Tuesday, June 25, 2019

PRIMASURGE Testosterone Booster for Men - Boost Lean Muscle Growth, Strength, Energy & Fat Loss | Natural Test Booster Supplement w/Premium PrimaVie, Ashwagandha & More - 60 Veggie Pills

PRIMASURGE Testosterone Booster for Men - Boost Lean Muscle Growth, Strength, Energy & Fat Loss | Natural Test Booster Supplement w/Premium PrimaVie, Ashwagandha & More - 60 Veggie Pills
PRIMASURGE Testosterone Booster for Men - Boost Lean Muscle Growth, Strength, Energy & Fat Loss | Natural Test Booster Supplement w/Premium PrimaVie, Ashwagandha & More - 60 Veggie Pills

Effective ways to raise testosterone levels

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced mainly by the testes, often associated with the personification of "masculinity" (although women also have testosterone).

In fact, it plays an important role in the sexual and reproductive life of a man, influencing factors such as sexual and reproductive function, muscle mass and hair growth, as well as such less noticeable but no less important aspects, such as maintaining bone density. , red blood cell levels and well-being.

Starting at around 30 years of age, the level of testosterone in men begins to decline, over the years has been steadily falling.

Testosterone production in men is adversely affected by a wide range of chemicals, including prescription drugs, such as statins. At the same time, the level of estrogen is usually increased due to the ubiquitous effects of imitating substances contained in the pollutants of food, water and the environment.

How to fill?

If you are a man and you experience these symptoms:

decrease in sexual desire

erectile disfunction,

depressed mood

difficulty concentrating and memory

and you think that low testosterone is to blame for all this, you can check it out. Since testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day, you’ll probably need something more than a blood test to find out the real picture.

If the testosterone level is really low, then there are a number of synthetic and bioidentical products testosterone, as well as DHEA - the prohormone androgen precursor, abundantly available in the human body - this means that it is the largest raw material that the body uses for the production of other vital hormones, including testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

I recommend using only bioidentical hormones and only under the supervision of a holistic medicine doctor who will monitor hormone levels to make sure that you need to take extra.

But before you choose this path, learn about the many other strategies that you can use to increase testosterone levels naturally. They are suitable for almost everyone, since they have only beneficial "side effects".

9 ways to increase testosterone levels naturally

9 effective ways to raise testosterone levels naturally

1. Lose weight

If you are overweight, then dropping extra pounds will be able to increase testosterone levels, according to a study presented at a meeting of the Society of Endocrinologists in 2012. To begin with, overweight men are more prone to lower testosterone levels , so this is an important step to increase testosterone production in the body when you need it.

If you are serious about losing weight, you need to strictly limit the amount of processed sugar in your diet, as more and more data show that excess sugar and, in particular, fructose is the main factor in the obesity epidemic . Therefore, eliminate sweet carbonated water from the diet - this is important, as is the restriction of fructose, which is present in processed foods, fruit juice, excess fruit and so-called "healthy" sweeteners, such as agave syrup.

In addition to the elimination or severe restriction of fructose, it is extremely important to eliminate from the diet all grains and milk (even raw) . Milk has sugar called lactose, which, as has been proven, increases insulin resistance, so if you want to lose weight, it is wise to refuse milk.

Refined carbohydrates , such as breakfast cereals, bread rolls, waffles, bagels, pretzels, and most other processed foods, are also quickly broken down into sugar, increasing insulin levels and causing insulin resistance, and this is the fundamental factor number one of almost all known chronic diseases, including weight gain.

When you eliminate these sources of problems from your meals, you will need to replace them with healthy alternatives , such as vegetables, and healthy fats (including natural saturated fats!). The body prefers to get carbohydrates with micronutrient-rich vegetables, not grains and sugars, because vegetables slow down the conversion to simple sugars, such as glucose, and reduce insulin levels.

When you exclude from the diet of grain and sugar, you will need to drastically increase the number of vegetables that you eat, as well as try to regularly consume proteins and healthy fats.

2. Performing high intensity exercises

It is proven that testosterone levels increase both intermittent fasting and short intense exercise.

Short intense workouts have a beneficial effect on the growth level and prevent its decline . Unlike aerobics or long-term exercises of moderate intensity, which have been proven to have a negative or negative effect on testosterone levels.

Periodic starvation increases testosterone levels by increasing the expression of satiety hormones, including insulin, leptin, adiponectin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), cholecystokinin (CCK) and melanocortins, known for their ability to enhance the beneficial effect of testosterone, increase libido and prevent age-related lower testosterone levels.

After a workout, eat something with whey protein - this will further enhance the effect of saturation / increase in testosterone levels (hunger hormones affect testosterone and libido in the opposite way).

Here is a brief description of a typical high-intensity peak fitness complex:

Warm up for three minutes.

Doing the exercise - as much and quickly as you can, for 30 seconds. You must feel that you cannot continue a second more.

Recover at a slow or moderate pace for 90 seconds.

Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery 7 more times.

As you can see, the whole training takes only 20 minutes. This is really a beautiful thing. Of these 20 minutes, 75 percent of the time is allotted for a warm-up, a recovery, or a hitch. In fact, intensive work takes 4 minutes.

3. Consume more zinc.

Mineral zinc is very important for the production of testosterone, and its addition to the diet for six weeks showed a significant improvement in testosterone levels in men with low levels.

