Saturday, June 29, 2019

Aquafresh Extreme Clean Whitening Action Twin Pack Toothpaste, 5.6 Ounce

Aquafresh Extreme Clean Whitening Action Twin Pack Toothpaste, 5.6 Ounce
Aquafresh Extreme Clean Whitening Action Twin Pack Toothpaste, 5.6 Ounce

How to prevent tooth decay?

The reason most often addressed to the dentist is caries. By this condition is meant the defeat of solid layers of the tooth, starting with the destruction of enamel. If you ignore prophylactic visits to the dentist, the carious process spreads deep, which causes the formation of cavities. Small pieces of food get into these openings and, as a result, the inflammatory process begins, leading to destruction and complete loss of a tooth. All teeth are subject to caries, regardless of whether they are dairy or following them.

How to prevent tooth decay?
As practice shows, not all adults have the proper technique for brushing their teeth. Such dental illiteracy can lead to the fact that the enamel is damaged and caries will develop. To eliminate gaps in this matter, it is better to contact your dentist. Explaining the rules for caring for the oral cavity is his direct responsibility.
To remove food debris from the interdental space, when it is not possible to brush your teeth, you can use a toothpick and dental floss. Unfortunately, most people do not have the habit of using them. It should be remembered that the use of dental floss requires certain skills, otherwise it is possible to damage the gums, which will entail an inflammatory process. That is why children should not use these devices on their own.
The use of rinses - also should be considered as an element of oral hygiene. Many people ignore him. The purpose of these fluids is to remove pathogens, keep the balance of acid and alkali under control. The components included in the rinse remover have an unpleasant odor, promote the healing of microcracks and scratches on the gums. There are in modern pharmacology and tools designed specifically for children.

What is caries?

In dentistry, caries is understood as a difficult and slow pathological process in solid dental tissues. It develops under the influence of adverse factors, both internal and external.
Pathological process develops due to the damaging effects of bacteria. The mouth of each person is the habitat of many microorganisms. It is known that two hours after brushing, their number reaches 1 million. The main enemy of the teeth is bacteria from the family of streptococci, whose activity is determined by the presence of predisposing factors. For example, caries most often develops due to improper oral hygiene and the use of refined food in the diet. The quality of drinking water also matters: an inadequate level of fluoride in it increases the likelihood of caries. The same consequences result from a significant deviation from the teething schedule, especially if it was observed against the background of transferred tuberculosis or rickets. Decrease in protective forces, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are predisposing for the occurrence of caries.

Brushing your teeth
Is it possible to prevent the development of "holes" in the teeth? Of course, the habit to clean the dentition is of great importance in this. It should be formed from early childhood to bring the action to automatism.
It is important to remember that brushing teeth in children has certain characteristics. Parents should instill in the child the habit of proper oral care. The first couple of years of the baby’s life are carried out by adults, then the child must do it himself, but under the strict supervision of the parents. And by the age of five, independently monitor oral hygiene.
The general rule for all is to brush your teeth twice, in the morning and at night. Morning processing is done after the first meal in order to remove the remnants of food that, remaining in the interdental space, will become a source of disease processes. Evening brushing completes the daily cycle of oral care. Children, regardless of age, should also follow this algorithm.
It is important to carefully care for the brush, regularly changing it - this is an important contribution to the fight against carious process. If a person does not have the habit of rinsing the brush well, changing it every three months, the risk of caries will increase dramatically.

Children have caries more often than adults: truth or myth?

On numerous websites, pages of glossy magazines there is information that caries is primarily a children's problem. Such a statement was true at the time when fluorine-containing pastes were not available. Today, pharmacy chains offer many pastes that can be used by children of different ages. For each category, it is easy to choose a paste with its own fluorine content.
Dental practice has shown that among elderly patients carious processes are not less common than in children. One of the reasons is medication that can cause a feeling of dryness in the mouth. It is known that saliva helps to reduce the aggressiveness of acids coming from food and drink, does not allow food to stick to the teeth. Its absence provokes the development of carious process.

Can tooth decay cause bad breath?
Many people are familiar with the situation when an unpleasant smell comes from the mouth. The reason for this phenomenon is not related to the use of products with a bright taste (onions, garlic). Of course, caries can cause the smell from the mouth, but not the main one. Most often, its appearance is caused by bacteria that have accumulated in the periodontal pockets.
Reproductive pathogenic bacteria leads poor-quality care for the oral cavity, resulting in not only a carious process, but also bad breath or halitosis, as it is called in dentistry.
Halitosis can also be caused by inflammation of the gums, chronic tonsillitis, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Medical practice confirmed: all these pathological processes are a consequence of caries. This disease is a consequence of the destruction of tooth enamel. The resulting cavity becomes the habitat of an ever-increasing colony of pathogenic microbes. In addition, food accumulates here, which rots and exudes an unpleasant odor.
