Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Green Lumber [10 Pack] Supply - All Natural Testosterone Booster Made with Pure Eurycoma Longifolia

Green Lumber [10 Pack] Supply - All Natural Testosterone Booster Made with Pure Eurycoma Longifolia
Green Lumber [10 Pack] Supply - All Natural Testosterone Booster Made with Pure Eurycoma Longifolia

How to increase hormone levels

Hormones play a vital role in many different processes that take place in the human body. They are necessary for growth and development, reproduction, metabolism and sexual function. [1] The main suppliers of hormones to the body are the pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenal glands and pancreas. In addition, the testes in men and the ovaries in women produce hormones that are responsible for reproductive and sexual function. With a lack of any hormone (for example, testosterone, estrogen or cortisol), its level can be increased using various methods.
Method 1
Increase testosterone levels

Determine if your testosterone level is low. Consult with a doctor if you have lowered sexual desire, you have problems with erection, depression, problems with concentration and memory. These symptoms may indicate a reduced testosterone level. The doctor will be able to confirm low testosterone levels with a blood test. [2]

Talk to your doctor about hormone therapy. Low testosterone syndrome is known as hypogonadism. If you are diagnosed with hypogonadism, your doctor may recommend replacement therapy. In this case, to maintain the level of the hormone in the body, a course of treatment with synthetic testosterone is prescribed. [3]
In no case do not start taking testosterone without a doctor's recommendation, because during treatment, you should carefully monitor the level of hormone in the body. Excess testosterone is no better than its lack.
If hormone replacement therapy does not suit you, you can turn to natural methods of increasing testosterone levels.
Image titled Raise Hormone Levels Step 3
Lose weight. Testosterone is a steroid hormone, that is, it is soluble in fats. Accordingly, if you are overweight, then part of testosterone is stored in fatty tissues and does not participate in the processes occurring in the body. This means that there can be enough testosterone in your body, but part of it does not do any good. You can increase testosterone levels naturally by simply losing weight. [four]
The main cause of obesity is refined sugar. Avoid sugary drinks, processed and sweet foods.
Refined carbohydrates, which are rich in various flour products, bagels, waffles, pretzels, ice cream, cookies, cakes, muffins, waffles, corn and potato chips, ketchup and most other processed foods, quickly split into sugars in the body. Try to reduce the consumption of these products to a minimum.
Eat more vegetables. Vegetables slow down the absorption of sugar in the intestines and cleanse the body of harmful fats. Try to eat 5 servings of vegetables daily.
Engage in intense sports exercises. Intense physical exertion for a short time is more beneficial for raising testosterone levels than moderate and longer workouts. Such high-intensity exercises improve the functioning of testosterone receptors in the body. This helps the body produce enough testosterone without putting additional stress on the cells that release this hormone. [five]
Warm up for three minutes before training. Then do it as quickly and intensively as possible for 30 seconds. You can do swimming, cycling or jogging on a treadmill. After a 30 second peak load, slowly slow down for 90 seconds.
Repeat the cycle of peak load and relaxation 7-8 times. The total duration of the workout should be 20 minutes.
Use zinc. This trace element is necessary for the production of sperm and testosterone synthesis. It increases libido and supports normal sexual function. Large amounts of zinc are found in meat, fish, unpasteurized milk, cheese, beans, and yogurt. You can also take dietary supplements with zinc. [6]
Maintain a normal level of vitamin D. This vitamin is necessary for the normal quality and quantity of sperm. It also increases testosterone levels, which increases libido. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin from cholesterol under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
If you want to increase the level of vitamin D in the body, take a sun bath. Spend in the sun for 20-30 minutes so that the light falls on the bare arms, legs, back and other parts of the body.
A good source of vitamin D is also fish and fish oil.
A large amount of vitamin D is found in mushrooms.

Reduce stress . When you experience stress, your body produces cortisol - a hormone that helps to cope with stress. Cortisol mobilizes the human body, awakens the survival instinct and at the same time significantly reduces the effect of testosterone. To testosterone acted in full force, you should get rid of stress. [7]
Sign up for a massage.
Attend a yoga class.
Take enough time to sleep. Every night should sleep for 8 hours.

Pay attention to your medications. Some drugs can suppress the production of testosterone or reduce its activity. Consult with your doctor about the change of medications taken or their dosage. [eight]
Opioid drugs (Fentanyl, MS-Contin, Oxycontin), corticosteroids (prednisolone) and anabolic steroids (nandrolone) have a similar effect.
Before making any changes in taking medications, you should consult with your doctor. Do not try to experiment with the dosage yourself.