Similarly, studies have shown that limiting dietary sources of zinc leads to a significant decrease in testosterone levels, while supplements with zinc increase it - and even protect men from a decrease in testosterone levels caused by exercise.

The best source of zinc is the diet ; along with protein-rich foods such as meat and fish, other good nutritional sources of zinc include milk, raw cottage cheese, beans, and yogurt or raw milk kefir.

If you are a vegetarian or, on the contrary, a meat eater, it may be difficult to get enough zinc from food, mainly due to traditional farming methods that rely heavily on the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. These chemicals deplete the nutrients in the soil, such as zinc, for example, which plants must absorb to pass them on to you.

In many cases, you yourself even more destroy nutrients in foods during their preparation. Culinary processing of most foods (and especially excessive, which many of us sin) dramatically reduces the level of nutrients in them, such as zinc.

If you decide to take zinc supplements, stick to a dose of no more than 40 mg per day , as this is the recommended upper limit for adults. Too much zinc can impair the body’s ability to absorb other minerals, especially copper, and may cause nausea as a side effect.

4. Strength training

In addition to peak fitness, strength training is also a well-known way to increase testosterone levels , provided that you are really hard at work. When doing strength exercises to increase testosterone, it is better to increase weight and reduce the number of repetitions, and then focus on exercises that work out a large number of muscles, such as deadlifts or squats.

Slow down, you do the training in “turbo mode”. By slowing down movements, you essentially turn them into high-intensity ones. Super slow motion allows the muscles at the microscopic level to gain access to the maximum number of cross bridges between the fibers of the proteins that produce movement in the muscles.

5. Optimizing Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone necessary for healthy development of the nucleus of a sperm cell, it helps to maintain sperm quality and sperm count. Vitamin D also increases testosterone levels, which can increase libido.

Therefore, the first step to obtaining all the beneficial properties of vitamin D is to find out its level in the body using an analysis of the level of 25 (OH) D, or, as it is also called, 25-hydroxyvitamin D.

A few years ago, the recommended level was 40 to 60 nanograms per milliliter (ng / ml), but recently the level of vitamin D 50-70 ng / ml is considered optimal.

The BEST way to ensure that vitamin D levels are within the recommended range is sun exposure; Substitute the sun's rays as much as possible to the skin surface until it turns slightly pink, preferably at midday - usually this is enough to ensure the production of vitamin D in the right amount. If you cannot stay in the sun, you can use a safe tanning bed (only with electronic, and not with magnetic ballast, to avoid unnecessary exposure to electromagnetic fields).

In extreme cases, you can take vitamin D3 supplements orally, but research shows that an adult needs to take 8,000 IU of vitamin D per day to raise levels above 40 ng / ml, which is the absolute minimum for preventing diseases.

6. Reducing stress

When you experience severe stress, the body releases a large amount of stress hormone cortisol . This hormone actually blocks the action of testosterone, presumably due to the fact that, from a biological point of view, the behavior associated with testosterone (mating, competition, aggression) reduces the chances of survival in an emergency situation (therefore, the dominant reaction due to cortisol is " fight or run ").

In today's world, chronic stress and the associated increase in cortisol levels can mean a long-term blocking of testosterone, which is exactly what you are trying to avoid.

My favorite way to manage stress is EFT (emotional freedom technique) , which is similar to acupuncture, only without needles. This is a convenient and free way to unload emotional baggage quickly and painlessly, besides, it is so simple that even children can master it.

Other common and successful ways to reduce stress include , for example, prayer, meditation, laughter and yoga.

7. Limiting or eliminating sugar intake.

After you eat sugar, your testosterone levels go down - probably because sugar increases insulin levels, which is another factor leading to low testosterone levels.

Remember that it is necessary to limit the consumption of products containing additional sugar and fructose, as well as cereals.

If you are struggling with sugar addiction, and you find it difficult to cope with sweets, I strongly recommend trying the method of energy psychology, called turbo-tapping, that helped many “soda fans” get rid of their sweet habits.

8. Eating healthy fats

Useful - it is not only mono - and polyunsaturated fats, such as in avocados and nuts , but also saturated, because they are very important for increasing testosterone levels. Studies show that a diet that contains less than 40 percent of the energy in the form of fat (and that mainly of animal origin, i.e. saturated), leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

My personal diet consists of 60-70 percent of healthy fats, and other experts agree that the ideal diet includes from 50 to 70 percent of fat.

It is important to understand that the body needs saturated fats of animal and vegetable origin (for example, meat, dairy products, some oils, and tropical plants, such as coconuts) for optimal performance , and, if you ignore this important food group, preferring sugar, grain and other carbohydrates, your weight and health are almost guaranteed to suffer.

9. Increased consumption of branched chain amino acids (BCAA)

Studies show that BCAAs lead to increased testosterone levels, especially if taken along with resistance training. Although there is BCAA in the form of additives, their highest concentration, for example, leucine, in dairy products, especially in high-quality whey protein cheese.

Even when you get natural nutritional leucine, it is often wasted or used as a building block instead of an anabolic substance. Therefore, in order to create the necessary anabolic environment, one should increase the consumption of leucine above the usual level.

At the same time keep in mind that the use of leucine in the form of a free amino acid can be very counterproductive, because when amino acids in a free form are introduced artificially, they quickly enter the circulatory system, disrupting the function of insulin and, consequently, the glycemic control of the body. Therefore, the ideal form of leucine - from food , that it will be useful for muscles and has no side effects.
