.

- Right. In the 20s of the last century, the St. Petersburg physician Voronov used a chimpanzee testicle extract. He believed that in this way it was possible not only to increase potency, but also to rejuvenate. By the way, it was Voronov who served as the prototype for Professor Preobrazhensky in Bulgakov’s novel “The Heart of a Dog”. But the Petersburg doctor could not achieve any serious results.

- And how then can you raise the level of testosterone and reverse the aging process?

- There are two ways. The first one is classic, when patients are given ready-made hormone. This is the so-called replacement therapy. The second, fundamentally new method, we developed at the Department of Andrology at the Center for Endocrinology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. It is aimed at stimulating the production of your own testosterone. This was made possible thanks to a series of discoveries that we made.

For example, our studies have shown that the nature of male menopause is fundamentally different than that of women. If in women there is an irreversible death of the testicles, then in men the testes do not die with age and are able to respond to stimulating therapy. The patient needs to prescribe drugs that will launch the production of their own testicles and, accordingly, the production of their testosterone.

But, of course, this is not suitable for all patients. In some cases, hormone replacement therapy is indispensable. However, it is not necessary to be afraid of it. Some people do not want to take hormones, because it is believed that the body in this case, as it were, learns to develop its own. This is not true for all hormones. Even if a man is forced to take testosterone for life, there’s nothing terrible about it. Three months after he stops drinking the drug, he will have the same level as before the treatment. Testicles, I repeat, do not die.

This feature is used to create male contraceptives. While a man drinks a contraceptive drug, he does not produce testosterone (and for normal spermatogenesis you need your own hormone). But as soon as he stops taking the drug, everything is restored. In general, the male reproductive system is very stable. If it could easily be irreversibly incapacitated, people would simply cease to multiply.

Another way to increase testosterone levels is to win regularly. Not by chance, it is also called the winners hormone. The level of testosterone in the blood rises after a successful solution of problems, winning in any competition (even in the home competition for the fastest dishwashing). At this point, there is a release of a large amount of hormone, which leads a man into a state of euphoria.

I note that the feeling of joy that encompasses the winner, moreover, slows down the formation of stress hormones. And, by the way, you can start to increase the level of testosterone with victories on the ... love front.