Method 2
Estrogen Rising

Determine if your estrogen levels are low. Usually, a low estrogen level is observed during menopause, however, some other psychological or physiological problems can also be caused, including reduced ovarian function, eating disorders and / or excessive exercise, which reduces the amount of adipose tissue, childbirth, and breastfeeding. as well as some conceiving aids. Symptoms of estrogen deficiency include an unexpected sharp rise in temperature, which is accompanied by increased sweating and frequent heartbeat, irregular menstrual cycle and amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), vaginal dryness, loss of sexual desire, low mood, low bone density (which can lead to fractures even with lung damage). See your doctor if you experience these symptoms. [9]
The normal level of estrogen in women before menopause is between 50 and 400 pg / ml.
Since the level of tarragon in a healthy person varies widely, several tests and analyzes are required to identify the real problem. In particular, it is necessary to investigate the level of other hormones, such as progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and some other hormones.
Talk to your doctor about hormone therapy. If you find low levels of estrogen (especially if it is caused by menopause), your doctor may recommend hormone therapy. There are two main types of estrogen replacement therapy: systemic hormone therapy and the use of small doses of vaginal preparations. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Discuss them with your doctor and determine if hormone therapy is right for you. [ten]
Observe moderation during exercise. It has been found that intense exercise leads to a decrease in estrogen levels. Daily 30-minute workouts will help you maintain optimal weight, prevent heart disease and other health problems, but longer classes are not necessary. Try to change your training regimen and / or reduce their intensity to raise the level of estrogen in the body. [eleven]
Intense exercise burns fat and, as a result, the body simply has no place to store estrogen. That is why athletes sometimes have irregular menstruation.
To maintain a normal level of estrogen, should be limited to moderate exercise. Refrain from intense workouts.
Eat a balanced diet. A healthy diet will help you maintain a normal level of estrogen. In particular, avoid refined carbohydrates and sugars that are found in foods such as various flour products, bagels, waffles, pretzels, and most other processed foods. Instead, eat foods rich in protein and dietary fiber. [12]
Simple carbohydrates quickly break down in the body into glucose and other easily digestible sugars. It increases insulin resistance and interferes with the normal functioning of natural estrogen.
On the other hand, eating foods that are low in fat and high in dietary fiber increases estrogen levels. In your diet should be enough fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those that are rich in dietary fiber.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure to eat foods rich in phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are natural substances whose action is similar to that of estrogen. Phytoestrogens contained in food can serve as a good substitute for estrogen. [13] Phytoestrogens are found in most plant foods, and the following foods are especially rich in them:
Soybeans, chickpeas, cereal bran, peas, beans, pinto beans, lima beans, flax seeds, legumes, vegetables and fruits. Try to eat 2-4 servings of these products daily.
Observe the measure. Since phytoestrogens compete with estrogen receptors, an excessive amount of them can suppress the production of estrogen in the body.

Stop smoking . The substances contained in tobacco smoke seriously affect the production of estrogen and its metabolism. Immediate tobacco cessation will help you increase estrogen production and will greatly benefit your health.
Decide why you want to quit smoking.
Make a plan.
Implement your plan.
Think about therapeutic methods to help you stop smoking.

Drink coffee. Caffeine stimulates the production of a variety of hormones, including estrogen. Only 2-3 cups of coffee per day will increase your estrogen level. Drink black coffee or coffee with milk, and do not add sugar and sweeteners to it. [14]

Method 3
Increased cortisol levels

Determine if your cortisol level is lowered. This hormone helps to cope with stress. As a rule, cortisol levels increase in situations where we experience physical or emotional stress — for example, during intense exercise, infection, or injury. Take a blood test so that your doctor can determine the level of cortisol in your body. [15]
Symptoms of low cortisol include chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, low blood pressure leading to dizziness and fainting, hypoglycemia, increased anxiety, severe premenstrual syndrome, inability to cope with stress.

Talk to your doctor about hormone therapy. If you are diagnosed with low cortisol (the acute form is called "adrenal insufficiency"), your doctor may recommend hormone therapy, in which you should take "bioidentical" cortisol. This drug is very effective for adrenal insufficiency, but its reception can adversely affect the production of natural cortisol in the body. Discuss these questions with your doctor and decide if hormone therapy is right for you. [sixteen]

Reduce stress . The production of cortisol increases dramatically during stressful situations, but the longer the adrenal glands have to work for wear, the more they get tired. Lack of stress will help you gradually increase the production of cortisol and avoid sudden spikes in its level. [17]
To get rid of stress, start a blog or diary, do yoga or meditate.
Spend more time with family or friends, and not alone.
At the first sign of stress, take a break and take a few deep breaths.

Take enough time to sleep. The maximum amount of cortisol is produced during deep sleep. Thus, it takes 6-8 hours of a good night’s sleep to maintain normal cortisol levels. [18]
Try to go to bed at the same time. This will help the adrenal glands to adapt to the regular production of cortisol. Irregular sleep makes it difficult for the adrenal glands to function normally.
A quiet and calm sleeping environment is essential for the effective functioning of the adrenal glands. Make sure the bedroom is dark and quiet.

Try taking dietary supplements with licorice. Licorice contains glycyrrhizic acid, which slows down the decomposition of cortisol in the liver, due to which the level of cortisol gradually increases. [nineteen]
Food supplements with licorice are available in the form of tablets or capsules.
Take 1-2 tablets in the morning when cortisol levels rise.

Maintain normal levels of thyroid hormones. These hormones are essential for the normal functioning of cortisol. Cortisol and thyroid hormones complement each other and enhance mutual action. [20]
Low levels of thyroid hormones can lead to the same symptoms as low cortisol levels, even with a normal concentration of the latter.
If you have symptoms that are characteristic of low cortisol, consult your doctor to check the level of thyroid hormones. The level of teriotropic hormone will allow to identify possible problems with the thyroid gland.

Follow a healthy diet. Products rich in trans fats and cholesterol dramatically increase cortisol levels. Avoid trans fats found in red meat, butter, and cooking oil. Try to eat more foods from whole grains, vegetables and fruits. In particular, citrus fruits (such as grapefruit) break down enzymes that inhibit cortisol production, so add grapefruits to your diet.
