Saturday, June 29, 2019

CloSYS Fluoride Toothpaste, 7 Ounce, Gentle Mint, Whitening, Enamel Protection, Sulfate Free

CloSYS Fluoride Toothpaste, 7 Ounce, Gentle Mint, Whitening, Enamel Protection, Sulfate Free
CloSYS Fluoride Toothpaste, 7 Ounce, Gentle Mint, Whitening, Enamel Protection, Sulfate Free

Prevention of caries: 7 products that will help

Caries is the destruction of tooth enamel, which can lead to tooth loss and gum disease, if you do not time to treat it. Caries begins when monosaccharides remain on the surface of the teeth for a long time and provoke the development of pathogenic bacteria that corrode tooth enamel. In addition, the reason may be in the previously installed seals. Those fillings that were made in your youth weaken, crack around the edges as you grow older. Bacteria immediately enter these cracks and wham — caries begins! According to the American Dental Association, the good news is the fact that caries can be prevented by following these four simple steps:

Brush your teeth twice a day with a high fluoride paste;
Daily use dental floss;
Regularly undergo professional cleaning and examination of the oral cavity by a specialist;
Eat nutritious foods and limit sweets.

Despite the fact that the sweet food can provoke the development of caries, there are also products that help you avoid the sound of the drill.

One apple a day - and you can forget about visiting the dentist. As shown by experimental animal tests, eating apples helps saliva to clean the teeth, and the flavonoids contained in apples stop the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

Eating cheese helps improve oral health by preventing demineralization of the teeth; and protein, which is contained in cheese, helps to neutralize the acid, which provokes the appearance of caries. Cheese contains casein - a type of protein that helps remineralize tooth enamel. You do not need to eat kilograms of cheese - only five grams of this product is already effective to prevent caries. One of the latest studies on the relationship between cheese consumption and the development of caries was conducted with the participation of animals. Scientists fed experimental rats bread and Emmental cheese and found that this product lowers the risk of caries.

What do tea, coffee and cocoa have in common? That's right, polyphenols! It is these unique herbal components that play an important role in preventing the development of caries, because they can neutralize the bacteria. Cocoa polyphenols reduce acid secretion by Streptococcus and S.sanguinis bacteria - “bad” bacteria that secrete a caustic acid that burns holes in your teeth. It should be clarified that we need exactly cocoa powder, and not chocolate. Cocoa bean extract was given to rats infected with the streptococcus bacterium. In rats that used cocoa extract, the level of development of bacteria in the mouth and caries was much less.

Flavonoids are known for their antimicrobial effects and seem to be helpful in preventing tooth decay. Cranberries, like many other berries, are incredibly rich in these ingredients and organic acids. The flavonoids contained in cranberries and blueberries prevent bacteria from sticking to the surfaces of the teeth. Studies have shown that cranberries reduce the amount of bacteria that are provoked by the appearance of caries in the saliva.

Despite the fact that peanuts and peanut butter contain the same fibers, experts believe that it is the food that needs to be chewed helps to cope with the accumulation of plaque. Peanuts are considered one of the least cariogenic (which causes caries) products.

Black tea
Read about other useful properties of tea here . Tea should be drunk without sugar, because it is sugar that provokes the appearance of caries. Tea contains a lot of flavonols, such as epigallocatechin, and it is they who, as studies have shown, help to stop the growth of "harmful" bacteria. In addition, tea leaves contain fluoride, a mineral that helps maintain oral health by strengthening the mineral component of teeth. You can even brew tea in tap water, which also usually contains fluoride. Researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago discovered natural chemicals in black tea that stop the release of glucosyltransferase, an enzyme that helps plaque to stick to tooth enamel.

Unsweetened yogurt or kefir
Regular kefir or yogurt mixed with sweet fruit with a high fiber content acts as a kind of toothbrush, thus preventing sugars from sticking to the surface of the teeth. Yogurt contains calcium and phosphorus, which are the most important elements in the remineralization of teeth; often these two minerals are destroyed by acid in the mouth. Kefir is also rich in protein, and is a source of magnesium, riboflavin, folic acid, and vitamin B12. The study, which was attended by 2,058 children aged three years, showed that eating fermented dairy products lowers the risk of caries. The level of acidity in the oral cavity in adults who drink yoghurt, fermented milk and fermented dairy products was closer to normal.
